Where is your spine?

Granted that what you subscribe to in terms of political ideology is believed (by you) to be the incontrovertible truth, why are you not more open about it in public? Why are you hiding, Sup Forums?

Is it because you are scared? Speak up, faggot.

Because ideas are bulletproof

Where's your vest, half-pint?

i got nothin to hide, yid

I bet it's a different ballgame when you're unemployed, huh

Because public can't handle truth and freedom of speech.

Muh power level !!

What's so revolutionary about whispering into a cupped hand?

Because I Need resources to survive and those who have those resources don't like my ideas.

So I'll infiltrate their institutions and subvert them until we are in a good position to over throw (((them)))

What are you doing, personally, to infiltrate their institutions and subvert them from within? Be as vague as you please in your response, but until I get a passable one you can color me skeptical.

I'm open if a political topic happens to come up. I don't inject my racial ideals into every conversation like leftists do because I'm not looking to start shit.

Nowhere in this thread were identity politics even mentioned. YOU brought them up out of apparent insecurity. Leftism is a disease but its pathology is in no way exclusive.

Leftists introduce identity politics to conversation because of their allegedly unassailable belief in intersectionality. They believe in a closely interrelated framework that props up the altruism of their ideology. It's a shame that they are too self-absorbed to acknowledge that their activity is for a personal sense of achievement, as opposed to a greater good.

Don't get it twisted. Modern leftism is a dumpster fire, but so are a lot of other things.

You said politics. That's politics. It's about strategizing for the benefit of your race. Unless your part of some fringe race denying ideas movement. That's why I don't talk about it because there's no point arguing about something you were born into.

Are you really saying that modern governments have operated in express interest of a single race or identity group? That's depressingly naive, not to mention defeatist.

I don’t you poofter. I’ve been redpilling coons I work with about how ridiculous dats rayciss shit is.
Unsuprisingly, they agree that hate is healthy.

Really interesting to note that the knee-jerk reaction here is to deflect to race and identity politics.

Some governments do. They should. In the US it depends which party is in control. Dems operate in express interests of non-whites. Republicans are weaker and more subtle but the voting base is starting to force them into adopting a more explicitly racial platform. In general politics plays out as whites against everyone else. Where do you see defeatism in this? I'm just saying that's how it is.

How is it deflecting? You brought up politics, and politics is racial.

Pardon the pun, but it's exactly this sort of black and white thinking that unnecessarily exacerbates racial divides when the true distinction is economic disparity. The Democratic party operates in express interest of manufacturing societal ills to introduce solutions for. Republicans operate in favor of maintaining an economic status quo. The race element is an accompanying factor. In general, politics play out as two extremes pulling in either direction until the fabric of moderation is ripped.

Look at the underlying factors that promote our contemporary perceptions of racial groups. Does it make more sense now?

nigger, i quite regularly laugh at entitled sjws and shitskins. i live in a university town and they're everywhere. i tell people all the time on here that it isn't that big of a deal. its all about tact.

they ARE actually terrorists that rely on a complicity of silence, all they want is the chance to enforce compliance towards any unwanted end.

you can quite easily get a crowd to turn on an sjw if you're agile enough. women and niggers don't like them, mexicans are shitlords irl. we are actually all oppressed by these parasites.

literally just never show weakness, no guilt, no shame, just contempt for their sense of entitlement.

then talk shit to your heart's content.

Does the well-to-do black have the same racially charged predilections as the more common impoverished black? And if he does, are you certain it's not just to pimp out his own to benefit his own societal standing as an individual?

I give zero fucks about anyone having more money than I do. My problem is with my children being worse off than I am because of unending third worldist (leftist) agitating and ethnic pollution. It's just nicer to live in a white society. Do you not get that? Who cares about wealth inequality if you live in a nice majority white first world country? Who cares about wealth redistribution if you don't?

>Look at the underlying factors that promote our contemporary perceptions of racial groups.
Leftist, those factors are genes. We perceive them differently because they're genetically different.

>I give zero fucks about anyone having more money than I do

And this is why you lose.

Corporate primacy does not give a fuck about your ethnostate.

Jesus Christ leftist. I get a bachelor's deree. Someone else gets a master's degree. Ohh nooo he's making more money than meee. What a terrible injustice. Save me leftist.

You're not thinking big enough!

Blacks with college degrees vote Democrat by a slightly lower margin. It doesn't matter. It's not necessarily malicious. It's just, I'm this race, so I'll vote for the party promising to serve my race. That's all it is. And it works.

>Level of education being a salient determinant of income and overall wealth, let alone having a significant impact on economic projections at the modern state level
Come here. Let me give you a noogie.

How do you explain POC Republicans? Mental illness?

>why are you not more open about it in public?

I am open about my philosophies and beliefs in public.

Not saying I try to red pill everyone I meet, but if the conversation ventures towards political topics, I speak my mind.

It's an example of why I don't care about wealth inequality in principle. If we compete for the same job and you win, then the job is yours. Even though I lose in that one event, I'm happy to live in that system for other reasons that should be obvious.

Yes. Mental illness, stupidity, social conditioning from the leftist establishment.

Except in the case that you lose to a black person, correct? Do you think there is a core of white solidarity in this country that views in-house economic competition as friendly?

By that logic, aligning themselves with the "racially appropriate" party is still mental illness, stupidity, and social conditioning. You're chasing your tail.

it's better to play the devil's advocate and pretend to be a more extreme version of the person you're arguing with, to the point of satirizing their worldview. while still being believable

This was the fag response I initially expected. Thanks for delivering, brainlet.

>economic disparity
Found the commie

Try being a teacher. If I ever were to speak up, I would lose my job in an instant.


It's not your job as a teacher to proselytize or introduce bias. Unless you mean that speaking up elsewhere would compromise your job standing.

Okay let's say that's what I actually believe. I don't want blacks in my country because they're smarter than my group and we can't compete. So what? Am I wrong to care about my race despite their inferiority?

Not sure what you're getting at. The Republican Party isn't perfect, but in the current context it's their responsibility to serve the interests of white people.

At this point, I respectfully disagree and will leave it at that because you're arguing race realism and from my perspective that's like talking to a brick wall. An antediluvian brick wall.

Funny. You start off talking about "politics" with no specific topic other than my socially unacceptable views (presumably racist views). And when I mention race it's "insecurity." Then after I make a point about economics and property rights you bring up race for a quick gotcha. But that's not insecurity? Leftists always do the thing they accuse others of doing.

Just playing your game. That's all.

Gute nacht! 1488.

Where did I argue race realism? Nothing to do with what I said.

I’m not brainwashing my class, but I don’t blue pill them either. I’m going as far as can be considered safe. I was referring to speaking up elsewhere though. A teacher was fired recently in my country for having far right views he only shared on the internet. He thought he was anonymous but someone doxxed him.

Ahh so when you're dealing with something that violates your principles, you give up those principles and play along with the game anyway just to win? I can respect that.

I promote openly the killing of all Army ans Deep State shits. World peace the Lenin way bitch. Hope K.I. will kill them.