If we took all the people right now living at this very second and teleported ourselves to an earth with zero technological advancement, and I mean zero to where nobody has anything started, would society be smart enough to look at the jews and go "don't even think of making the banks, that's off limits for you"?
Also, how long do you think it would take for society to get back to where it is today if we started ground zero? A few years? Everyone would have to work from knowledge of what they know. No schematics would be available, no factories. It would be a fresh start.
I'm sure billions of people would beg Elon Musk to start a well and make electricity.
Well Elon Musk would probably be dead, I know he's smart, but not I can live in the fucking jungle butt naked smart. I would assume most people would be dead soon. The ones who would wave the best shot would be the ones already living naked in the jungle... Kinda scary actually.
Yeh but it wouldn't technically be the jungle if you lived in the USA, if anything it would be the Wild West in a few weeks and I'm sure people know how to make guns from simple things.
Drumpf would be executed day one
With what? There are no guns or swords lel
>dont spam shit
>right in the sticky
>puts a man in a mobile home; cuts off all the doors and sling shots him to pluto
remember kids, when the ayys invade they wont be in plymouths theyll be inside kraut or jap cars OOOOOOOO
What??? They are going to dig iron ore, with their bare hands, then they have to mine ether metals to make steel, fuck they have to build a fucking foundry to melt the fucking steel, with no fucking tools. Not to mention we still don't have electricity. Oh and all the rape and murder would take some time get under control. Fuck all that, what the fuck are we gonna eat?
Yea, I'm sure we'd all be sipping margaritas in no time.
you see this that's why you die first, stupidity will be lethal so, you die first...
This is true, if anything the people from all the prisons would be loose and raping and murdering everyone. It would be absolute chaos and I think it would be quite some time until a society would even be made.
Sorry, I guess I'm suppose to be more clever and say "DURRR LETS BASH PEOPLE WITH BIG ROCK"
People would gravitate around confident and charismatic people for guidance and leadership. If these leaders are smart they'll organize assign everyone a duty based on their skills. To get anywhere close what we are at now we would need to smelt ores and know how to find it. There's also a whole host of skills that would be needed beforehand as well, such as nursery, sewing [requires animal husbandry, shepherding, farming, etc], leathercraft [requires hunting], fishing, construction,and so on. Glass work is something that may be overlooked in everyday life but it is important as it adds quality of life, allows chemical manipulation and so on. Creating paper and ink will be crucial as well, to document things and pass information to new recipients as knowledge is shared and passed on to the next generations. I think if everything goes well humanity could have a semblance of the 19th century in 70-100 years, but with niggers, mestizos and hispanics around it could take a lot longer like 200-300 years, not mentioning the religion problem.
I can imagine ISIS just throwing rocks at everyone. The religion problem would be fucking horrible.
It would thousands of years. First, most of those smart people would be dead in two months, as would 90% percent of the rest of humanity. If there are no books we are fucked. There are far to many people on this planet to be sustained by hunter gather techniques. Hell it would take a year to grow a set of crops. Most knowledge would be lost in less than a year. No books would be the end of all human knowledge. If we had books I'd say two three hundred just to get electricity back.
I'm liking thinking about this. I bet there would be many things that are the same, but even better or done in a cleaner/more efficient way, or perhaps just a more elaborate and beautiful way, because we don't have the cost and inconvenience of tearing the old down.
Roads in my city are fucked because they were built before the houses. Too expensive to change now. Imagine if they suddenly disappeared and we could start again! They'd be much better.
Truly with no books we would be utterly fucked
I think at this point the famous could get there adoring obsessive fans to do things for them in exchange for locks of hair. Elon wouldn't give way his expensive hair but he'd rally people together to complete basic tasks with his appointed fame-charisma.
Cause really you're starting square one with tech, not with our memories of each other.
Any blunt or sharp object. No rocks in space??
I bet it would be very tense until the first rapist steps up and pulls game. Then more would follow. It's like the first person to jump in the pool at a house party.
Exactly. If anything Elon would have a soyboy army/fangirls to fetch him water and food as he literally rebuilds an empire slowly. The fucker could probably do it, but would need the aid of electricians and plumbers etc
Elon could do this but as much as people love facebook and amazon, Bezos and Zuckerburg couldn't pull it off to the same degree. So if they team up against him then we got factions of smart people with opposing legions of laborers building empires and it's our bullshit planet all over again.
Hard mode: the first 60 days starting at level 1, all the really smart people are in comas in a giant impenetrable steel box on a time lock so there's no one to hide behind.
The hardmode would be utter fucking end of us all haha
OK Satan, maybe you could get people to do your bidding, but elon and would be dead from starvation in I'd say 4 months tops. Most of the world would die, life expectancy would drop to 30. The next generation would be drooling idiots, and would look at the "first earthers" like they fucking insane and wouldn't have a clue what the fuck we were talking about. And, they would probably be too busy trying to get food to even care about "original earth" fairytale land.
No one is going to give a shit after the first 24 hours fighting the others and looking for food and water.
Random soyboy: I wish youtube existed so I could google how to hunt a bunny. Not to eat but to cuddle
Fucking kek
Humanity would literally eat itself alive and we would be brought back to a permanent darkage.
Everything nice about old earth would go down the drain in about 1 year. After an entirely new generation has grown up in the new planet, it's basically over for human technological advancement for thousands of years.
Haha, good. kek imagine waking up on Mars and you leave your safe room and it's just bodies everywhere.
Thinking about Elon starving and cold and possibly injured and still struggling to make something useful for others - on the planet which was suppose to deliver him from all his depression and Earthly insecurities - is turning me on hc
I was careful with my wording, I was being very optimistic. I mostly agree with you though, but even then it doesn't mean we couldn't make "books" though. Scrolls and even clay tablets could work for information transfer. Modern man would have to learn how to use less than ideal means to get things done.
But now looking for clay tablet images I wondered how the ancients kept time and how important timekeeping is... There's so much we take for granted today that would be stripped away that's arrogant to claim one thing is important while leaving other areas untouched.
I think books would be the most important. If we could take one thing with us it should be books. Its our combined knowledge, with out them we would lose it all in one generation.
I remember seeing a long time ago this whole archive of time keeping documents from ancient rome and ancient greece, everything organized through this apparent office or person who recorded every live animal that was bought and sold, when, who to who, etc.
A rope
This would make an amazing book.
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Le bump