Why are the vast majority of white women such traitorous whores?
Why are the vast majority of white women such traitorous whores?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you got dumped for somebody who doesn't abuse her?
>vast majority
women are the biggest children in the room
that doesn't make any sense, faggot
first of all women have no loyalty, only opportunity.
second of all women are entitled because they never have to earn anything. They take and take and take and think that everyone gets as much as they do. They don't mind all that much when things get taken away from other people, because women think they can just ask for more stuff again.
Their entire reward system is fucked up.
like women think things just exist, and have always existed. They don't really get that people fucking busted their ass making all those trains, and buildings, and technology, and mathematics. They think things just pop in and out of existance, so they think people can just be handed "rights" with a snap, and no one has to sacrifice to make those "rights" happen.
Yes it does. OP beat his white ex up all the time for not heating up his tendies properly, told her every day that she's meaningless, found someone who doesn't treat her like bleeding shit, and now he doesn't understand why he got dumped.
this is why they do the whole "omg why can't white men just give us reproductive rights!! why can't black people be equal!!"
they think rights just happen, and it's only not happening because white men are blocking it. They don't realize a lot of the complexity.
because look at white "men"
bunch of fucking manbabies who play video games and watch star wars
Sounds more like youre projecting here pal. Way to overthink.
Also, reminder "traitorous" white women voted for a right-wing anti-immigrant man over the first ever female president.
Also secondary reminder, white American women are about 400% more right-wing than white European men.
Maybe it is projecting (somewhat), but it's really telling that inshills and MgTards boast about beating/raping women and forging the evidence regularly. Have you been in the average MGTOW thread? It's otherworldly.
White women are fucking garbage.
Also they need to stop referring to themselves as "we" while lumping themselves in with white men. The life of a white man and a white woman are a day and night difference. "We" are not your men or your peers or your allies, white women destroy the west, while white men attempt to save it. Get fucked you roastie whores, youll be lucky if white men dont jump en masse for Asian women by the time we are through with this shit show you created.
I’ve got a bit of a trolling and shot posting addiction.
I find these controversial posts on social media and wait for a white chick to inevitably respond in some
Inane way and instead of criticising or debating them, I off topic overzealously compliment them on their looks.
Like OPs example I’d say “holy shit cabini, you’re so hot.
The responses from them and every other SJW then goes from the topic to
Roasting me for complimenting her and totally detailing the thread or topic of conversation..
plus I get perverse lulz out of it all the time.. gets em every time..
Lol dumbass white women racemix least. Latina slampiggied are cucking them out of huwhite men by putting out faster and locking them down.
I try to avoid those thread as much as possible. I still don't think theres a connection between beating your gf and observing how white women seem very prone to work against us and partake in their own destruction due to deep rooted self hatred. Lots of white men are also guilty of this btw.
stop. faggot.
>generation of men die in WWI
>women get vote
>women become majority electorate
>women institute welfare state
>men pay most taxes over lifetime
>mens taxes support welfare state
>welfare state supports single mothers
>single mothers raise criminals and drug addicts
>spike in crime and druggies
>men die in WWII
>feminism kicks in
>women demand no fault divorce
>state becomes husband
>divorce rates rise
>Men still pay most taxes
>Women receive most tax benefits
>men taxes supporting single mothers and nanny state
>women demand more
>women vote open borders
>women vote diversiy quotas
>women vote antimale pro women legislation
>all supported by mens taxes
>women can't stop themseves
>infrastructure decays
>education decays
>healthcare decays
>economy decays
>relationshps decay
>women double down on feminism
>men lose incentive to support system
>men say fuck off to society
>women shame/blame men for this
>men don't care
>shit society burns out
>men rebuild
>lessons learned
This exact sentiment was expressed in like 2016 when the statistics for white demographic displacement were first released this shit is literally like copypasta that this bitch thinks is her completely original thought, and while her statement isn't totally unfounded it is quite clear that she has never lived amongst crazy blacks as I have. Tell this bitch to live in chicago for a year and see how her opinion of blacks changes... chicago, where i currently reside, has some of the craziest black people you could ever meet centralized in certain pockets that bleed out into other neighborhoods after the sun goes down. It's so fucking annoying how naive these cunts are like you try sitting across from a black dude on the train that is just shouting rap lyrics over the song he is listening to at full volume on his shitty phone speaker. It literally is the most off putting shit it literally makes people racist when they do that on public transportation yet there is always some black that feels compelled to yell mumblecore rap while riding on public transportation
>By this logic
Endangered species? Save em? Why is being an endangered species bad?
Why do niggers pretend they treat other races well?
Isn't their position that yes, it is terrible to be a minority in America? Is Peter here justifying radical self-defense of the white race?
I’m black faggot. Why the fuck should we go outside of our way to be nice and respectable to the other races that do literally nothing to help us and instead criticize us and talk shit and act like their respect is worth gold when the reality is that is worth less than dogshit.
>Why are the vast majority of white women such traitorous whores?
Women, by and large, have no sense of loyalty.
They just want a man who is willing to put them in their place.
Kikes, however, love (((diversity)) as long as it doesn't affect them or their mystical homeland.
Pic related.
Chicks in general just want to be owned.
To be property.
And to be treated as such.
Men have forgotten how to be men, and women are punishing them for that lapse.
No big conspiracy. Just nature.
LOL, your race would not exist if it wasn't for the kindness of altruistic white people.
>Why the fuck should we go outside of our way to be nice and respectable to the other races that do literally nothing to help us
Shitty attitude to have.
Because they're being tempted to be sinful by niggers with big cocks. If we get rid of the niggers our women will become loyal again. It's the only way. We need to send them back to Africa.
Answer to OP:
Help yourself you stupid nigger
I not only play video games, but I've made video games my career since 2010. My net worth is very near 7 figures in my early 30s. Come at me faggot.
Fuck Star Wars, though. Star Trek is better.
It is Female Nature that makes them tratorious whores. Their turncoat whorishness goes right into their DNA.
Female Nature comes from hundreds of thousands of years of interaction with men. Study the book of MGTOW and learn these terms.
>Female Nature
A woman's whorish behavior has everything to do with her being the gateway to human reproduction. A man's ambition is to build great skyscrapers; cure disease and build civilization. A woman's ambition is to manipulate a man and take everything he created for herself.
They act like whores because most men make the mistake of placing high value on women. And it's hard not to do because a man needs more kids to carry on his legacy. A woman is the only way to get his kids made.
Only the smartest men start societies where they convince the women that they're not that important and breed the fuck out of them. Works about 200 years and then women's lib takes over. That is the last stage before collapse. Then you need a big war to wipe it all out and start over again.
They are in a deeper state of ruin than men, because their only reason for not behaving like disgusting beasts has been trivialized. ("I wont get a nice guy if I sleep around a lot.") They now want to have their cake and eat it too. Which usually ends up with them pregnant and tossed aside.
I have 4 female cousins, all of the ones under 30 have had bastard children. The only one over 30 may be infertile, but she is married.
We send them all to Saudi or Pakistan. That's the answer, then they will be dying to come back and realize that cultures + countries are different.
Because they're women. They're prizes to go to whoever wins. Stop caring about the shit they do and focus.
didn't ~60% of white women vote for trump though? agreed a lot of them are whores but not the majority
Except they arnt? Do you have anything to actually back tha-
>1 post by this ID
if you want to bow to our enemies, be my guest; enjoy your meaningless existence and the fall of the west user
>Why the fuck should we go outside of our way to be nice and respectable to the other races that do literally nothing to help us
You knuckle dragging apes hadn't so much as developed a wheel by the time actual people contacted sub-saharan africans
>I’m black faggot
Nice flag, nigger.
Your ancestors were conquered by niggers. Captured by other niggers.
And sold to Jews by other niggers.
They were shipped, as cargo, across the Atlantic Ocean by kikes.
To be sold to other kikes.
As a nigger in America, your family history is a tale of being a bitch, owned by a faggot. Who was eventually sold to a cuck.
Nigger Pride Mumf, indeed.
Feminism along with being stupid whores.
The collapse of society is a natural cycle. Think of it as a rebirth. It's like a forest fire. In the end, it helped the forest grow even stronger.
>Only the smartest men start societies where they convince the women that they're not that important and breed the fuck out of them. Works about 200 years and then women's lib takes over. That is the last stage before collapse. Then you need a big war to wipe it all out and start over again.
also blatantly untrue
societies with polygamy (read: extreme subjugation of women) always fail, because there are a small number of alpha males who get all the females, leaving a majority of men frustrated and likely to rebel. In contrast, societies that practice monogamy thrive because all men have something to strive for.
yet europoors still reference the "le 58%" meme every time
>kindness of white people
Dude what the fuck are you talking about? White people have literally been doing to black people and other races for centuries what white people criticize black people for doing today. In the grand scheme of things your kind are the savage, war hungry parasites. Having technology doesn’t make you civilized, it’s your value system that separates the civilized from the savage. We were much better off under segregation. That is a fact. The black family had the lowest divorce rates of any race, thriving black communities, a true culture that we could call our own, etc. It didn’t get worse until we integrated into white society, then you saw the crack epidemic, the bastardization of rap into this materialistic horseshit, black fathers leaving the black family, the prison industrial complex, etc.
Black people thrive when we are TRULY separated from whites and your neo colonialism.
I don’t give a fuck, I’m correct, why should we be nice to you? Your kind have been mortal enemies to my people since the day my ancestors made the mistake of trusting your ancestors and shaking their filthy disgusting fucking hands. Smart blacks never trust your kind, that’s the most foolish thing you can do, your kind will always betray those foolish enough to trust you.
There will only be rebirth if there are whites left to rebuild, user.
great post
zero parenting
>zero fathers
he literally copied that tweet word for word and 250,000 people (bots) didnt notice
Sub Saharan Africa has a massive fucking desert called the Sahara that is impossible to trek separating itself from the cradle of civilization you fucking retard. Why do you think Southern Europe and Northern Africa developed before Northern Europe and sub Saharan Africa? Northern Europeans at the time were savage scum. The Greeks thought of them as filth, they( the Visigoths) caused the destruction of Rome, you celebrate the Vikings even though they were literally just a horde of violent thieves and rapists. You don’t know shit.
Because they are mentally inferior therefore easily manipulated into doing everything society shits in their idiot child like naïve brains. That is what it means do be a naïve dumb cunt that confuses their own rapefantasies as good political policy for border security.
>white people have literally been doing to black people and other races for centuries what white people criticize black people for doing today.
Nigger, by white standards you're an animal. A beast to be ignored.
>The black fambly had the lowest divorce rates of any race
Niggers never invented marriage.
You must mean Jews. Jews bought niggers like they were Pork Bellies. They sold you like Orange Juice. Jews thought you were a commodity.
White Men thought you were in the way.
Hate me for the right reasons, you subhuman fucking animal.
This is why you're the lowest of all races nigger.
>do nothing to help us
We pay you shitskins the equivalent of all Europes wealth in 1880, every year. Simple fact is, you're garbage.
So you beat women but you expect us to listen to you?
>>lessons learned
i mean.. if the fall of rome wasn't a fucking lesson against flooding your country with shitskins I dunno if America's will be either
>that do literally nothing to help us
>that is a "white woman"
Yeah sure, (((white)))
I live in America for now dumbass, doesn’t mean my family has been here from the start. We’re immigrants. My lineage is mostly Caribbean/West Indian, and we’re upper middle class for the most part, some extended family is poor but they’re just immature and irresponsible to be honest. My parents and family are not the dumbass generalization you filth project onto us. We pride ourselves in education and working hard. You know nothing of my family.
>Why are the vast majority of white women such traitorous whores?
because that is the current fad.
>not subversive faggots and trolls
just ignore it
>This is why you're the lowest of all races nigger.
This isn't a secret.
Jews pretend that they think niggers are equal, but their actions say otherwise.
Here, nigger, nigger, nigger.
Take dese gibs and go the fuck away.
Kangs of Gibs. A parasite race.
Did that hurt your feelings?
Jesus Christ...Why is that 90% of all Negresses I see look like fat black blobs? They look like stretched out sacks of shit.
We wuz OhJay n sheeeeeeeeit
Good post.
So much of the process involved in Rome was lost to the sands of time, everything today is being thoroughly documented and memed upon
If we had the empathy of the Chinese, Africans would not exist
>Why is that 90% of all Negresses I see look like fat black blobs? They look like stretched out sacks of shit.
Niggers will 'muh dik' anything that can't run faster than themselves.
They aren't a race built to last.
Why do you call white people caucasians? Caucasians are muslim like creatures in Russia. They are rapefugees of Russia. We call white people Europeoids
>Your kind have been mortal enemies to my people
Stupid racist idiot
>. We call white people Europeoids
What do you call niggers?
and you get firm penis so theres that
Fuck your respect. I don’t even value your life let alone your opinion. Your kind are fucking treacherous two faced parasites undeserving of the privilege of being called dogshit and if ever given the opportunity I wouldn’t hesitate to wipe your kind off the face of the earth. Your kind keeps me in a state of perpetual disgust and abhorrence you worthless pigskin NEET scum.
It’s just propaganda making you feel like your hot shit, your weak, your women are literally getting raped and gangfucked by muzzrats en masse as we speak. It’s truly a shame I only get to hear about it and not have the thrill of watching them suffer.
Not saying we NEED your help, I’m saying you don’t do shit to help and only criticize so why should we treat you w/ kindness and respect?
>societies with polygamy (read: extreme subjugation of women) always fail, because there are a small number of alpha males who get all the females, leaving a majority of men frustrated and likely to rebel
This isn't necessarily true. Pretty much all polygamous societies rely on slavery to make up the shortfall in women. This is why polygamy was prevalent in much of the world until the abolition of slavery, at which point it became an unsustainable practice.
Maybe you should have a look at the african countries free of wypipo and realize how lucky you are the americans didn't ship you back there, you're not entitled to help you've already been helped way too much
ask an african if they would want their homeland to be flooded with immigrants to the point where half the people arnt even africans
>I don’t even value your life let alone your opinion.
Same, nigger.
Fuck off to your nigger paradise.
>Hows we dones supposed to eat, an sheeit?
I'll send 12 faggots your way tomorrow.
You can done libs off dey tears.
>scared of payback
>implying Mexicans don't ethnically cleanse black neighborhoods and hate black people more than any other ethnic group
>implying Brazil where there is a smaller, secluded wealthy white minority isn't where the US is headed
top kek
sudenly its not whites but causasians. lol. pushing that guilt on latinost already? or niggers and leftist dont know that we are same race? and its literal delusion, number of blacks percentage wise isnt increasing enough to overrun whites, its latinos making whites minority, not niggers. fucking lmao, and latinos hates niggers even more than whites, they are rly fucking deluded and having 200 k likes..thats hilarious.
Is this confirmed the same person. Important we confirm this.
no i remember first time pic on the left was posted, its made up. some cuck took photo and added fake tweet.
lessons are never learned. They will forget it and start over again within a decade or two after normalization.
South America had two massive oceans that prevented them to trade with the rest of the world, yet I haven't seen sub saharian astronomy yet
Indeed. Women have a natural instinct to nurture. They understand children; therefore they think like children.
These are concern shill posts, btw.
Johnny rebel - its the attitude, stupid.
Alien is a Codeword for White People
>Is this confirmed
Shake 3 bundles of sage outside your hut tomorrow.
Trade all your EBT for loosies.
And dance around a tree, like a degenerate nigger.
Do all dis, an I done be predictin' tree mo' mumfs of de Netflix on you Obamaphone.
Always done remember, cibilization done be raciss, an sheeit!
>>>zero parenting
>>zero fathers
whats the difference?
But whites ARE the global minority
Come at me negro
euro mutts btfo
>But whites ARE the global minority
You'll piss off the niggers.
Also OP is a fag.
This, so much, never rely on women, they just follow the strongest and that's normal.
Try 53%, a disgraceful performance from white women.
Even so, the Dems are so angry about it, they’ve gone even more anti-white.