Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm almost positive he's Juden.
Seems to me he's hurting us more than helping
Whether he knows he is or not, he is.
Smart guy, though. Should just come out and admit it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm almost positive he's Juden
Other urls found in this thread:
weev is not jew reeeeeeee
he said russia is a global adversary
>trusting a redhead
you are so young and innocent
What the fuck, you're right
Every redhead I know is like this
What makes them like this?
did he? I mean they are
Is it not obvious just by looking at the guy?
hes a jew.
sucks he cant come home
why is this automatically shill tactics?
surly there are truths to russian subversion?
He said it in a comment section of one of his videos..
Its seems like shill tactics because jew is the only global adversary. Are there russians that you know of working to destroy us? I don't know. Saying russia as a whole seems disingenuous. Tell me if I'm missing something
I don't know about this...some of them, yes for sure. But a couple of them I don't think so
Nevermind,I think this is %100 true
God damn...the little fuckers are tricky aren't they
thanks user
the entire aut-right is a bunch of kikes and anyone who hasnt realized that YET is criminally fucking stupid. The topic often comes up.. How do the kikes get away with it? They have been shoahed all these times how come they always wind up not being fully exiled or fully killed off. This is why. Stupid fucking retards start realizing that things are wrong, they even start realizing that the jews are the problem, and then they stupidly flock to the jews for instructions on what to do.
how anyone can look at those fucking mugs and think "this is the guy, he represents me!" is fucking mind blowing.
Who but a Jew would have the chutzpah to proudly state this when being brought to justice for his scheming?
he even has a jewish voice lmao
maybe i've watched too my yuri vids.
>Saying russia as a whole seems disingenuous
i'd agree with this pretty much.
I don't know any russians, but yeah, this seems far fetched.
I only only know my web logs show tons of probes from russia, and I grew up in the 80s.
most of these ((people)) belong here. I just don't think weev is one of them.
the guys life has been fucked because of these fuckers.
I knew something wasn't right with them. It's funny, they just sent more of our people in our direction...and the ones who don't know yet are going to find out very soon. How did they think it wouldn't backfire on them..This will be interesting
>he guys life has been fucked because of these fuckers.
Has it really though?
I think he just says that as a way to make us believe jews have the power to fuck up our lives if we speak up. It's a lie, in reality they are weak and can't do that
I want to say it's complicated but more likely they just have massive trouble with empathy
>(((weev)))'s life has been fucked because of these fuckers.
That's a charade. You haven't dug deep enough, or you are a shill.
His charges were quietly dropped. He has no criminal record. He's free to move about as he wishes, and obviously he has plenty connections, as he can float around eastern europe for a seemingly indefinite period of time with no visible means of support. In all likelihood, he's getting Soros money to con gullible goyim and identify those who are likely to be hostile to jewish interests.
this. he looks like fucking david cross.
He is nothing but an edge lord and serves no usefull purpose.
i'm afraid to voice my opinion irl user.
Except for these underwater, taiwanese basketweaving forums of course.
i find myself conflicted with this individual.
Is he on vacation or something?
>That's a charade. You haven't dug deep enough, or you are a shill.
changing a url isn't exactly a war crime user.
>float around eastern europe for a seemingly indefinite period of time with no visible means of support.
this is...problematic.
IIRC he's a bitcoin millionaire and I'd think he also gets paid by the stormer for tech stuff
We have to out them for being crypto agents. Their followers need to know they're being duped. They can't hold us back like this, this is bullshit. all they are is wannabes...fucking fake ass niggas..
now what about this one?
how can he not be
Still iffy on Nehlen though...
>troubled waters.
i can't take it anymore user. it is too much.
I like Weev, he's done more for WN than just about anyone. Having said that.........He makes Howard Stern look like a gentile. He is quite possibly the Jewiest looking Jew of all time.
holy shit! I use to know weev from the Encyclopedia Dramatica IRC from back in 2007. It looks like he's gotten up to quite a bit of shenanigans in that time......
Weev in the past has said he had some Jewish ancestry. More recently he said he was simply mistaken, and was going off of hearsay family history.
I haven't seen his 23&Me, and personally I don't really care to. I know how much work hes done for us behind the scenes. I know what hes had to give up, and how much it personally affected him. If he really is a Jew then hes a Jew Hater second only to Bobby Fischer himself.
Sometimes people are just ugly.
There are a lot of Jewish shills/trolls/Jews ITT. Goodnight heebs.
I think Nehlen is us, and I say that not because I want to believe it. he seems pure and he's not like the others. but then again, their shilling techniques never cease to amaze me so who knows
Nehlen has been a friend of Fash the Nation for years.
Hes on the level. The guy is just a legit hardline Christian and he recognizes Jewish power.
I don't dislike weev, he helped somewhat but for him to pretend like he's not a jew fucks us up. He could do a lot more for us if he just came out
pol is slipping
>weev is not a jew, idiots
i want to believe. i am choosing to believe.
I can't lie, posts like these smell like shill
is this bait or are you people this stupid?
I wholly admit to being a shill for whites having a country to ourselves. I want my children to have children and still recognize the country I grew up in. I want a peaceful white super majority nation with no welfare state.
You caught me red handed.
Glad you admitted lol. Just testing ya. I believe you. Nehlen really is on the level but we still have to keep our eyes open. I pray that he's real though
stop posting about yourself everyday, faggit. ask your fbi handler for an increase in your allowance so you can buy drugs.
he's a boner
great fucking ghost look at this fucking KIKEs features
this is the most SINISTER looking fucking KIKEL I have EVER laid eyes on. If you are not PHYSICALLY REPULSED then there is EVIL living deep within you and I would not hesitate to KILL YOU FIRST
if anything, you're probably weev.
and checked, sometimes the digits lie
Weev's dressing down of e-thots on DS is still causing massive amounts of ass pain I see.
Got a touch of the umbongo in that one.
so what if gave e-thots massive ass pain.
The jew needs massive ass pain, not e-thots.
That is exactly the type of distraction and subversion I'm talking about.
he is literally from a jewish family with two jewish parents
>The jew needs massive ass pain
Agreed but we might as well use the self-hating ones to our advantage. We can always toss them aside afterwards. Keep a close eye of course but treat them as useful idiots.
how do they feel about his swastika tattoo?
are you asking if they are jooze or fedz? they are both, like you. i would end with the Sup Forums standard 'kys' except you are probably already suicidal at this point in your informant career.
ah, what the hell. kys faggit.
Yes, it makes perfect sense, and he rebelled against all the anti-german or anti-white shit they tried to instill in him. He just wanted to be one of the cool bad kids and not conform to what his parents wanted or something like that
LMFAO wow you are the most blatant kike shill i've ever seen.
If you believe Weev is a kike then you're so fucking new that you believe Bush was /ourguy/.
Kill yourself Juden.
Sup Forums is not your personal diary
>I think he just says that as a way to make us believe jews have the power to fuck up our lives if we speak up. It's a lie, in reality they are weak and can't do that
good point. jews have never derailed someone's life and career for calling them out
>self-hating ones to our advantage
I mean, I don't think they should hate themselves but i know what you mean. We can use them but they need to come out and say it first. otherwise it will just confuse our base and hold us back
>Cantwell is a fed
This again? This is Richard Spencer-tier retardation. Cantwell has been around for years, oh but because you just heard of him now because you haven't been following shit in terms of political podcasting he's #1 Fed. Feds don't do time and get trumped up charges for self-defense.
that is
how they turn people into informants.
you say that as if your own post isn't a kike shill...
haha, sounds like i struck a nerve
Of course they have, but those were different times. There's too many of us now, it won't work
It's not a fedora
>We can use them but they need to come out and say it first. otherwise it will just confuse our base and hold us back
Fair point. I mean if you ask me, I don't get the people who are denying he isn't. His mother is coming out kvetching because she can't imagine why he would align himself with any of us. If anyone is going to deny that very real occurrence then we can't have a conversation right there.
You have your opinion, I have mine. He's a piss poor one if that at all because I don't know what exactly you'd be providing except "People are speaking online calling out the problems in our country"
Oh shit they are naming the jew?! Kick the doors in now!
Damn, I know exactly who you are. Is that weird for you?
I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.
in the old days an informant's value was in getting admissions of crimes on tape. these days the fbi just likes to make long lists of suspicious people to monitor. associate with an informant or use your credit card/paypal to donate money to their stupid cause and your name is added to the list. in the surveillance state, surveillance is the goal in and of itself.
look under your couch cushions for some bulgarian pesos to buy yourself a proper diary, man.
Sure but I don't exactly know how you accomplish that when Cantwell has been kicked off of payment processing that isn't crypto at this point. I'm sorry but it just seems like a lazy accusation coming from people who do fuck all in the public sphere because they fear a loss of status, etc. Informants are real absolutely but I don't get the feeling this is your guy.
You won't do shit, I'll post whatever I want
he gets paid by anglin and he does tech work in ukraine you fucking brainlets. Its not exactly expensive to support yourself for months on end in the fucking levant and UKRAINE of all places when you already come with western money in pocket
The whole thing about DS having to always change it's domain is probably a charade too. It's funny because DS stirs up hatred towards jews and makes whites rise up. Do they know they are killing themselves?....
>comedy gold
>paid by anglin
...who gets paid by who do you suppose?
He could be a jew, though his mother said he has jews in his family, not that his family are jewish, and if she was jewish, she would say so as she is a liberal.
He also never advocates for illegal actions or violence, which is usually what shills do. As far as I see, everything he says is spot on and high quality.
My only question is that someone posted on Sup Forums the address his old website was registered at and it was the same address as a Chabad leader. I have no way of confirming this.
That's a soy boy if I've ever seen one.
Dunno who the fuck it is, but that's a soyboy