Why do liberals asociate being "educated" with disagreeing with right wing ideas?
Why do liberals asociate being "educated" with disagreeing with right wing ideas?
Because it's true. Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.
>educated house cleaner
Because science has a liberal bias.
~adam savage
Because they've been trained to do so.
Pic related. Read a book. ;^)
>most liberals get shit tier degrees
>most college students in real degree programs don't have the free time to spend protesting all day
>plenty of smart conservatives, not many who support this current retard though.
Wtf is liberal about Chemistry and Physics? I can see an argument for Biology but from what I've heard Biology usually explains why traditional roles exist.
Because if you are educated you wouldn't be right-wing
They are brainwashed.
Yes it's not about science. Is about media and state who push only the opinions of left wing "scientists"
Right wingers are going to educate you real soon about the facts of life.
They don't understand the difference between education and indoctrination.
if you were* educated
Because of the influence of the Frankfurt school on modern education, especially in the Humanities.
Sign should read "an educated latina is the Jew's greatest tool".
actually, genetics is quite racist imho
I never met one before.
>Hey look at my fake infograph
Does meme programmes like gender studies count as education?
Because they run away with the fact most college educated people are more liberal, and liberal views have a correlation with high I.Q.
They are smarter by establishment metrics, but the establishment is biased.
Because most "intellectuals" fail ( or refuse) to see the world for what it trully is .
Because congoids and the race mixed red indians and Aztecs we’ve got wandering around this country have brains like that of beasts and they can be molded any which way. Turns out they’re like flies to shit when you tell them they’re actually the greatest but someone else is holding them down. That’s what being educated means. Fuck whitey.
>not an arguement
prove it
Being educated means you've been through the liberal brainwashing facility known as college and are more likely to support communistic ideals.
Whatever practical tools the kikes in here want to pretend it's about.
lots of good answers in thread.
also: stupidity masquerading as intelligence creates psychological fascism.
They will never accept that a point of view is open to debate and refinement because they don't really understand it themselves.
Here ya go, page 127 where the kikes start explaining their massive campaign in 1946 that pushed all this on us.
"In the 2016 election, a wide gap in presidential preferences emerged between those with and without a college degree. College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. Behind Trump’s victory: pewresearch.org
It took me 30 seconds to google this. It’s an analysis that shows significant numbers of college educated voters favored Hillary over Trump. Debunked next...
educated means you do not fall for fallacies and false promises
Its not racist if its true. Thats the whole problem with science now. In order to not hurt people's fee fees genetics and actual science is being thrown out the window for muh feelings. Shit like this is why we will never explore the Cosmos and become a level 2 civilization
>"An educated Latina"
Implying not all Latina are educated. Checks out.
>Why do liberals asociate being "educated" with disagreeing with right wing ideas?
Because they are proud of their leftist indoctrination.
it's a "talking point." something leftist started telling each other as joke a few years ago. today they unironically think it's from some kind of "research"
Conservatives are the unscientific ones. The alt right is scientific.
Conservatives believe the world is 3000 years old, alt right believe in religion as an socio-evolutionary force that keeps madness away
We know this. There are red-blooded blue-collar workers who voted Trump vs the city snowflakes with their woman's studies degrees.
so not voting for Democrats who talk a lot but don't do shit vs Trump who's making good on every single fucking thing he campaigned on? I mean think about that.
Because you have to be literally trained by an authoritarian piece of shit to be a left-winger.
Natural instincts are right-wing and these idiots try to suppress the most basic instincts because "da professor said so"
They're basically willing subservient garbage that legitimately deserves to be chained.
Please state your sources when creating hate facts. It makes it harder to refute...
Because you're freshly indoctrinated in college. Exposure to the real world and dealing with the tax man changes that fast. Ask yourself why more "educated" people voted Hillary, but it flipped to Trump as you went up the income bracket.
Leftists don't live in the real world.
>the city snowflakes with their woman's studies degrees.
And do you have sources for this?
They got brainwashed in college by the marxist academia scum.
Do you have sources that they have meaningful degrees? Burden of proof is on you commie.
pic related
first, they conflate being educated with being smart. fuck football players are "educated". also, pretty much anything outside of a stem degree is total brainwashing and propaganda
>Burden of proof
1.That's a logical fallacy (pic-related)
2. If most of them had women's studies degrees there would be a LOT more people with women's studies degrees in college (they aren't really that popular). Also are you aware of how college works?
The FBI is after Trump and this dumb ho thinks she scares him?
>gender study
Pick one.
Trump wins electoral college, the masses of unemployed and undereducated voted for Hillary, statistics speak for themselves, so I gander its a defensive reaction for them...its like they know their constituents are daft
I have a masters degree, and couldn't be much more right wing.
Possibly because right wing ideas are stupid.
They seem to be under the assumption that education and intelligence are one in the same.
In all countries humanity studies take up the most of the degrees.
Engineering, math, physics, biology etc have fewer spots than law, social studies...
On the other hand only a handful of our colleges are subverted, but the point still stands.
Because the education system is full of left wing ideas.
Educated is the "leftist" buzzword like cuck is "rightist" buzzword.
They are both shallow buzzwords that make the people who use them feel powerful and better than those they use them against.
While we're on the subject, what does educated really result in? Black bitches are the most educated group per capita in the US and they are also the most obese by a long shot. If you're "educated" and can't control calories in versus calories out and exercise your body like you supposedly do your mind, what good is this meme word?
>In all countries humanity studies take up the most of the degrees.
Hmmm I don't think so do you?statista.com
Are you comparing first through fourth year majors with people who already graduated?
>can't even attach images to his posts properly
>too stupid to realize he also made a claim by implication
>too stupid to not be a communist
>attempts to be condescending and fails due to being too retarded to be taken seriously in the first place
>inb4 ad hominem
Try to calm down there buddy...
Because most of what is presented as the"right wing" is generally retarded nonsense created by marketers and is cynically meant to distract morons from the looting of the commons by the donor class that create the talking points that pass as modern right wing "ideas" through the filter of their various propaganda outlets.
For example, the "right" denies science because energy industrialists tell it to.
Basic transparent science that displays that actions do indeed have consequences such as with with Climate Change SHOULD be completely apolitical as far as acknowledging the existence of the problem as explained by modern science goes, but actual energy sector shills have muddied the waters for decades, on purpose.
And many people professing to represent the "right" regurgitate such propaganda verbatim. That is how much of the western Right" markets their brands, through repetition of basic simplistic talking points fed through various symbiotic networks.
I don't see why they would be radically different
Chemist here. Its not the material itself that is political, its how the money goes that makes the hard sciences political. If you go against the norm, like idk denying global warming, your funds are going to take a hit.
You posted the image correctly this time, congratulations commie. It's better than most leftie memes. Do you have any pictures of Spencer? I like those too.
we need to go back to a 1790 immigration policy
I imagine this as a caption
"Mom said it's your turn to use the Xbox"
People drop out of school and switch majors. Your comparison was void of ceteris paribus, try next time.
Because their entire world view and ideology is based on weakness.
"Together we are strong. I am strong because my group is strong. Alone I am weak."
They are infested with cultural marxism, so they see everything as oppressor vs. oppressed. Everything is about power, they attribute someone's status in a hierarchy or society due to the abuse of power not to the skills of the individual. Their ideology whacks them over the head constantly that they are weak.
"Why is their injustice in the world? Because the system is corrupt and people abuse power. Why doesn't anyone change things? Because you have no power." In a way they condition the masses with learned helplessness. They expose them to countless problems and then preach that they don't have the power to enact change in the world. People hate feeling powerless and have a need to have status of some sort. As their ideology preaches weakness they have to try and feel powerful somehow. They hardly ever turn inward or towards self improvement to do so, rather they try to compare themselves to others. So they use their bullshit gender studies and english degrees to feel better about themselves.
Hue, you're alright commie.
Paul Allen and Billy Gates dropped out of college and became rich. College isn’t the end all of smarts. I saw so many women attending just to get a husband. I saw many people who are mid level employees now, cheat their way through. A degree in theater and dance, is a degree and would count for your source. It’s still an absolutely worthless degree. It has no bearing on your intellect. I know a guy with a masters in sociology. He’s a landscaper.
She is retarded Trump said himself he would prefer immigrants with an education
I found Jordan guys
They're not educated. Their tutors give them passes for attending anti Trump rallies. It wouldn't surprise me if in the future employers won't give these people jobs. I mean I wouldn't. Would you?