Who's at the top?
Satan aka idol of the jews
Roastchild's, Sexy-Gothy-Coberg, Vatican
Name one wrong thing Satan did.
Hitler was right. Your teachers lied to you. He had every reason to hate Jews
Its a system you idiot they all work together
Satanism is a concept of not believing there is a god above you, that you are your own god
So you can be called Satan if you don't follow a religion
Satan is at the top, then his angels, then probably the zionists.
inter dimensional worm-snake archons floating above military bases and secret areas
thats not how life works, kiddo
That's just the response edgy teenagers or men having a mid life crisis say. The people who run the world do believe in a literal Satan. Only they think he's good guy. It doesn't matter what atheists think.
>bill kristol
wait what
Satanism is a fake religion that was literally invented in the 1960s, the concept of what you understand and think they worship is called Luciferianism, which is a front for Canaanite Baal worship.
no, they know he's evil, they want the destruction of this world, they don't care about morals, they simply don't give a fuck and so thats why we must stop them.
nah, but you respond like an indoctrinated puppet.
And I am aware of the Rothschild's and how they call themselves Jews and Zionists, but strangely aren't Semites. They sit at the highest bank in the world, the Bank for International Settlements and are related to the british royal family who had to change their name to hide that fact. Whose name can be traced back to Bauer and further back to the Knights Templar that were disbanded by the Catholic church for demon worship, blood libel and drinking blood from a kapala, then they were executed. Those rituals are the original Jew demon worship shit they brought from the china or indus river valley civilization fostered before the bronze age, that infected Egypt about five thousand eight hundred years ago and started to erode Egypt from within as the Hyksos dynasty as well as founded Babylon in the process.
Yes, I am aware of the rothschilds
Hitler only used Jews as a tool to gain power
This image actually was eye opening. I knew the rich collaborated but this is huge.
I'm reading Evola and getting similar vibes, but with no names given, care to recommend any books
Tried to temp Jesus
Satan could be the invisible, mechanized evil that permeates among the collaboration of these people who themselves sin greatly.
you are wrong.
divisive tactics and rhetoric are applied to the ones under them (that means us)
On the contrary, ((they)) maintain cohesion through clubs and various circles of power so ((they)) can keep control. Because they are not stupid: being united in wickedness preserves them.
He appears to them in angelic form.
The club of rome.
What's wrong with that?