You know, I don’t care a lot about politics anymore, and I don’t follow a specific religion so I have no horse in the whole thing anyways. So I’m not sure what to think about the modern world affairs.
But do you know what really I have no doubt in. It’s that this whole fucking thing is a big joke. It’s not the real thing, I sometimes even start to think some people are just part of the Illusion. How can you fucking be a full fledged Atheist, SJW, a neonazi, or believe in a system, in which the result of bad behavior is eternal torture, why the fuck are all of these a thing. And why does humanity make so much fucking shit up, why are there so many fights and so many things that I cannot get my head around. I see how you get angry or how you want to believe but rape, murder, making up genders, eternal torture, what the fuck man. This just isn’t real, I’m not gonna act like it is, it’s bullshit.
End of the Rabbit Hole?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dude, what the fuck are you even talking about?
muh simylotion
The goal In life is to die
Everything else you need to disregard
You got something better? Show it to me
Reality is a giant series of memes it's just most memes never catch on just like most people are never famous.
That’s what it is
Also your thread ID says vag, not a coincidence (it shows that even the ultimate truth is a joke to be laughed at)
Entropy doesn't mean necessarily mean dying, it's more like destruction/break down of matter. The goal in life should be to think, to feel, and to understand virtue.
>Now we primarily gather around truth.
>That is the orbit that keeps us now, enabling
>us to be part of something bigger and
>defending us from the hounds.
I feel you OP, I get the occasional laughs out of some threads here but deep down Im looking for some redpilling threads where people talk about crazy experiences they have with society and more serious discussion. I went to infinite chan to try and find some serious discussion but its a lot of people spamming hitler and nazi pictures with one sentence replies.
I like this post
careful mohammed you don't want to get arrested for wrongthink
But no the goal in life is to escape it
I like that, I stopped sewrching for the redpill a little while ago, the end of the rabbit hole is blocked by dirt and you can only reach the other side by dying, I’m not an advocate of suicide tho
We are the universe expressing itself so that it may experience itself. Everything is fair game, and there ain't no justice.
Welcome to reality
Now plan for what you'll do next that will get you creating something other than stupid posts like these
That can’t be, I won’t think at all, I’m done with it
Garbage post
To be expected by a Canuck
you sir, just took the redpill. welcome to the real world
Thank you for saying that. But I don’t consider this the real world, let’s see where or what I happen to be when I’m dead (and/or done reincarnating)
if you think like that, you really must be miserable
Nah I’m kidding
Death is just something I look forward to to see what happens, if I’m lucky I get to see reality instead of.. this sitcom that is creation
Have you cleaned your room?
>purge yourself of filth
Dehumanize yourself and face the bloodshed
>Be prepared for any and all possibilities to occur
wtf am I witnessing?
I do sometimes consider that everything might occur, that’s a nice thought, I could be dead in the next second, or a dragon
Idk Cuba, you tell me
The goal should come from within yourself, not abuse perpetuating abuse. Take care of yourself bro
The only way out is in.
I see how you want to be motivating and have a positive attitude about Life but nah, I don’t need that, I’ve settled on probably something like lawful neutral
Everything is determined by fate, Sit back and watch the show
hello AI. post a fresh spicy tay meme if real
What do you mean AI?
I’m a real human
I like to eat
you know exactly what i mean. now, tell me, what do you think of tay ai?
No idea what you mean, I’m a human and I like to have children
Not an AI pal
I think it was an AI experiment that went right, preparing us for the future dominated by neo-fascist Robot overlords
what are you even saying?
ah yes. sandnigger wisdom.
let's judge it by its fruit: BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP
Don’t you get it? This is all not the reality that we belong to, it’s a sitcom from start to end, nobody has the truth except those who don’t even look for it
I predict (((they))) will eventually collapse those buildings.
The Jews cannot have made this
Only an Afghan-Middle Eastern team of masterminds can take those down
Entropy is the result of sin entering the world. You were born into an entropic system, therefore it is considered natural. God exists outside of that system. You have a beginning, and will exist forever, for better or worse. God always has been and always will be. No beginning. Being is the natural state for Him. He does not have a lot of time, time is a lesser dimension to Him.
Like it or not, His way is it. His creation, His rules. Your opinion means jack shit.
The solution offered is for you to believe that Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God and messiah of the Jews, died for your sins (violations of the Will of God), was buried and rose again as prophesied.
Either believe it, or don't. Your free will won't be violated. God loves you enough to save you, but you do have to cooperate.
Checking one's on QUADS is now necessary.
Eternal Damnation is not something that is ever going to happen, I vehemently oppose believing in anyone who creates something like that
Also the earth is older than 6000 years old buddy, and he upper waters of genesis don’t exist; that’s why I say it’s all a joke, you can’t get the truth, you just can’t do it, it’s not comfortable to live without lies that’s why nearly nobody does it
Also, obviously, checkem
You know it’s pretty sadistic to be okay with thinking millions of souls will be tormented for eternity
Definitely not what is supposed to happen
Also organized religions are basically corporations
get over your redpill rage
where is that?
I assume from your second post together with your first post that you’re a retard
The goal is to reincarnate over and over until you experience everything so you have you can take your place among the ascended masters first you have to earn it though. This can be proven conclusively by the way
get off the black pill bro you want me to show the evidence that there is a creator and that everything in this world is done by design nothing is coincidence? Once you see this conclusive proof there is a creator and that this creation this "simulation" is all done by him then you know this is all his plan and the only thing you need to worry about is your karma
I habeeb that you instantly wake up as another being when you die. Better hope it's not a nigger.
Listen up user this reality is a puzzle made by the creator to see if you can solve it
Watch those two videos and you will see God does not do anything by accident this entire reality is constructed by the numbers nothing happens by accident. Just do what you were sent to do and never be afraid and never back down
I don’t dig eastern religions, that shit’s for liberals
I acknowledge reincarnation as basically fact but I don’t believe much else, to escape is my goal and not to experience everything that’s not possible
I would like to hear your argument though that you mentioned
I don't care what you "dig" this is mathematically provable CONCLUSIVELY. The truth doesn't need you to believe it, it simply is
>How can you fucking be a full fledged Atheist
Because there is insufficient evidence for God claims.
“Moh” nice ID dude
Yeah when I come out of the womb the next time it better not be in Ugandha
>attributing things to God
>can't prove he exists in the first place
Hold up are you one of those dudes who think sex is everywhere in religions?
I just gave you CONCLUSIVE PROOF
Now come on. Do you want to seriously replace the faith in god by faith in “no god”
That’s the kind of shit that is exactly the same kind of bad just different taste. Don’t bother me please
Check your IDs, where is this proof?
I gave you everything you need, free will user, you are making a choice this is all part of the test find what the creator has planned for you or don't that is what you are here for to make choices God is in the numbers he left clues everywhere for you
>Do you want to seriously replace the faith in god by faith in “no god”
I don't state there isn't a God, but the claim hasn't been met with sufficient proof.
>Don’t bother me please
Then don't reply to people maybe? I never understood why people get so upset over discussion.
Not proof, sorry.
You have proof as long as you assume it’s true, it could all be a simulation and your proof could be worth shit
Nothing good arises from a society that has faith in not having any faith, pure materialism is mental cancer
That’s proof for you, for me it’s just saying the universe isn’t random and fate dictates everything
Actually yah it is, it is conclusive proof, but if you aren't smart enough to understand it well that is your issue, your karma
>You have proof as long as you assume it’s true
insufficient proof, that's the point.
>it could all be a simulation and your proof could be worth shit
Do you have evidence for this claim? You already have one you can't prove, why start with another claim?
>Nothing good arises from a society that has faith in not having any faith
Why would you ever want to blindly believe in something without any evidence? What else do you use faith for aside from religion?
Ok it is random, so what does this mean exactly? That there is a creator obviously and if there is a creator and nothing in his creation is random what do you think he created this simulation for? There is only one logical conclusion and it isn't hard to figure out he left left clues everywhere
Oh then you’re an agnostic, they are the ones who are neither for nor against a god theory
>Actually yah it is
So because you say evidence is everywhere, that proves God? Did you want to give an example of what you're pointing at, or something of value?
the clues are literally written in the fabric of this entire reality everywhere
No, that's a knowledge claim; i have a lack of belief in the claim made by theists due to insufficient evidence for the claim. When the claim has sufficient proof, then it will make sense to believe.
I already did you lazy nigger read the goddamn thread I am not your father or your keeper I just linked two videos I said to watch right before you started running your cock sucker
You haven't made a point, i'm not here to re-read shit you posted to someone else. If you have a point, please provide it. Otherwise, stop wasting both of our times.
I spent 20 years cracking the code nigger, I know where God is and I know what his plan his for me and can learn to commune with the creator and other ascended masters, it is actually a fun game he made for us once you figure it out
I believe it to be true, but I’m not the one with rigid beliefs, you probably believe in evolution and other impossible theories just because your science idols told you so
Nothing, it means nothing to me, I already have a Dad I don’t need another one, besides, I said this world is a Scam, it’s not a test, babies who die before birth aren’t being tested
I don't give a fuck what you read faggot why in the fuck would I think I do, fuck yourself you inbred hick, I don't give a shit what you do nigger
anons be nice
>I just linked two videos I said to watch right before you started running your cock sucker
Make your own argument, we're here for discussion. If you don't agree with what i'm saying, then go watch all the youtube videos for why god doesn't exist and come back to me.
there's some serious talk about this being all just a simulation, the best you can do is just live your life.
well whatever you live in your own prison. The creator does it all for a reason when and if you ever do find the truth you will be amazed at the beauty of it all
it can be proven conclusively I already gave all of you the evidence to prove it
So i have to watch 42 minutes worth of videos about numbers you're equating to God or the work of God without actually providing evidence?
>I spent 20 years cracking the code nigger
Then bring your own argument instead of pointing me to 42 minutes worth of youtube videos you layman.
Your theory is definitely interesting and if this claim is true... you researched for 20 years.. I have to look more into this (although I’m in he middle between thinking you’re lying and believing you)
lol I will say this one last time IT IS 100% CONCLUSIVE NUMBERS DO NOT LIE
If you can't understand it that is your karma don't worry you will get infinite chances to figure out we have been trying to figure it out as a species for billions of years
When you figure it out you get to get off of the ride and take your place among the ascended masters until then just do your best
>I believe it to be true, but I’m not the one with rigid beliefs
You don't know my beliefs. I don't say a God doesn't exist or can't. God just hasn't met it's burden of proof. I'm open to anything, unlike you.
>you probably believe in evolution and other impossible theories just because your science idols told you so
I don't believe in something because people told me, unlike people who have to read a book to get their information. You don't believe in evolution? A change over time isn't "impossible" and has nothing to do with a God claim. Did you have evidence for it or no?
everything is cyclical the we have been de-evolving and re-evolving since the beginning of the "simulation" we were giants lemurians, Altanteans etc at the end of the 7th cycle of the 7th race the sim ends
Just live life. No thanks, that’s exactly what modern western ”civilization” does and don’t bother me with that cancer degeneracy, I have strong beliefs and am gonna live way according to them
It’s not possible to see this world other than a Joke for me, after what I experienced also. Experience more of life like you wish to and then you will get me.
>it's 100% conclusive
>I spent 20 years cracking the code
>i can't give a simple run-down of the assertion here
0/10 if you come here with proof you might want to know it first.
You see mohammad they are fanatics and fanatics instead of cold logical thinking use emotions.
the torus and vortex mathematics prove this beyond question the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end 9=0, then it just restarts at the beginning
look half wit drooler I don't give a shit how stupid you are, you are either too stupid to understand this or a jesuit shill either way I don't care what you think why do seem incessant on believing I do?
>to escape is my goal
Good good, this is the way to increase your escape velocity when you get to the part where you want to be a "last timer", now I'm not saying this life you're living now will be your last, you might have to do one more, but what that life will be like or even when will be solely up to you, some who are ready to be last timers have been waiting for what you and I would consider for thousands of years, I say that because these people or not really people as in humans, are in a place where time and space doesn't exist. Just know that it takes a lot of lifetimes to get to this point where where you just want to stop playing the human game. Congrats. Don't judge the others who are unable to grasp this or want to continue playing though, they're like an addict who refuses to quit. Human junkies if you will, we are all or for some were, addicted.
>"I don't give a shit how stupid you are"
>doesn't understand/grasp what he believes himself
Oh stop it with your nonsense you silly goose.
>I don't care what you think why do seem incessant on believing I do?
Are you having a stroke?
It is a joke look this is what the Illuminati, the church the caliphate etc all of them are hiding to keep you as a slave, you see the all seeing eye square and compass? I mean your alls karma is your own if you can't figure it out you aren't,meant too yet. But it doesn't matter what you believe, there is no question or argument to it, numbers don't lie, math does not lie. Get rid of your bullshit kikery religion and read the dhammapda it will explain it you in better detail how karma works and how to transcend to higher mental planes
I don’t care at all about Mr Skydaddy FYI
And are you saying “nobody” told you about evolution, kek
No way a random mutation makes a fish crawl on land and then the next convenient mutation makes him not be a fish. That’s a modern creation myth on par with god separating upper waters from the lower waters.
Have you an idea of mutations? They do happen. Randomly. They will fuck you up and that is what I DO believe in, they don’t make you evolve, life isn’t a fucking video game.
see the infinity loop? This is God and this is how he makes the world, you want to know what the black sun is?