Fatties got laid. You'd think the feminists would be happy about that. Apparently not.
Fatties got laid. You'd think the feminists would be happy about that. Apparently not
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I think women might like complaining more than sex desu.
That was mean though but they probably could tell that these guys were douches and they didn't care, so whatever.
so Chads were fucking disgusting fat virgin women ?
Beta is in the frats name
>fatties get laid while no one will touch Sup Forums
Female privilege is REAL
Student at Cornell here.
AMA I guess
How cucked is Cornell?
Specifically how?
It was an excessively broad question, I apologise.
Specifically regarding feminism. They mentioned mandatory classes to supposedly prevent/reduce sexual harassment as a result of this. Is it common for students to be forced to participate in those?
I'm not particularly familiar with the humanities education here, as I am an engineer, but to my knowledge the mandatory classes only apply to people out organizations that actually act in ways that make the University look bad. AFAIK, there are no mandatory classes in that subject outside of majors that specifically deal with it.
In regards to feminism, most people seem to be in favor of it. I've had private conversations with some people and they've disagreed with specific parts of the leftist doctrine, but I've only met one full 14/88 guy here. The issue seems to be that no one knows how people around then will react should they question the narrative that they believe everyone around them holds.
*people or organizations
We had a similar contest when we would go out back in college. Whoever picked up and fucked the biggest whale got his drink tab paid for by the rest of us next time out. Ah, good times...
lel, this isn't new. Where I used to work, we'd call it whaling
Thank you.
But why?
We had something like that in the military. But we referred to it as "goin hoggin"
Can confirm. Sometimes you gotta smash that fat bitch drinking alone at the bar closest to base. Get the confidence back.
You do it as a group. Lets say its you and 4 friends, a group of 5. A 1/4 of someone's tab is going to be like $10 at max. It is really funny to watch someone disgrace themselves for $10. As someone who has participated in a whaling group its not like everyone does it, its 1 or 2 losers who you get to pay $10 to watch them disgrace themselves
You fucking retards are the reason 2/10 roasties think they can land 8/10 Chads.
Literally neck yourself.
>But why?
For the keks. Why else?
Yeah, we called it that, too.
Loads of fun.
>Get the confidence back.
Nah, we were doing it solely for the fun of it. Great memories...
This guy gets it.
Yeah, you're probably right.
I feel ashamed.
Not sorry, just ashamed.
I fucked a 600 lb woman for a year ama
To prove you're a man and not a little faggot soyboy.
Don't forget your role in society - an Alpha male is supposed to have a haram of women. It's not the mans job to be choosy, that's the role of the woman, if you're too choosy it means you're low test.
If our society wasn't so cucked today we could all fuck fat bitches till we impregnate them and walk away no strings attached, feeling Alpha as fuck now that our DNA is secure for another generation.
Does that idea not appeal to your inner man?
How hard was it to find her pussy? Did you ever give up and just shove it in a fatfold?
How bad was the stench? I imagine the stink was trapped in there since the last time you opened it up.
Got any pics?
wasnt hard but she sweat a ton. it was easier fucking her ass than doing missionary but did both twice a day
I made her shower before sex
Nah that's OK all of my Steam achievements and my waifu make me feel man enough. I don't need external validation like this.
>It's not the mans job to be choosy, that's the role of the woman
lol ok bye
having sex later is also a sign of high IQ though
now im not saying this is the case but...
>men espousing views such as abstinence before marriage arent losing their virginities
imagine my tectonics
>600 pounds
>she actually got up and showered
>she was able to reach and scrub every fold