Space age comes pt 2

Does Sup Forums understand the implications of the falcon heavy being successful today?

The cost of getting tonnage to space is effectively being reduced by 80-90% The commercial implications are massive.

Even if you can’t reuse thenfalcon heavy it only costs $1600 per kilo which is less than half of the closest competition and of course gets cheaper the more you can reuse

Mining asteroids, the moon, communications, r&d, energy production, millitary applications, 0g drydocks, waste management, tourism. The rocky bodies of space are full of rare metals, solidified gasses, fresh water.

Endless opportunity

This is a massive boon for the economics of the world, entire new industries on the verge of being created. Boys, the age of interplanetary civilization is upon us.

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Sup Forums is filled with retarded primitivists who cant comprehend this. I as one of the few fascist technocrats on this board do fully understand the massive implications this can have.

>The cost of getting tonnage to space is effectively being reduced by 80-90%
Has Space X actually figured out how many times they can re-use these rockets and factored that into their price estimates?

posts like these are so fucking gay I hope you know that. literally plebbit-tier in pretentious smugness

>Does Sup Forums understand the implications of the falcon heavy being successful today?
They only got 2/3 back tho.

SpaceX is globalist nonsense. Earth is for humans, for the white man to rule. Fuck you and fuck Mars.

barbie converbertibles. in space!

This board has regular threads talking about hiding in the hills and starting an ethnostate. In an age when we have people working on interplanetary rocketry.

Isolationism is not a winning strategy. Strategies that truly intend to ever win need to be adjusted for the reality of humanity becoming an interplanetary species.

Space is pretty much fake and gay.

Without getting anything reused it costs roughly 1600-2200 per kilo

Hers cheaper with reuse

Musk would like to get rockets reused for years like planes

Don't you see the possibilities? When we colonize the stars we won't make the same mistakes again. Only a select few will go.

KYS you self-important newfag cocksucker.

Here is a diagram of rockets form years back

Falcon heavy is now 90 million to build from Scratch ideally mostly recoverable and reusable for several trips

No. The earth forged man in warfare so that one day we could conquer the stars.

This is the second space age

Kikes in space is your solution?

The real next step in space exploration is when asteroids can be mined for their trillions of dollars worth of metals.

Those select few can be all the niggers in the US for all I care. Ship 'em all to Mars for all I care and cut off contact. I don't understand why people waste their time on this nonsense.

That’s the logical next step

>cost for lifting materials to space falls dramatically
>build larger ships in orbit
>take ships to outer solar system and bring home unheard of wealth in minerals and gasses

The next several decades will be insane

>he still believes the space meme
Honestly I feel bad for you guys. You still think the world works the way ((they)) taught you.

Lol no, the entire cosmos is for us, everything we can touch and strive for, exploration and colonization is in our blood

no no NO We cannot allow the Jew to go into space and spread its degeneracy to the stars.

Our mission is on Earth, what the fuck is there for us to do on Mars or elsewhere?

>globalist nonsense
>is leaving the globe

>what other opportunities exsist in the endless expanse of space

Are you niggers this dense?

>we won't make the same mistakes again

thats where you wrong imo
we're an invasive species, its in our nature to fuck up any places we live into on the long term
so the day we reach interplanetary travels we will care even less about it.
and boy if we can turn a whole planet into a fucking factory we fucknig will

All the worlds are ours - Except Europa.


>Larger payloads = better potential for creating things in LEO
>Use falcon heavies to create Space dock with autonomous drones.
>Drones which can bring asteroids to the space dock to be mined of materials
>Materials can be turned into bigger space craft.

It's the next best thing to a space elevator.

>>what other opportunities exsist in the endless expanse of space

Gas yourself leafcuck, the axis powers both had wonderful visions of mankind taking his place among the stars.

Jews would rather have space money be spent on holocaust museums and gibs for niggers.

but why the pessimism about other frontiers like Antarctica?
would it be easier to build the bases on the ice or below the ice? it sounds like it should be simple to do compared to space

>Misunderstands the de facto definition of globalism in the context of politics and thinks it has anything to do with a geometrical globe

it's pointless
we'll never reach the closest star anyway

Fuck you HAL

Not if the landings fail a lot. Not to shit on the launch, just trying to keep the numbers more realistic. I would also assume more regular reuse as they develop. The real grail is getting beyond chemical rockets, though.

Just wait til some faggot mining company drops an asteroid on a city and successfully appeals the punitive judgement

Don’t forget it being a key tool to get Mars started up and ready to be terraformed

>getting baited this hard

>The real grail is getting beyond chemical rockets, though.
Railgun. Fuckhuge railgun.

>Does Sup Forums understand the implications of the falcon heavy being successful today?


This chart isn't adjusted for inflation. Saturn V cost 185 million back in 1969. The shuttle cost about a billion bucks a launch back in 2011.

Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.


A lot of what Elon does is too fanciful or impractical, but the progress that he's made in reducing the cost of sending stuff to space has been amazing.

Yeah, I don't know that there is a truly feasible way to get beyond chemical rockets. It would likely take a huge amount of infrastructure either way. Baby steps until an industrial breakthrough.

BFR is going to enable affordable orbital insertions and orbital bombardment

>implying that landing 2/3 boosters on its first test flight isn't damn impressive.
they were saying that there was a significant chance that this configuration would explode on the way up. 2/3 for a first test is a success

Do you understand how much raw energy it would take to terraform mars?

Nigger, we don't even have a moon base. terraforming the moon is a much more realistic objective even without an atomosphere.

Ionic engines are fine for basically anything in the solar system, but past there we need tech we haven't invented yet.

>2/3 of the rocket are fine
>even with no recovery falcon heavy is drastically cheaper than previous rockets

Yes it was an amazing success

very cool, but it will always be complex and risky, never routine, specially manned flight, people forget how to do shit fast, and we are getting stupider fast too

nuclear propulsion is the way forward.
essentially using the heat generated by a nuclear reaction to heat and expand a proppelant to provide thrust.
google NERVA and RIFT for more information

>Adjusted to 2016 dollars, that works out to $41.4 billion. In terms of individual launches, the Saturn V would cost $185 million to $189 million, of which $110 million was spent on production alone. Adjusted for inflation, this works out to about $1.23 billion per launch, of which $710 million went toward production.

Quality bate. Have a (((you))).

Or this, nuke propelling is very promising and a hell of a lot less boring than ionic thrust.

Hopefully we don’t make the same mistake and try to bring third world shitskins to the stars with us. Honestly just let earth return to a primitive state under Asian rule while whites relocate to space colonies.

Fucking shame you post this gem and faggots are too dense to appreciate it.

nasa rebranded

1488 in space confirmed

how can I make money with this knowledge

also quite clean given that you take the proper safety precautions. Solid alternative to even chemical launch vehicles. so much so that the Saturn IV-B was originally going to be powered by a nuclear engine.

Galactic White Imperium confirmed

Don't be an idiot. Computers will fly. I wouldn't trust a human to ever literally fly a space craft.

You stupid human monkeys! Once again you're trying to get resources from outer space and again the Dracos are going to level us out. It's already over. I'm going to start working on my cave art to keep memes alive.


A lot. But it’s raw energy that’s harmful to humans. Sending 2 falcon heavies, 1 for each one of mars’s poles loaded with nuclear bombs that will melt the ice at it’s poles effectively jumpstarting it’s Atmosphere up.

The car was complex and risky when we were first building them. This is the process of invention and mass-production.



>nuclear propulsion
why bother when we can surf the pilot waves?

fucking reddit tier b8, kys faggot


Can confirm. Thousands of labor hours over 100+ years went into making even the simplest part in a car work right. There's established standards of making a car that didn't exist at its inception.

There won't be a true space age (for the general public) until anti-gravity craft becomes publicized/industrialized.

These huge ass rockets are too inefficient for the task it's trying to accomplish.

Look at all these shills trying to get us thinking this is a bad idea. The massive amount of wealth and room for growth in the space of our solar system alone should be enough to motivate us into getting vacuum side. These dense fucks want us to not reach for the stars because they know that once the white race in general realizes the possibilities and ease at which we can traverse the expanse, there will be a second age of discovery and colonization that will last for millennia and then the white race will not just flourish as it did during the first age of discovery, but will end up dominating the galaxy in the name of gold, glory and God.

it will just make aerospace companies try to be cheaper instead of abusing their monopoly. It's not going to bring about the space age yet though.

-10/10 bait, do better next time

Why don't they just build a massive rocket to take things into space? You would cut cost per kilo that way as well.

I want to know the technology behind this. I want to know the teams behind this.

Ain't know way modern SJW college punks pulled this off.

inb4 the anti Elon shills.

Being stuck on a rock, floating in emptiness, forever is really exciting?

The problem is, that space colonisation is still sci-fi tier, while political and ethnic tensions are very real and very close.

How many H1Bs you think Musk employs?

Because a nigger might accidentally wander into Antarctica one day. They can't wander onto Mars.

Lofstrom Loop

better question, why the fuck

Can we bring the Japanese along? They don't deserve wasting away on a planet with niggers on it.

For what reason?

What will you find out there?

Just to exploit more for corporate greed and wealth? To extend to fight about resources to the stars? To become space truck drivers?

You wont fight valuable things out there like salvation or forgiveness. The universe is just a small windowless room.

>For what reason?
Because its there.

>Fascist tecnocrat
Fix your life mate

>The cost of getting tonnage to space is effectively being reduced by 80-90% The commercial implications are massive.

How exactly? Rocket launches arent cheap.

OP's ancestors
>Why migrate out of africa
>lets just stay here in our mudhuts and not attempt to progress

Its cheaper when you don't have to make a brand new rocket each time you want to send one up.
Imagine how expensive flying would be if every time a plane flew they threw away the plane afterwards.

once we reach the space elevator our future wwill be secure, but first we have to estabilizise all globe, since its so fragile any country with decent weaapons would be able to shut it down

unironically kill yourself, my man.

> highest average IQ right behind /sci/

Yeah, ok faggot.

with rockets is very simple, the bigger th rocket more fuel you have to add, the more fuel you have the bigger you have to make the rocket, the point is proportion, you ccannot simply make huge rockets becouse then you would have to fill everything with fuel in order to make it fly