New thread boys get in here
Fulanos Restaurant
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Looks like the signs on. Should i go further? I can hear a fight going on at Pandora pizza.
be careful that whole block stinks of cia
You fucking retarded boomers need to kill yourselves. fucks sake
I did a walkby with some pics. Didnt get the best focus but im on a shitphone so deal w it.
JEFF A HJALMARSON is a cover name for a arms dealer it seems....
He apparently knows someone in their ring that is called....
The anagram method shows one derivative of terms....but the other methods used to derive information from these names or "Stars" is more complex, requiring a template.
Who is this guy JEFF A ??
Where did his name come up? From the Pic?
What is this? Quick rundown please.
What this about people?
possible pizzagate 2018 edition
What did I miss? Is this fresh Pizzagate 2.0?
^ Previous thread ^
Was info in Weiner's notebook leaked that showed a location that was a seemingly useless restaurant near other coded sites....
This restaurant was mentioned in the leaks of weiner's files.
Examination of the location shows that locals have NEVER seen it open, and the reviews claiming they HAVE eaten there are all incredibly fake sounding.
Fulano is the spanish equivalent of john doe.
The restaurant is 100% guaranteed a front for SOMETHING. What is it? We don't know. We just know weiner the pedo loved the place.
Great resolution considering you we're moving.
Go over the chained off back area document everything
We want to see everything, but we don't want this user killed.
if you have the balls to do it, go for it. but remember. you might end up dead.
dat file name
So im eating a burrito from across the street and i see person duck into the side of the fence area. Maybe they live nearby?
check out where you can get to through that fence. In a little while.
>mural showing image depicting a culture known for human sacrifice
>pedo swirls on the wall
Its a stretch maybe but you know how they like to flaunt it.
Jesus don't act so conspicuous, act like you're checking your phone while you take pics, not casing the place, I'm sure they have hidden surveillance all over.
Good work though, the Aztec sacrifice mural is pretty funny.
what did the sign say?
sign in the window for 9 years? The place looks very clean
Go over the chained off back area document everythingI wish i didn't drink so damn much i would've sat there in the dark just to make you jump out your skin when you seen me.
Also remember kates law autistst
Im going to post tomorrow about the said pedophile with 35k images of child porn found in encinitas. very much related.
Side question, you ever know Fred of "Sencinitas?"
Im gonna try to eat there tomorrow with some friends. Some fucking guy just did a wheelie on a dirtbike on the street in front.
Mattress Firm regional managers hold quarterly meetings at this location.
jesus fucking christ did this creepy aids riddled libfag seriously fuck a whole bus full of little boys?!?
It wasn't.
the address was in a trailer park a stones throw from this fake restaurant I always wondered about
It wasn't.
the address was in a trailer park a stones throw from this fake restaurant I always wondered aboutkarinas or kotija? Cali Carne or Breakfast?
>leaned over to say best food
Yep def fake review by mobstar. He was still in the 'gotta be quiet about our products'
Thanks senpai
Kotijas was closest. Carne asada. Theres a side area that you can see in the full side pic here Dont know fred of sencinitas, but ive been out of the area a while. I may have known a fred at 1 point.
user... you better delivar this time... for the love of faggotry
People leaving 1.5 hours after they closed. Person taking out trashbags.
I read a review on yelp. Customer said the owner rants about white culture. Be careful user.
Many of the reviews say it's a money laundering business. No one really eats there but they stay in business? The food is crap too and the service is one person cooking and serving.
Where did the name "JEFF A HJALMARSON" come from?
JAMES HOFFA JR LAN in Anagram maker
Can I get the quickest of rundowns?
This car pulled out the driveway. Had a super bright taglight for the licence plate.
Did you get a pic of license plate?
No, didnt show up in the pics at all.
LeL in Mexico it means some guy or that guy
What’s the tl;dr?
He seems like a sexual opportunist with serious issues with impulse control. No clear type. Just takes whatever he can have.
Good work user I am just giddy, none of my family/friends know I browse Sup Forums, I'm excited a neighborhood user is here amongst us. next time I'm on mushrooms and being a swami right, I hope to run into you.
meanwhile you remember the liquor store Ty's? got busted being a bookee front??
Still a guy sweeping inside. Went around the corner of vulcan to get a pic of the residential area behind the restaurant. Some rvs and vans
I want to answer but i don't know sry
Im heading home now. Like i said tho. Gonna eat there tomorrow. What should i order? A virgin margarita?
a foreskin
Lamest taco I’ve ever seen in my life. Even for white people, no offense I promise.
ask them for a fresh Filipino boy
Google "ducky waddles"
Most degenerate store I've ever seen with crypto porn all over super close to weiners Vulcan contact
Hot dog no bun. That's what Hillarys lunch order was in her email.
Great job user. Post new thread tomorrow.
restaurant doing bad, posting good reviews of themselves
user if i never see or hear from you again God bless you, just know an encinitas leucadia user triggered this whole investigation into a restaurant we all knew was fucky. my hospital is scripps
>putting a hole in the torilla so all the liquid from the meat and salsa runs down all over your hands when you eat it
the aztecs did child sacrifices
that doesn't look like to represent any of the gods i could find though
Q predicted this
Tom Delonge's Vapor Studio is just down the street from there.
I live in El Paso and I think I’ve only seen toothpicks in tacos at red lobster.
I just got in here. What the hell is going on? What is this restaurant?
I don’t get it
Anyone come across a person known as
>Im heading home now. Like i said tho. Gonna eat there tomorrow. What should i order? A virgin margarita?
Get the special, and large lemonade
really fucking comps my sushi
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Ty's liquor store? Was that the one in downtown enci? You ever go to a place called the tiki hut?
Ive no idea what to think. Great effort by the user on the ground. We salute you!
Hold on hold on fucking two Christfag band singers killed themselves in related neighborhood one even murder/suicided
One of many, Im telling you this fucking guy disappeared of the map after he was exposed for 35k+ child porno images on his computer and was a few hundred yards from said restaurant
Ask for hot dog with cheese no bun
A Mexican restaurant that is most likely a front. For what? We don’t know yet. user is doing groundwork taking pictures. Go into one of the links for yelp reviews and you’ll see that the positive ones are fake and the negative ones talk about how their hours are off and when they are open the parking lot is empty. These reviews go back 7 years. Pic related.
maybe getting caught was part of his plan
Anons keep this thread alive
>i am your boots on the ground IWONT LET YOU DOWN
these are actually tell tales of a money laundering site, that is run badly.
A few years ago these foreigners ran this """resturant""" down in town and people reacted to how it was there. They were cranky if people came, service was horrible, food sucked ass and so on and so forth.
Turned out it was pure money laundering, they were raided and they found tons of heroin in there. So on paper it probably looked good and shit, they would probably not have been caught that fast if it were not for they ran that shit so badly
You're doing God's work user
There is the possibility that it is just run by the local Mexican gang and they shoot you a lot
break into it OP
uhh.. brianlet newfag here.. What the fuck is so special about this place?
Just SWAT this bitch and let them find out for themselves
Why would Weiner want heroin or crack for such a place anyway? Surely he could get it easier?
There is something to this agreed.
from previous thread?
Based off of time stamps of posting vs photo, corroborated with cell tower pings. You are IDENTIFIED
>Careful out there user
> While looking into the leaked information some people found somethings suspicious.
> Following Comment taken from
Check this out.
This address is from Weiners phone book.
699 N Vulcan Ave #37 Encinitas CA 92024
If you look it up on goolag maps it takes you to a trailer park main building.
Right across the parking lot is this place.
Montessori Children’s House
Goolag Maps of the location, if I did it right.
Why does big wig Weiner associate with someone from a lowly trailer park..........
I don't think the #37 is for the main building......
I changed the number to 38 and it took me to the same location.....
Anyway, I thought it interesting........
> A few local Anons pointed out a nearby restaurant in the original thread, it seems fake and it's located near a Children's charity home
It looks like that address corresponds to Hillel Schwartz
PB fag here.. Any spots to check out here? Who am I kidding, I'll never leave my apartment.. Goodluck!