There are good immigrants and bad immigrants.
Pic related is proof.
Trump wants to deport this
No such thing as a good immigrant. Good people can improve their life at home. Only bad people need to flee
sex sells to the weak of mind. Obviously is no valid reason for merging their low IQ's and archaic culture/traditions into our nation. The ones already here are nothing but a burden. sage.
yea too bad you never get to see any of that because they walk around in tarps
This is proof of absolutely nothing. Nothing in this picture nor the vague amount of information you have started this thread with proves anything. You are a shill and Sage this thread.
Gross wtf
im ok keeping the christian immigrants
>Hijab girl
>posing like a whore
I don't believe it, probably some 3rd generation libreal who looks slightly foreign.
>muh based BBC is okay if they ask jesus for forgiveness after fucking my wife
A real christian wouldn't behave like that
she's fat.
Immigrants who do not have legal status are criminals. Deport criminals. End of line.
Muslims want to kill that for being a whore.
>mfw this is the 3rd time tonight I've had to post this image in a shill thread
>from countries that are literal purges of the bribongs
Now that's rich. *sips tequila*
>Muh dick, the argument
nice one, Op
This. kys OP
>Trump wants to deport this
Good. Non-Whites don't belong in White countries.
>There are good immigrants and bad immigrants.
Irrelevant. Non-Whites don't belong in White countries.
>Pic related is proof.
Are you a nigger? Is that why you're thinking with your dick?
Are you upset nobody want's to live among you pablo?
Says the Spanish trash
>A real christian wouldn't behave like that
Let them be real Christians in their own countries.
God didn't create the races so one could be blended out of existence.
Doubt you wanna keep her without photoshop to be honest, something is seriously off about her right thigh.
Actually quite the opposite. Everyone shit is going after you. Everyone who can make a living is staying.
Shit happens.
Hello, europurged.
So you idea of a good Muslim is someone who identifies with an extremist cult and has all the degenerate morals of the leftist west.
What's good about it again?
It's just in your DNA, mexico will always be a poor nation.
Just like it's in yours being a criminal rapist kicked from bongland? Man do I love genetics
>poor nation != poor person
Just ask Forbes
gib moslem gf
That pedo-worshiping rhino has to go back.
>blarp* blarp* blasrrp*
>so hoott more pics
>ruin your country for the slim chance you'll fuck some thot
no thanks
You're gonna love her second generation son that dresses like an 18th century sheep herder.
>Everyone shit is going after you.
Literally, they're not sending their best folks.
she looks worse than your average american girl.
and she will cover up for ahmed when he goes on a killing spree.
they never snitch on jihadists
Quite so, especially since the Bible is against Race-mixing, I can't remember which part of Leviticus says it, but it's there
Gibs curry milky!
I'm all for it. I can knock her up and never pay child support, my seed shall spread across the earth