Theres nothing wrong with this.
Theres nothing wrong with this
Other urls found in this thread:
Bottle blonde who fucks niggers. And dropped.
That's right
Just like there’s nothing wrong with his knees
Except everything
>single white mother
>sitting with nigger child that looks nothing like her
>father nowhere to be seen
Yeah, you're right, there's nothing wrong with that picture - its very accurate.
If you don't mind having children that don't resemble you, then yes
There is everything wrong whit that.
Yes there is, don't drag around your stupid brat just to gain extra social justice points or to be trendy because that just goes to show that you think your child is an object or slave you stupid racist cunt
pretty cute baby, but what's with blonde's and getting blacked?
I mean is there some kind of psychological thing with blondes or something?
"A mongrel, mixed-breed dog or mutt is a dog that does not belong to one recognized breed and is not the result of intentional breeding."
That is an ugly fucking kid.
I'm anti-abortion but I'd make a late term exception in this case.
>that woman
Are you blind?
Fake blonde. Did you see how dark those roots were?
Saved, and toll paid
>Fake blonde
>Whatever the fuck chocolate shit she ordered to drink
That's two things.
How cute, he has his mother's... oh, nevermind.
Nothing wrong with this either.
Pic related but niggers must know their place.
Kids automatically thinking black skin is ugly and evil:
The baby's cute and the girl is okay - but that backwards baseball cap wearing dickhole in the top left corner is a massive fucking retard.
>bringing kids to restaurant
>nothing wrong
Thanks for ruining everyone's night.
Dunno, White Power seems to work fine at scaring the jew all by itself.
A white kid posts every one of these threads. Oh and sage.
Niggerchu I choose you!
Why not date a real black queen?!?
>A white kid posts every one of these threads.
>Caucasians below poverty line (red text)
>Not 90
She must've survived abortion three times for her parents to give her that name.
theyre half italian
hahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha oh fuck, i can see this becoming the new vv
I don't have the screen shot. He dropped character in the early morning a few days ago, outted himself to be a smug fuck. Someone probably has the pic.
see pic related, its JIDF, blacked porn was just JIDF trying to make the white boys angry and stirring up shit
Remember: its literally always the jews.
Jesus OPs pic is just sad.
Baby doesn't resemble her at all. Hell a black woman could be holding that baby and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
I dont understand how some bi racial kids can have blue eyes and others just look 100% shit skin and dont take after the white genetics at all.
Cut the racism. She's doing good! Adoption is a hell of a way to improve our world.
This is unironically a real dating profile. She needs to marry shitavious or whatever someday and try some new kind of cheetos
Friendly reminder to filter all threads containing "white" "btfo" etc
There are no white people on Sup Forums
In context, there isn't really anything wrong. If the blonde mother and the black father raise the baby in a financially stable household, then that baby has a very good chance of growing up and living a productive and happy life.
But this would be the only scenario in which this is acceptable
Animals in restaurants.
Never once
>If the blonde mother and the black father raise the baby in a financially stable household, then that baby has a very good chance of growing up and living a productive and happy life.
that's a HUGE fucking "if" friendo
it's an internet meme
That man is the biggest uncle Tom in the world
Las criatura
There is nothing more beautiful in this life than watching an entire race kill itself in real time.
>that young of a child
>at that restaurant
the fuck out of there
Ugly ass fucking baby
I could agree, fighting is useless really. Work together then after go back to our homelands
nothing at all
This triggers black women a lot more than it triggers me.
Not an argument.
post coalburners getting bullied online or through messages
Kek isn't approving your point
One day she will have to pay the toll it's inevitable.
>a mutt has spawned
one ugly kid
besides the fact that her kid looks like an orc and is going to have lower IQ+ a plethora of diseases there is absolutely nothing wrong with it
Oh my god that woman has a mutt baby
Fake News
this is why i don't even compete. i lost all the urges to pursue women. if someone say "dude you lost lol" i would say "on what? i didn't even try". i'm almost sexless now, i can't even jerk off anymore, i can't feel horny anymore. everytime i try to jerk off, reality hits, that the sexy scenario in my head wouldn't happen because no matter how much the girl loves me, any black guy would make her moan louder so idk it just kills it for me and i can't even fantasize about anything without thinking she would moan louder if she's with a black guy.
life is meaningless now for me. there's nothing in the future that i'm excited for. i don't want my kids being born in this western-centric world where he's the automatic/permanent loser.
Never had a GF cause black guys would bully me all throughout school.
lol what, looks like ape with JUST hairs
haha, no one cares for trash nigger. I feel bad wasting time even pointing it out.
Literally nothing of value was lost.
The movie Get Out explains Jews and white liberals. The Jew part is highly esoteric but I'm sure pol can figure it out.
Where is the ring?
Wow, you are miserable. Start mass-shooting at least, be a supreme gentleman
Honestly I find the physical combination of these genes to be disgusting but If the father is actually present and is a good dad who doesn't succumb to the Jewish agenda then I will give him props no matter what race he is. Although it would be better to have straight white offspring if the child is raised in the right environment they can end up championing the cause. I've known a few black families who have raised very conservative children who only want to have black babies with other higher up blacks.
there is entire UNIVERSE wrong with that.
Bringing toddlers to decent restaurants is the height of inconsiderate parenting.
I'm here for a steak and to potentially bang my date after this, I don't want her thinking about the worst case scenario before I've got my dick wet.
It's sad, for blacks a white woman is obviously some kind of social status trophy, every time a black man is successful they go straight for a gold digging coalburner instead of a black woman that will understand their struggle. The self-hate is strong in the black community.
Clean your room
Really? I noticed it's women with dyed blonde hair that do it more.
dyed blonde
The unattractive nature and look of black women is so atrong, even black men don't want to go near it.
We'll loose some white offspring to Jamal's DNA, but if the trend holds there won't be a single full blooded black in the western world that isn't imported.
epic hapa posting
Smarten the fuck up bucko.
>The unattractive nature and look of black women is so atrong, even black men don't want to go near it.
I don't believe that, as far as genetic attraction goes they've been fucking eachother for hundreds of thousands of years, from the time that the last ape became the first nigger. It's all social conditioning that's made them hate themselves.
this picture is just so sad.
Im pretty sure there is an objective argument to suggest this is wrong. Its like smearing shit on the mona lisa
fucking Sup Forums shills
Other than everything.
Blondes represent the purest of white identity, thus, they specifically psychologically target blondes in blacked porn to ensure maximum memetic damage.
By having kids with a white woman, a black man takes all the traits that made the white woman attractive, and makes it so the next generation doesn't have those traits, the traits that he doesn't prefer, the traits that black women have that he'd rather not mate with.
It destroys the traits that were attractive in the first place.
If a black men has a child with a white women, the daughter will not be white, he cannot make a white women. So the very act destroys the traits that attracted him to the mother to begin with. He didn't choose to mate with a mixed woman, he chose to mate with a white woman. And in doing so, a white women ensure she doesn't make a white daughter. Only white men can make white daughters. If that's what black men are most attracted to (white females are the most attractive race/gender), then they need white men to make them.
Not to mention that black men abandon their children 2/3 of the time, and single moms can't raise kids for shit.
>including food
That's because you don't understand the kind of genetics that gets taught in year 7 science class, Jake the Muss.
i remember a couple of weeks ago i saw a young blonde white woman at our version of walmart with a mutt baby. She looked tired and worn out, no father in sight. No wedding ring. Really depressed me.
How do women learn to love these creatures? I mean how come that she isn't disgusted when looking at her own kid?
>Not posting the best version
>I mean is there some kind of psychological thing with blondes or something?
Blondes are known to be incredibly stupid.
Look at that data Any women who looks at those stats and thinks "Tyrone will be different. I'm sure he'll be a good father" is too stupid to live.
That's not how you have diversity, that's how you end up with goo backs.
She should give the kid away for adoption and create a new family.
Her daughter won't look anything like her.
You mean "in theory."
In practice, so the baby has like a 3% chance or lower?
There is no scenario where this is acceptable except for one scenario:
Black people are forbidden from living in white nations and the white woman decides to move to the black nation to live there with Jamal.
If that were the case literally 0% of women would consider starting relationships with niggers.