Is that a good size?


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Uncut, nice

yep. but trim more and it's a bit pimply. 7.75/10 bonus points for no mark of shebrew

Good for asian girls but not for white girls. They prefer big black cock.

Slight chub detected

oh yeah

Not to hit a nail or flip a burger

It could probably get the job done for some people but not up to my standards.

>pic related, my standards

>tfw kikes ruined my foreskin

Y'all gay. At least it's not cut.

but that's a limp wang, the one you posted only looks proportionally bigger because small balls and from the back. Based on the hand in the photo I can't imagine that unit being more than 7 inches, 7.5 maximum. I thought fags had higher standards.

Is it allowed to post cocks here now? I'll post mine.

Fuck me daddy

The fuck is wrong with your knee dude?

seeing as that's as hard as it ever gets kind of disappointing

>trim more


Sup Forums

Get it fully erect and Jesus trim that shit dude, it adds 1/2 inch too.


ITT: Tiny cocks


Any size is good for the mods.

mods have abandoned this place long ago...

discord gg/CJxwsc

add a .

Sup Forums

would ride. 8/10
restore it
but your crabby dental floss makes you look smaller

Flaccid means nothing. I look around that size flaccid and I'm only 6.2x5.3

>imagine having such a tiny babby dick that you have to cut back your manly pubic hair just to look like you have something

>cutfags face when

I don't see a difference

i'm a G and your dick is ugly

What makes you think that we know what a good size is? Is pol filled with penis experts?

I saw the original chart. You jerk off to the edited version, imagining women to be cock hungry size queens who have no interest in your "small and pathetic" penis. A true "le redpilled" fetish.
Once again,
>Sup Forums

Fellow uncut masterrace reporting in. How moist and sensitive is the head of your penis when you roll back the foreskin?

all bout dat hammer and shwing baby. nothin like dick swagger. no boner even required


phatt. 9

Trim your damn pubes.

Good thing that I don't try to impress gays

why you postin' your dick online then?