Are burgers the anti-soy?

Until the soy meme surfaced, I was unaware of how many things I normally ate had soy in them. In an effort to reverse its effect, I've been eating at least 2 burgers per day. Will this work?

They use soy as a filler in chicken nuggies and burgers.

Redpill me on soy

There is literally nothing wrong with soy.

I bet that worthless bitch barely even ate her burger

you should eat tuna low salt or no salt

nice try shlomo


red pill me on soy mate

Dont turn to cannibalism user, just buy some fucking eggs or something

I bet your buns have soy in them. And so does the meat, unless you got the non-chub kind.

Your only choice to fully remove soy is to go almost totally organic.

>shredded lettuce
>burnt mushrooms
>fat retarded fries

why do idiots insist on taking pictures of their shitty food?

>the absolute state of American nutrition.

I'm serious, I've seen the meme around but I don't usually Sup Forums

>soy in burgers
Maybe those you get served at the school cafeteria, but not if you actually buy beef, senpai.

Don't confuse phytoestrogen with mammalian estrogen. I'm assuming you drink milk which contains mammalian estrogen, and I assume you eat chicken which contains phthalates which may reduce your penis size. Also beer is brewed with hops, hops contain a particularly potent phytoestrogen that is more likely to act like mammalian estrogen then any phytoestrogen from soy.

Feel free to research on your own. If you watched Paul Joseph Watson... don't take it at face value.

Yeah man, have a burger for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That is a normal standard amount of burgers to have in a day.

Just stop being eating processed foods, or (((Cultured))) food from 3rd world shithole countries.
>These shitskins have mentally retarded tier IQ and are borderline fauna, but I'm sure they have fantastic food quality standards!

Learn to Cook
Eat Whole Foods
Consume Protein
Consume Animal Fats
Avoid sugar
Drink Loads of Water

How do you even drink water these days though? Bottled water has plastic, tap water has funny things, what else is there? Rain? inb4 chemtrails.

>I bet your buns have soy in them

the cows are fed soy and corn, and are pumped full of growth hormones that end up making you least here in north america. Ive known more than a couple americans that moved to asia and eastern europe that lost a lot of weight eventhough they either ate the same food or ate local fat laden high caloric traditional dishes. Their animals are not fed hormones to make them fat, the food the animals eat are not genetically grown to be large and grow fast.
