>year of the iPhone
>year of Big Bang Theory
>The sopranos ends
>year of Tumblr
>Year Myspace ends
>Year Facebook takes off
>year of the financial crisis
>year of Obamamania
>year of NSA's Prism program
>year of the Marvel Cinematic Universe being announced
>year of Out of Jimmy's Head
>year of Games for Windows Live
>year of Call of Duty Modern Warfare
>year of Portal
Was 2007 the year everything went to shit?
Nov 22 1963
Life peaked with Guitar Hero 2 (released Nov 7, 2006)
How many times will I see this thread.
I bet you ok with BBC threads huh chang
That was the year when Iraq went totally to shit and the war was lost, the year the media started reporting propaganda instead of news and the Putin gave his speech at the Munich security conference.
America went to shit when obama got elected.
they took the wildy away REEEEEEEEE
no 9/11 put the bullet in americas head
2006 was also the year I consider peak female attractiveness. Slender bodies in low rise jeans, skimpy t shirts, long hair.
Their looks went to shit during the "its ok to be ugly" Obama years, and still haven't recovered.
Everything went south once Islam was created
2007 was a cross road between 2 different time periods
How is this a problem?
9/11 started the noticeable slow decline, but in hindsight, those years were still pretty good. Obama was when everything quickly went to shit.
>Nigger loving mobster
>Rigged the election
>Original celebrity retard president who women flocked to
>Got men killed in WW2 due to his incompetence
>Botched Bay Of Pigs
>Send men to die in Vietnam to save face
>Covered for nigger communist Martin Luther Coon
Oh yes all hail Saint John Kennedy.
more like war of 1812
December 23, 1913
Nope, 2016 was the year. The exact moment when just time frame shifted, I shit you not, was when Harambe was killed and the world collectively lost it over a fucking monkey. Meme magic is real, so many people concentrated on one thing with no guiding force for the magic gave us where we are now.
Wasnt it a pivotal year in the Bernstein/Bernstain controversy also?
>The sopranos ends
"America on the decline" is a fake meme to make the rest of the world feel special and to make the whole world ignore the elite's consolidation and takeover. America is doing fine if not great, but our motives have changed a bit since founding.
A bit?
Year of blazer & vinogradniy den)))
Why did everything go to shit in [ year I turned 12 years old ]
Gamer gurls and soybois jumped on it and it was the start of normies ruining gaming
Depends on who you ask.
April 30 1945