europoors on suicide watch
USA kicking ass as usual in technological advancements
yehaaa murica!
Isn't Musk like a leaf born in Africa or something?
Born in South Africa but still an American citizen.
You sound kind of retarded though because one man isn't responsible for the brilliant engineering of the Falcon Heavy rocket.
>europoors on suicide watch
They're going to call you a mutt, you know that right? Anyone else tired as hell of the idiotic rivalry between Europe and America?
Just checked - he is indeed South African - Canadian. You could've just said I was right.
Whiter than you muhammad
>Branson and Bezos on suicide watch
Musk is a good example of why we want a merit based immigration system. We want immigrants, just not shitty ones.
>europoors on suicide watch
Space marines are busy purging Onegro dreamers from their ranks. Dont worry, youll be the first country to receive orbital enrichment
>elon subsidy
Born in SA, moved to Canada at 17 then eventually USA
>German was in charge of the US space program in the 60s and 70s
>South African is in charge of it now
Can amerihaes do ANYTHING on their own?
>implying you or anyone on this board regardless of muh nationality has anything to do with these technological feats. Quit riding coattails.
Yeah but there is a reason he isnt doing cool shit in our shithole countries.
Will wait
>literally relying on German technology and engineering
But he has American citizenship too you retard.
>europoors on suicide watch
Do yo have a source for that? not sure what you mean there bud
They arent coming in peace
Musk just throws money at people so they send shit into space for him. He doesn't engineer the rockets himself. The people who built and launched that rocket are all American workers not some billionaire.
So is Dave Matthews not American either?
congrats yanks, i'll give ya all the dollarydoos i got if ya get me to mars
Do retards in here understand that there is a team of engineers behind the design of those rockets?
It's not Musk doing it himself.
No wonder eurofags are retarded and behind in technology
Yippie kai yay, lads!
>Americlaps literally need foreign funding to go to space without using russian rockets and won't give funding to nasa because muh gubbimint
Do you ever get tired of this divide and conquer crap? White nations should stand together to resist Cultural Marxism. Also, have you ever looked at American demographics. I'm much more likely to be a spic or a nigger. So if your going to try to accuse me of being a non-white, try one of those instead.
>Anyone else tired as hell of the idiotic rivalry between Europe and America?
Doesn't bother me at all. I get a chuckle from it occasionally. Of course, I look like a Teutonic god, though.
NASA doesn't have any problem with government funding. They have another more serious issue that not even money can fix.
Idiots like OP are why all Europeans think Americans are niggers.
>I look like a Teutonic god, though.
Hey Pablo, Teutonic doesn't mean Mestizo.
And meanwhile in Denmark: fjords, they're quite fascinating
ale fruwa
>w-we wuz r-relevant n shiet
where have i seen this before
>half the tech in that rocket comes from Europe just like the name "TESLA" ....Jews everytime.
That room must smell like fish
Yo bro, I'm loyal to America, not my European heritage.
If you are, maybe you should fuck off to Europe then. I'm honestly so tired of euro nationalists faggots like you.
hurr hurr the cultural marxists are trying to divide and conquer us.
Space X team is literally a Benetton commercial.
>won't give funding to nasa because muh gubbimint
NASA uses all the money to pay for climate science and minority empowerment.
It's the same as when we landed our second probe on mars.
The rest of the world...
And meanwhile in the USA
>Some African-Canadian dude thinks of something cool (actually useless as fuck)
>Americans give him citizenship in order to mooch off his work
>It's 100% American invention built by 100% American hands using 100% American resources! Take that Europoors!
You mutts never cease to make me laugh.
lol, bitch we're gonna have Taco Bell drive through at selenocentric orbit before we let the best your people have to offer on board a flight.
Musk should revive Rhodesia
He barely lived in Canada.
Also, I realize you're a Czech retard, but it takes a team of engineers to build the technology. It's Elon doing everything.
No wonder Czech Republic is only good at exporting whores and pornstars.
plot twist: Musk IS Rhodesia
look up the years, i'd bet money they overlap
Do you know we have to import all our resources?
>It's Elon doing everything.
It's not Elon doing everything***
space is fake
>"here's a random guy with funky sentence structure" as an argument
bro,,, kill yourself......
While same time most usa satelites are launched with Russian made rocket engines because you havent be able to make better ones or even reverse engineer Russian ones.
>i hope the ayys shoot it down.
SpaceX will eventually get the diversity cancer once Musk is gone.
Russian rockets can't even land back on earth you Fingolian retard.
>is so poor he has to reuse the boosters
>I look like a teutonic god
Source. Thought not. Meanwhile in reality
>Mfw all of nasa's funding is going towards a space mobility scooter
I can already imagime what you look like.
wow that pic of your foreign minister really stung.
Did I miss the 56% memes yet?
>saged out of love op
Keep on leeching, negromutt.
Well you are still using mostly Russian booster because they are so much better than yours. Also you havent been able do manned flights for years. Shuttle (which sucked) and reusability is meme that does not even save moneym
have europoors ever been in space? LMFAO such a nigger-tier region.
That's NASA you dolt.
Ahahah, top kek @ 3rd world mutt.
>a literal real life orc telling who's white
they still lost the new rocket
>brown nips
do not want
your abuelita smells like fish
white woman were a mistake
>modern day germans are the same german during WW2
The Reddit spacing is more concerning than your typo
>signed A Concerned Friend
it was just 9 rockets strapped to each other and launched. any country that has put a satellite in orbit can do it
Wow, amerifarts proud again of shit they had no hand in.
How typical.
Never asking where that technoligy comes from or where its actually produced.
Below 60 IQ amerifats will always cheer for anything happening in theie country while probably sitting on their fat asses doing nothing and rotting away.
But hey. The europoors must be on suicidewatch. Yeah right.
Btfi amerimutts. Try getting yozr fat ass out of the chair first without having it come with you.
Yes we where. Its nothing special desu.
Btw, all your sattelites and technology to keeping them in orbit is from here.
Btfo amerifat.
>memeing cars into space
>without any FTL travel technology
Is Elon just autistic?
Also, not that big of an achievement, but still congrats to SpaceX's DIVERSE team and their AFRICAN IMMIGRANT CEO.
This shot is kino though
no just no.
boosters returned and are reusable.
no other country is capable of doing that.
Fucking americans beeing proud of a company sending a rocket to space with russian engines.
The fucking state of the USA is unbelievable.
One African immigrant gave America SpaceX, Tesla Motors, PayPal, and some other shit I can't remember right now.
This is why Europe needs more African immigrants.
>reddit spacing
Awww, is the amerifat laughting.
Its peobably gonna be your last after getting diabetes or getting shot by a nigger.
Fucking laught as long as you can amerifat.
The amerimutt is immunised against all dangers. One may call him fat, a get shot, americlap, martshart, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a 56% and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
I hope Switzerland is a little more interesting than Swiss banter.
Implying pic related doesn't change the entire game, expect a lot more happening in years to come thanks to this
Elon works for Kim Jong
Memo saga wrapup, Carter Page evade Lord Rothschild once again
Democratic coup news and train crashes with ANOTHER TODAY
The fake AI and bot controlled Stock market!
High treason in America rewarded with getting to keep your job
Federal Reserve news and the new Goy Head of it
And much much more!!!! Special guest Alex jones memes!!!
>t. Soviet rape baby
so many butthurt europoors crying
This. Every time
No one is going to deny what a hideous, spineless blob of fat Soini is.