CNN is using this to bash the President but it just makes me love him even more.
What do you want to see in the Trump military parade? I hope he saves a spot for the meme warfare veterans of 2016
Post your meme patches
CNN is using this to bash the President but it just makes me love him even more.
What do you want to see in the Trump military parade? I hope he saves a spot for the meme warfare veterans of 2016
Post your meme patches
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crypto No Trans Allowed Parade. nice. baby steps, anons
it'll be like the womens march, but not a bunch of fucking pussies
I think we should have a military parade too. Then Trump should declare martial law during and throw all the traitors in Guantánamo.
he can have a "they knew what they signed up for" section at the back. maybe a section for "presidential foot deferments". using the military isnt a globalist tactic. we also need a section for nationalist globalism. dont forget the stars of david goyim
why not a russian or north korean style military parade?
Only thing cringe about this is that it hasn't happened sooner
>I hope he saves a spot for the meme warfare veterans of 2016
Sadly, he can never acknowledge us. Not now anyway. Maybe years down the line if things get better and the left is under boot, but not now.
Ya know what good!
I would like to see what i'm paying for.
About time America shows a little military pride again!
No because they're going to use the fucking MD guard like they always do and I'm trying to make it 3 more years without so much as taking a PT test, don't make me do shit, I just wanted the degree, fuck
A parade will bring the average American closer to your military, the merchants of the left hate that notion.
as for the date,
July 4th, what is there to think about???
holy fuck literally hitler
Veterans. Lots and lots of veterans. Remind the lefties who made this country and who keeps it strong.
Why do you say this?
>like the one in France
the true silent warriors
because retards like cnn are going to jump on this like its hitlers military parades. I just beat them to it.
gonna need a quick rundown on this hitler guy
Good lord I hope the ‘deep state’ finds a way to kill this idea. It’d be terminally embarrassing for the United States to start emulating authoritarian shitholes like this.
There’s a reason only (wanna-be, try-hard) FRANCE among democratic countries does this: because it’s cringy as fuck, and unavoidably tainted by association with those states that do do it.
How many have complained?
How many complain about local parades with military and vets?
Anyways, MURRICANS will love this, Democrats will sit on their hands.
France is a authoritarian shithole?
meme magic is real
France has a long tradition behind this. Trump wants to emulate the Bastille Day parade because he just wants to prove his dick is bigger than Macron's
>gonna need a quick rundown on this hitler guy
Basically he was a kike from one of those nwo families that secretly rule the world but he decided to break the kike nap and remove all kikes to try and save his country aswell as the other countries on the continent. Instead of being autistic about it like Stillman and shill for free shit, this Hitler fella rounded up the rest of the parasites and tried to dump them back in the middle east where they came from. No one would take them so he just held them at summer camps with theaters, pools, and sports teams to entertain them until a new host country could be found, but as usual they whine and moaned. Some communist kikes made up a bunch of shit, and the American kikes caught wind of it and printed out the copypasta to influence the America people who who ate that shit up because they didn't lurkmoar. The Americans then proceeded to bomb the shit out of the roads going to the summer camps which made it impossible to get food to the camp kikes who then starved to death.
Its just because them shit hole's use shitty floats.
kek yuros are not an authority on this subject
Who did they hear that quote from? What's the name of the person who said that he said that?
Russian libshits hate the parade in Russia, they think it's an artificial patriotic construct. They would prefer a gay parade instead.
Because our soldiers won't be wielding dildos?
wtf i'm a hitlerist now
they dont have any institutional culture or history though
what the fuck are they gonna march about?
bunch of convicts fucking children while wearinng ten gallon hats and firing pistols while jay z remixes MLK speeches in the background?
Why the fuck not?
I hope he rolls nukes down the street.
Our parade will force swedenistan to fold into submission without a single shot fired.
>they dont have any institutional culture or history though
Remember this?
The triumph is supposed to come after the racewar
not particularly.
>There’s a reason only (wanna-be, try-hard) FRANCE among democratic countries
No, France is not the only democratic nation doing military parades. Portugal for example does a military parade every year. I'm sure they are not the only European nations doing this.
Next phase along from cheese eating surrender monkeys
Trump wants to be like Macron.
i want a mile long stretch of pussy hats run over by tanks.
If he actually did this, it would be swarmed by lefty protesters and Jimmy Kimmel will cry on tv again.
Which is why I hope it really happens.
Generalísimo Trump "The serene"
Uniter of America, Protector of Canada, Subjugator of Mexico, Savior of Britain, Defender of the Holy Land and the Chosen people of Israel, Sailor of the Sea of Tranquility and Soverign of the Lunar realms, First and Foremost of the people of the Union, Heir of Rome, Vanquisher of Islam and Supreme Guardian of the Pacific and Atltantic Oceans.
>Trump was inspired by French parade
I guarantee this is what he has in mind
People unironically are afraid of this in comment sections of other websites that actually allow it.
We should invite Macron and show him a grand old time.
We were civilizational allies once, why not again?
hey russia , what's up?
ShitLords, Guilows, Goyiumz, and Geigin!!!
Memo saga wrapup, Carter Page evade Lord Rothschild once again
Democratic coup news and train crashes with ANOTHER TODAY
The fake AI and bot controlled Stock market!
High treason in America rewarded with getting to keep your job
Federal Reserve news and the new Goy Head of it
And much much more!!!! Special guest Alex jones memes!!!
Haha, yeah this. I wanna see more faggy libs crying. I get an actual boner out of it.
BTW did anyone else jack off on election night? I actually achieved orgasm watching the Hillary crowd sobbing.
Why does this have you so butthurt Nancy?
>Like the one in France
so what, a parade of Germans?
Wait, doesn't the US organize a military parade on the 4th of July?
Even so, what's the big deal, every fucking European country has a military parade on their national day.
They are always great.
>tfw Trump is the last of a dying kind
>there will never be another president with any nationalistic traits ever again
Let's enjoy it while it lasts boys
Libs want us to be less nationalistic and proud of our country. More Trudeau-ish.
People claim his KD is like 6mil/1 but he probably only actually killed like 7 people himself.
I dig it
Ask the military what they think of this
gake and fay
any military anons here, how do you guys feel about parades?
Probably because you’re a paki.
>subjugator of Mexico
Some of you burritos are alright (from a distance).
I've always found weird how the US lack any military parade despite being a nation with such an emphasis on their army.
You fags better get one quick before the fucking ecologists remove it here because it's "old fashioned".
It makes nationalism.
If you aren't aware, there's currently a heap of people in the USA that think borders are bad and shit.
I like picturing y'all being like, "hey guys, hey! parades are cool! I think they're like, uh, a grand tradition! And not gay! Not gay at all!" as some big fourth-graders smack the tears off your face.
I'm right there with you OP.
It's going to get to the point where I'm going to love him so much I'm going to want to suck his cock and give a rim job.
You in? I'll let you have his cock because the rim jobs are probably a little too out of your experience level, especially considering his diet.
We are the richest European country and we have every year a big military parade
So what?? Wtf I thought USA had a big military parade too
I don't understand what the big fucking deal is here, much like everything else they report on. Do you think the news would still be this obsessed with Trump if Hillary won instead?
> a parade of good goyims
um, so Luxembourg thinks parades are cool. uh, erm.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but, like, someone's gotta.
Parades are stupid.
People who like parades are stupid.
People in parades are stupid and feel stupid.
Luxembourg is small, totally irrelevant, and stupid.
Sorry bro :/
>Trump wants to be a dictator but the house wont let him
Arent military parades a completely normal thing, that literally everybody does, besides the poor nigger countries, like france, uk and usa?
He is going to use that time to take over CIA and have the Army around for protection.
We have the parade since a hundred years.
The US should have a parade too, but a libshit like you wouldn't understand what pride and nationalist feelings for a country mean.
Can't wait for CNN and spics like you to cry over the parade
um, okay dude :/
haha, "completely normal" and cool, buddy. No competing with that notorious Polish fashion sense.
Every country does military parades
I'm surprised the US doesn't have it.ayne because it triggers the liberals there?
what do you like about your parade?
do you like that it's long?
do you like watching the strong men's muscles move?
>Reddit spacing
>Using :/ emoticons
Fuck off to plebbit you fucking normie.
You're either a woman, faggot or a non white mutt
Go back to wherever you came from
>be american
>be told you have no culture
>eh no honey weve been in plenty of wars
holy fucking shit that explains sooo much
Yes. Boots stomping on the ground in sync is the most amazing sound there is.
This. When I lived in Singapore they had one every national day. We even had field trips in school to go see them. (pretty sure we were only watching the rehearsals though)
the whole planet does military parades, besides the poor nigger countries, i dont get your point?
no idea, really.
it may be because they never won a war, what exactly are they going to celebrate?
a military parade would only do good for this cucked, castrated american population.....
*thumbs up*
It's cover for the RWDS
The US has a lot culturee tho
Southern states etc, and long tradition of war
They Can't NOT have military parades.
>Sup Forums cries about society of spectacle
>wants useless military parade
you can't make this shit up
Many early 20's mooks who shitpost on Sup Forums genuinely think that people have good lives under autocratic regimes kek.