All signs seem to be that Comey is shilling for the Dems against Trump, but why did he make that announcement at that time?
Why did Comey announce he was restarting the Clinton investigation if he was working for the Dems?
I mean why did he make that announcement right before the election.
Seems like it was the only way to take custody of the Weiner evidence from NYPD. He had to reopen the investigation and also seem like he was serious about it. But he wasn't.
at the time it was uncertain what other emails Wikileaks was going to release. if he had closed the investigation and WL released a seriously damaging email, the public would've been like wtf why did you shut down the investigation
To run a scam investigation that would clear her.
To make sure that the dems didn't rig the election.
tamper with the voting machines*
This, also possibly threatened by nypd to release the weiner pedo emails which probably involved hrc. Lesser of two evils
He tried to hedge his bets.
I would also like this answered
He was covering his own ass, on the off-chance that Trump won.
either he thought it would be a clever ploy against trump or thought it would be a clever ploy against hillary, but all it did was confirm to everyone that comey was a sleazetard piece of shit and almost nothing else
pretty clever ploy there
Because politics is scripted. Do you really think they would let regular people pick who gets to run the country every four years?
he didn't
This. He was trying to get ahead of the story so he could put gag orders on the necessary people, get control of all the evidence and get the necessary non-disclosure agreements and pardons in place before the SHTF.
Interesting, also Clinton got to whine about it too which I'm sure she perceived as a disadvantage.
I wonder if they miscalculated how big of an effect it would have on the polls.
Or maybe the polls at that stage shifted because it was getting closer to the election so they didn't want their fake polls to be TOO far off come election day results, so there wasn't really that much causation between his announcement and Clinton's slide in the polls.
he had no choice
it was obvious what had to be done
>weiner laptop came out
>wikileaks emails came out
they couldnt just ignore these things
although they would have loved to stone wall the half of america that was demanding that she be held to at least somewhat of a legal standard
why are leftist so fucking retarded about this part of the timeline?
its pretty obvious b/c they almost immediately closed the case
I thought the same for awhile. Best guess is they were still 99.9% sure she would win either way. The upside of starting that investigation back up and controlling it to a quick finish would insure that she would start her presidency without that scandal hanging over her and possible have republicans move to impeach or for further hearings. Basically the FBI didn't think it would effect the overall outcome and wanted to appear on the up-and-up.
because NYPD was on the Feebs ass to do something or reap the whirlwind .
Because the NYPD had the Laptop first. Too much was leaking out about the contents. They had to address it, or they risked losing control of the story and the information the public had access to.
Trying to hedge his bets against an ever increasing chance of a trump win. He doesn’t come out and flip flop, it’s a definite axe.
It had the opposite effect they were trying to achieve. They thought clearing her before the election might make her look less corrupt, but spending 5 days to clear her actually made her look super corrupt.
Why you gotta waste dbs on being retarded?
Lol, so Weiner may have cost Clinton the election, that's pretty hilarious.
because they needed to vacuum up all the evidence that was found on Weiner's laptop.
The whole thing was threatening to become unraveled as a result of that thing falling into NYPD's hands. They needed to bring everything into the original "investigation" which was itself a sham.
This. Exactly this.
He had an obligation to announce reopening because he had made a public statement already and declared it closed. And to get the NYPD off the case
If it was still open after the election and he closed it then it would dodgy as fuck. They thought she was so far ahead they could close it before and claim transparency.
It was to get Weiner’s laptop into (((safe))) hands. NYPD and a few FBI white hats in FBINYFO were threatening to blow the lid off the whole thing and deep state faggots wouldnhave none of that.
you people are retarded. he had to get the weiner laptop into FBI custody, simple as that. NYPD had it
>s-see I didn't intentionally fuck this investigation up oh well I'm closing it again because its nothing.
>t.someone who looks like he could come down with a case of the suicides any moment now.
>I'm reopening the case
>since abedin is involved gonna need that Weiner laptop.
Ahaaaa! Good question, user.
And Strzok edited the document? Or did he write it?
Don't you know fear when you see it?