I admin some leftbook groups. AMA
I admin some leftbook groups. AMA
Why are your memes so shitty?
I have no control over the left’s memeing ability
This. Why are you Commies so unfunny and untalented?
communists are essentially similar in character to nagging women. this can never be funny.
I’m not a commie. They are somewhat funny once you get to know them though
Market socialism: By that I mean the means of production are all owned by the state and prices are set at marginal cost. Yeah or nay?
Skeptical. Once you go there you can’t undo it. You’ll only be able to move ~forward after that
If I am reading you right, then your concern is that once you establish market socialism, you are stuck with it. If that is the case, then we have seen Feudalism undone in the war of the roses, We have seen royal absolutism undone in the glorious revolution, we have seen monarchism undone in the French Revolution. We have seen Capitalism undone in the Russian Revolution. We have seen Fascism undone in World War 2. We have seen Communism undone in the fall of the soviet union. If you think that any system cannot be undone once it is put in place, then at least one of us really doesn't understand history.
admin equals leading, but yet in communism everybody is equal. please teach me to be cool like you
I don’t see individuals relinquishing control of of “the means” and giving it to the state in this political climate without a conflict and I’m not willing to take it from them.
Adminning a leftbook group =\= being s commie
I still haven't properly formed my thoughts on advisor Miller. What is his deal again, a self loathing anti zionist/anti kushner camp jew?
What was the relationship between him and bannon. I am not sure what to think. Sorry I know not on topic.
Which groups? Leftbook is a vast shitfest, narrow it down a little
I’d rather not. Leftbook isn’t THAT big
So if the political climate wasn't an issue, who would you like to own the means of production? individuals? The state? Trade unions? Whoever is using them at the time? Someone else?
how many members/followers you got?
why communism? is the idea so appealing that would you would still try it? even with the enormous record of failure? why not push for something like a monarchy with a better track record of success?
he worked for sessions for 22yrs, he has it figured out. he's literally stamper.
Why not?
Are you one of us and keeping tabs?
Why do women believe that communism will give them what democracy doesn't?
Also, do you own private property?
That’s a difficult question to answer. There are a few different closer Facebook groups I’m referring to. There are 10, 20, 25k members in some.
lying sack of shit all of kikebook is leftbook
Close enough
I’m not a communist
I’m not a communist.
Eat a dick
Regarding the statement about communism being undone by the fall of the USSR: The latter form of state capitalism seems to be the most likely outcome. Similar to China but not on the same scale. The only conceivable model that would actually work in the US longer then the half life of the standard proletariat coup without an official autocracy and secret police being formed.
Its an inevitability concerning human nature is absolute in it's current iteration.
You might not have to keep saying that you are not a communist if you ditched the commie flag.
So if you aren't a communist, and you aren't neccesarily right winger, what are you?
What's the point of associating yourself with commie scum?
No denying that.
I enjoy the debates, shitposting, and weirdness in leftbook and weirdbook
I’m what I need to be to survive the leftscape
That's completely fair. Sorta disappointing but do you.
Eat spit cuck
>I'm not a communist
Literal communist flag
Why does every single lefty talk out of both sides of their mouth?
pick one, because every thing you post there that does not confirm their delusion gets you banned/silenced
I haven’t posted in years... the flags are new. Thought it’d be an attention grabber for my shitty thread.
Are you saying that the only alternative to American style capitalism that would last in the U.S. without going full Stalin is the form of state capitalism now practiced in China? If so, why?
If you’re an admin you have a bit more leniency. Also, some of these spaces tout themselves as post leftbook... we aren’t ban heavy, but do have engagement rules.
>gets banned for shitposting
Are you a fucking retard?
>I haven’t posted in years... the flags are new. Thought it’d be an attention grabber for my shitty thread
no you haven't look in to what the left actually is these days.
T. ex lefty who found out where things were going
Are lefists/communists usually this rude?
If you feel the instinct that says you need to attempt survival in the current status of the left/soc/com - - Why haven't you considered realignment or to drop the act overall.
Can you not see when someone/something is on the losing side? Usual course correction for those in history to attempt 'proper' survival in a more archaic time and date.
If you’re someone who can go an hour without saying tranny or using a racial slur, it’s actually quite fun.
It's the internet equivalent of crip walking in a blood neighborhood. You knew what you were doing, then you denied doing it. Are you a compulsive liar or just a retard?
who is we. because i am tired of speaking with equal minded people. i would love to know where to go for a some productive debating, hence people who do not agree with me
You're in the wrong groups, lurk more
Look at what comment was in response to.
I’m not a communist and I’m enjoyidng the anonymity (as opposed to the openness of Facebook). Let me be rude ok
>unironically believes false dichotomy of left vs right doesn’t realize racial identity politics only belongs to some ideologies on the left
I left Sup Forums a few years ago (originally finding it in ‘07) for greener pastures and found Facebook closed groups. Never looked back. There are tons of people who have real debate and are forced to be civil because there is no anonymity. In essence, people are forced to conduct themselves in a certain manner to maintain membership. If you can go an hour without being an edgy fuck, you’ll probably enjoy it.
you gonna rock that flag, you gonna be treated as such.
I’m telling you that I’m doing it to draw attention to the thread. When did retards take over this board?
>If you can go an hour without being an edgy fuck, you’ll probably enjoy it.
i have no problem with that. but honesty and facts may be seen as such
Incorrect. There is right wing identity politics as well. One of the main differences is stances, the left is progressive and therefore upfront with their identity politics, while the right is reactive and their identity politics come as just that. You never had an alt-right until the progressive started to force it.
A simple way to look at the back and forth of left v. right in history is that the left riots, the right revolts. Understand the differences.
your flag disagrees
To clarify: no racial slurs and no intentional misgendering. Basically things you wouldn’t hear in a real formal debate anyways... you know, stuff that’s irrelevant to debate.
This I feel, is the hypothetical scenario if the America we know were to abdicate authority to the commies/lefty's wet dream.
>Pretending globalist/zionist influences are not involved
Not precisely in my opinion or estimation that we would turn into exactly what you see in China today and in the previous decades. But a form of it because of the value of our imports and exports. When Russia/NK/Cambodia/China had their revolutions, they were not exactly first world countries producing the majority of manufactured goods and hedge currencies.
The value of all the advanced goods we produce the world is reliant on, (and other 1st world countries too) I cannot see a different outcome.
Thus why China came into being in the form it is now today. Whose best chances of competing are rubber dog shit, rare earths, and currency manipulation
That's horrible. No real discussion can happen for the fear of consequences.
OP, which of the following do you believe
Correlation between race & IQ
White Privilege
Collectivist medicine
Larger USA government
Also what percent tax should ppl in the top 1% pay
They don't have principles. They have only ideology, which dosn't require maintaining a consistent, principled stand, only the moment to moment decisions on what gets them closer to their way.
>knowing communists
if the topic requires it i am going to be honest about my views. that is what happens in a healthy debate. hence. there are only 2 genders. and yes you are what you are born as. how far will i get before i get removed from said debate? mind you i will ofc be as polite as humanly possible. because that's only fair to your opponent
Don’t know enough to answer with certainty, but it’s something I could believe as true.
I am familiar with the concept of the privilege hierarchy and see some validity in it. It doesn’t take into account class struggles and ultimately fails to have any real relevance or offer any solutions to us. So it’s a real, but worthless concept.
No... maybe. No.
Flat tax
I mean... that is like every righties first post. Seriously, no exaggeration. It’s like a rite of passage. It’s not bannable outright, but it is predictable and beat to death.
So you're one of us who've larped their way into admin...
Will you be using this power to slowly redpill the users in the group?
Yes and I have an advanced understanding of how they operate, what they believe, and why they believe it. They’re misguided, but good people overall. They’re shitposters just like everyone here.
i am only using this as an example. hence when the topic arrives. i personally think this is a none issue, there are more important things to talk about. topics like freedom, ownership, taxation would be more my cup of tea
There is still time.
I became radicalized here, no denying that. I am openly anti commie, but due to friendships and position I’m able to get away with it. Some would even say I’m a token righty.
I’m not nearly as far right as some here, but we’ll right of center.
Do you know Cid?
Doesn’t ring a bell.. last name?
On second thought.. just leave it at no
The dude is odd. If you knew him you wouldn't need a last name.
What should I have for breakfast?
Leftbook is filled with odd and interesting reoccurring characters
Coffee and a cigarette
Know of Shea?
I do not.
Why has all communism, like democracy, devolved into a dictatorship
>Claims not to be communist
Checks out.