Member Kony?
Member Kony?
yeah he played opposite Schwarzenegger, right?
When I lived in Texas and was going to high school, I knew this sheboon who wouldn't shut the fuck up about him. I want to forget the past bro.
tell your boss no
Paradigm Shift 2070!
>Member Kony?
Life is Peachy was pretty good. not a big fan anymore.
psyop to gauge the public to see how easy it'd be to manipultate people over MUH CHILDREN... 8 months later Sandy Hook happened with a huge push for gun control
Predator was such a good film.
Yes, check my posts on gunbroker forums from that period...
Loved him Pulp fiction, vanilla ice not so much
I remember how weird it was having people100 percent against the Iraq and Afghan wars arguing in favor of us steamrolling the Congo to go get some guy doing bad things
I do, can't remember his running mate any more, though.
Life is Peachy sounds like an anal porn parody of Life is Strange.
>open image
>only see image in peripheral vision
>I actually thought it was kony
It was pretty fucking successful too, you couldn't go around without hearing some asshole wanting to stop Kony.
Meanwhile if you Googled the name, it'd show that he no longer operates....
i wonder if his arms grew back
Contrary to popular opinion, Kony was a good guy. Instead of letting children idle about and catch AIDS and kill each other over a breadcrumb or some strange tribal warfare conflict, he gave prospective youngsters guns and discipline and food and toys in exchange for doing something they would've ended up doing anyway.
In Toronto there was a big surge of STOP KONY posters, and liberal hipsters used to get butthurt when I explained that, and putting Kony in jail wouldn't stop any conflict at all.
yeah and the guy who made the documentary conveniently "went crazy" fully naked in the street "on drugs" while I think masturbating too. completely discrediting him forever
Here is the rundown
>he was a radical christian miliant of LRA in Uganda nad Congo
>killed a bunch of ppl in like the 90's early 2000's then dissappeared
>In 2012 leftist went on some huge witchhunt to find this guy, many speculated why the left was doing this.
>maybe they wanted to bring muh christian terrorists into the spotlight to blame all christians
>maybe they wanted to establish a us military presence there
>who knows but it was weird, i remember the guy jason russel i think is jewish, he had a propaganda video at the time i cant find now with soyboys and women singing and dancing and shit trying to get ppl to attack kony and bring him to justice.
>anyway the whole thing fizzled out, kony was probably dead
>and oh i forgot the jason guy was then hospitalized after this incident
where he masturbated on the sidewalk and acted insane and yelled kill me or something idk
bayou billy
(((Invisible Children)))
Thought he did wonderful as Apollo Creed in the Rocky films
I totally shilled kony on facebook, what was it about again?
How is he doing now anyway?
the only reason kony was popularized by the media was that he was a christian and his group was christian and the media desperately needs christians that can be called terrorists. Otherwise run of the mill african warlord that didnt deserve the attention he got.
There's more where that came from
kony was haunting him he dindu nuffin
pretty sure he was dead at the time they started pushing that shit
This is a classic
haha I was literally just thinking about kony 2012 yesterday
He looks like he's humping the Earth. I giggled.
>some russian guy named ivan killed him
fucking kek
it was beta version of pizzagate
I know a girl that got a little niglett tattoo'd on her shoulder in honor of the invisible children. She had troubles with addiction but that's neither here nor there.
The same idiots wanted us to go kill Assad for the sarin false flag and plant a new govt in Syria. The idea that the governments (((sponsors))) made the whole thing up never entered their heads.
Pretty sure the Kony propaganda had to do with Congo's diamond mines.
Sup Sup Forums, I'm a British guy currently living in Uganda.
Over Christmas I visited Gulu up in the north of the country where I met this guy - fka "Captain Owino" - some bloke that used to fight in Kony's Lords Resistance Army pictured drinking extra-strong gin with added chilli peppers.
He told me a few stories about the LRA before he got shot and captured - including how they tortured prisoners by giving them a choice: be annoyed or have a laugh. Choosing to be annoyed would get holes put in your lips and your mouth padlocked shut, whilst having a laugh would just get your lips totally cut off.
Gulu is ok now, but I heard Kony still rolls into the area sometimes because people are too shit scared to try and give him up.
Forgot the pic like a retard
>not being ashamed that he did that
Nature or nurture?
Nice story Ugandan user bro.
hey, unrelated question, you know de wae?
I couldn't really tell if he was ashamed or not, I guess it was just part of life. He got the name Captain Owino because he used to ambush people on the way to the market (Owino being a famous market here in Uganda). Once captured he was offered a pardon if he fought against Kony with the Uganda People's Defence Force instead. He was actually pretty chill to chat to - actually chased off a local madcunt with a makeshift spear while I was there.
Sounds like another day in Africa to me.
CIA Testballon to see how a psyops with social networks on the internet would work.
Fuck you. Seriously fuck you. Everyday on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube I'm unable to escape this retarded, unfunny, forced meme. No matter where I look, all I see and hear is "hey do you know da way xddd" from these stupid normies. Even my brother, my own kin started using that fake Ugandan accent. Sup Forums was the only place I could get away from it because I know the people on Sup Forums aren't normies and don't fall for these blatant forced memes. But you, YOU just had to post it didn't you? ON A POLITICS BOARD OF ALL PLACES. Why? What did you gain by posting it you normie piece of shit? I bet you think this meme is the most hilarious thing you've seen since pickle rick. I hope you burn in hell for this. Who knows, maybe when you're there you can think about your actions.
Who was behind it? Was it just a test to see how well a totally forced viral campaign would work?
If he was ashamed he wouldn't tell you about it. Interesting story though, too bad Hillary lost or maybe we could've brought him here.
I remember this. It even became a huge thing for a short time here too. But again, only among the leftists and by state-controlled media. It was indeed very strange, like a mind-control thing that only worked on certain people.
I think some jew(s) had his eye on the diamonds.
>remember this
i remember a lot of bullshit flyin around and then fucking silence
a few years later i discover we've had teams roaming the fucking continent doing whatever and still nobody even mentions this guy except here
i'm calling cia bullshit-op on this one
This is the year.
There is strong connections between the Clinton Foundation and blood diamonds.
My guess is some jew wanted diamond mines in the Congo and Konys Kool Kid Klub were in thier way.
A few mil to the Clinton Foundation and he was set up to be removed.
Yeah alot of ppl said it was brainwashing or something, or he got rich off the nonsense and took alot of drugs.
Chill out mate, by responding to him you're just encouraging him you post it more. Now he's going to post it again and again and again but do u know da wey?
Sorry, I can't really remember. We had our own problems with Joni. He didn't pay the debt.
Was Kony the shitstorm that started the real SJW culture?
It has really only escalated since..
but do you know de wae?
The American is right though. The meme isn't funny.
I won't even respond to it. At least "everyone in Uganda knows kung fu" is funny. UgK is pure reddit-tier anti-bants.
Ah yes, Kony, "Were gonna get kony!!1 :D"
Created one of the greatest rants from AJ
Info? I remember when it was a big thing in my area, and it was so strange I remember how everyone who jumped on board were something like "memes" or internet trends who take things like this very seriously.
wasn't there some money fraud involved? didn't they collect donations?
It was a big deal that we had to stop kony and then everyone got tired of it and no one stopped Kony and he still enslaves African kids to this day
It’s like the ice bucket challenge except with African child soldiers
My fucking sides are gone holy shit
Oh shit, didn't see this was already posted. lmao
Hey hey people, it's your local autistic kid Sseth here
First of all, whites don't belong in South Africa. Get out of our country
Kony on speaking over the phone to the Uganda president for peace talks
>I will communicate with Museveni through the holy spirits and not through the telephone
>implying the bantu were there first
The more likely answer is that Kony never 'enslaved' child soldiers so much as boys age 7 are expected to serve and they could see regular combat by 12. It was common in medieval europe deep into the steel age, why wouldnt it be true in tribal africa now.
I feel old...
>tfw the invisible children people came to my school
>this was after the leader got in trouble for jerking off in public
>mandatory attendance to the hour+ presentation
>the dude that jerked off was there
>goes on a long rant about how he's all better now and he needs our neetbux to stop teh bad guise
>soyboys and tumblrinas started a club to raise money and donate to "STOP KONY!!! XDD"
>middle class school so a good chunk of change got donated
>all their mummies' moneys went right up that dude's nose
>fast forward a bit
>exam for geography is a current events project on computers, assigned subjects
>I get fucking Kony
>my slideshow is 50% Sup Forums memes of Kony2012
Life was so much better as a kid.
In one of my classes in high school they were supposed to show a documentary of his crimes and what he did to children, but only if they signed agreement to watch the documentary. But like 90% of class bitched out, so we we had a normal class instead.
I was pretty upset.
How much of Sup Forums is still in high school?
Fuck I wish Sup Forums was around when I was in high school. Worst thing I could find back then was
True. People against iraq suddenly became misteriously pro ugandan intervention. It was fucking creepy.
I graduated a few years ago, but I imagine a good percentage of Sup Forums and a yuuuge percentage of Sup Forums in general are in the 13-17 demographic.
I mean fuck I was just barely exploring Sup Forums when boxxy was big, learned about Sup Forums from a peer who was browsing as young as 10yo.
ugandan movies are 200% actually funny though
Course they are - taken part in a few myself (including Wakaliwood)
Knuckles is shit-tier though
grah baw naw wep niny bawm
You're the only person I've ever seen openly admit that and I respect it
pay denbts
He won't be dead... why die when you can turn up in Germany and collect a bigger gibs than the annual income of your whole village.
He's just one of thousands of murderers and rapists those communists have deliberately brought in to ruin society.
Merkel is a communist terrorist and Germany is overdue its shit kicking in.
What was that random one that bounced you around to different sites and shit?
I remember them selling bracelets and encouraging people to deface public property with anti kony posters you could buy from the website
why hasnt anyone mentioned the fact that the guy who made the documentary, months later, lost his mind and was jerking off in public in front of traffic?
no he's right ugandan knuckles was pretty lackluster
Nah it was a collection of gore and weird porn pictures in the '90s. The first time I saw the internet that site showed me a pic of a guy fucking a chicken
Read the thread and lurk more faggot, like 5 + people have mentioned it.
Sounds kind of awesome, do sites like that still exist?
I knew about him way before he became a thing in 2012. I rolled my eyes at the pretentious, virtue signalling "We can't let this stand!" circlejerk and knew that it was only a charity fad that was destined to come and go over a matter of weeks, the same way the media always manages to "discover" these things in Africa which have been going on for ages, pretend like they're news and that talking about them and passing the pity-plate around a couple times so some impotent charity or better yet some bullshit scammer will continue to thrive will do anything about them.
It was confirmed that some guy staged everything to kickstart his son's career in acting. All they did was release a shitty video and the left was looking for the guy all over the world.