>Handling receipts may increase the body’s level of a chemical that has been linked to reproductive and neurological problems, suggests a new small study.
>BPA is chemically similar to the hormone estrogen, and is thought to mimick that hormone’s effects in the body, making it a member of a class of chemicals known as “endocrine disruptors.”
Say "NO" to receipts!
Well shit I'm a cashier so I'm constantly handling receipt paper
I'm a pro receipt handler by trade
>Jewish trick to get you to refuse your proof of purchase
No thanks.
Hm, maybe I'll have to ask the cashier to hold the receipt while a snap the expensify pic from now on.
Don't worry, people who are low IQ enough to be cashiers were never going to make it anyway.
It's temporary
fda said bpa was okay
Heh, sure mate.
(((FDA))) said (((BPA))) was okay*
So, I should start telling people whom I buy shit from that I can't handle recepits because they're going to turn me into a fag or a woman? Obviously they will interpret it as you calling them faggots / feminine because they handle receipts all day long
Good god Sup Forums is full of retarded larper broscience fags, I'm sure everyone here is a weak soyboy that's a small amount of estrogen away from turning into a huge faggot that's why you're so worried about muh soy muy water in plastic, muh flouride, and now muh receipts
This is peak poltard retardation
You should really listen to him, he's Australian so he has first hand experience.
>article on BPA
>nothing on plastic bottles
Reminder that plastic bottles are turning you into soyboys
Bull shit.
So if that was the case why haven't jews become trannies themselves
I knew a jew that carried receipts from 8 years past
>Arguments: zero
sounds like a jewish trick to me if i've ever heard one
I would quit before I had to have this job any longer than necessary
It shouldn't be too big of a deal, just don't use hand sanitizer then handle receipts
If you do it longer than a year then you're fucked. I literally was a cashier only to make ends meet while I waiting on a more promising job to finish up its own business since they said they were going to hire me but were undergoing a reorganization so I'd have to wait a few months.
Got enough money to pay rent and food until then and quit.
Got the job in the end too, was worth the wait.
>needing a receipt to budget properly
No thanks, Chaim
I haven't quite been there for a year yet. I still have a few months
You dumb niggers didn't even read the link
In truth, I did not. It's late at night and I want (you)'s but I'm not going to execute that level of meticulous rigor by reading a whole study to make a bait post.
Turns out you're the brainlet, friend.
Get a job as a waiter instead if you're really just a low skilled person who needs to make rent. Twice the money and you get some exercise too.
get the fuck out of you kike.
everything in california causes cancer and you will not use this as a way to double charge us.
I've thought about it. heard it's pretty stressful though.