>Japan only accepted 26 refugees last year
>actually it is 0.03 % of refugee apply
why is this allowed?
I am sick of this closed mind nation
>Japan only accepted 26 refugees last year
>actually it is 0.03 % of refugee apply
why is this allowed?
I am sick of this closed mind nation
don't respond to the same shitty bait, you fucking reddit niggers
what is bad about wanting better life for their child?
It's natural and normal
>Japan accepted 26 refugees last year
>20 of them were later arrested for rape and immediately deported back to their countries of origin
We have so much to learn from them.
how many now jew refugees did isreal except?
>20 of them were later arrested for rape
...So are they adopting Japanese customs or?
How many refugees did the bottom of the Mediterranean accept?
Fortunately your countries voters are not sick of your closed minded nation, so they vote to protect it. You do not have a voice. Sage
Well the kid did end up dead as a direct result of the father's shitty decisions so there is that.
Thank you based Poseidon
English teacher detected
Thank you based poseidon
It's going to be difficult to get Japan to be a Muslim majority country. I'd like to see a million Muslim refugees a year. The low Japanese birthrate combined with the birthrate of muslim refugees, perhaps it would only take 75 years to transform Japan to a Muslim country. I can only hope for it to occur sooner
Nips aren't your babysitters
Only a Jew wishing to weaken a nation with immigrants, from a nation it had already weakenend, would ask this question
thank god our government has balls, unlike you beta westerners, being run by women and gays.
Thank you based Poseidon
Why would you want to improve your own life instead of leeching on the welfare state?
thank you based poseidon
>mfw I got to visit the worlds greatest mono-culture
Seriously, you Nips are based.
not enough
We can have open borders one day user.
You are a westerner too, just a fucking weeb one at that. You aren’t an Asian just because you have yellow fever and teach English in an Asian country.
For once it was really accommodating into the host culture.
He and his son were safe in Turkey(When you are a refugee and you find safety, you are supposed to stay there), but wanted to get to Canada so he could get dental work done.
all niggers will be sent to a VW testlab.
>>I am sick of this closed mind nation
>closed minded
>the only developed nation that is making its own path
you are the worst nip on this board.
preferably in some haunted forest or something.
>tfw gook nations expect guests into their country to act like guests, mindful of their status as guests in the nation.
>tfw in the states, illegal aliens are allowed to demonstrate and demand representation from our elected officials.
How do we imitate the slants Sup Forums? I want a healthy nation again.
for that reason we will send all these gifted niggers to Japan . In Japan , your jap.niggers will produce high end toolmachines , most advanced industrial equipment and they will pay taxes.
just kidding - japs will send the niggers back to Auschwitz
I unironically laughed when I found out about beach boy.
A nation that has only enough land for 120m citizens to feed. Japan can't take in anyone.
Japan accepted 500,000 Koreans at the Korean War in 1950-53.
They didn't go back to Korea after the cease-fire agreement.
And many of them commit crimes and does anti-japan activity in Japan.
That is the reason that Japanese became negative to accept refugees.
Where do they reside mostly, Tokyo?
Shut up you bigot, your country is slowly vanishing and rightfully so. Go make some babies you worthless piece of shit
Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka
Japan is probably the biggest shit hole to live in. work 16 hours a day, 6 days a week. country full of racist. No one is having sex, look at the declining birthrate. You slave yourselves for absolutely nothing.
Today, American works longer than Japanese
sage for honorary aryan japanese samurai
We have like 200 niggers here and god damn they nig like 20000. For some reason I don't understand why the police doesn't do anything about black touts in Roppongi and Kabuki-cho. If someone steals panties we immediately put 3 detective chief inspectors on that case.
Does the samurai fear Tyrone?
Our niggers are somehow recruited by the yakuza so they can scam foreigners. But for some reason the police is ok with it.
This child died because his muslim father wanted free dental care. This picture has been used for propaganda purposes many, many times.
Not enough
just show your geographic location gook
>Land of the nether.
Is that like nether regions ie.scrotums. Faggot Ewww member.
Not enough
You're a bad goy nippon!
How do your blacks scam foreign people?
In the ass
>I am sick of this closed mind nation
then move out
nigga, stop misleading
Most refugees who want to go to Japan are not from Syria
>tfw some liberals actually use this trick
He's 5' 2" so stop picking on him.
(Jap male average height)
(Imagine how little his dick is)
(No wonder they do what they are told. )
(Stuff in brackets is whispers. Japs shouldn't read this, it'll hurt their fefes)
Shamufuru disupurei
they look for a certain type of target and hustle them down the street to visit their great girl bar, once in & overwhelmed by attention from grils, pressured buying drinks w/ hidden fees, at worse served a spiked drink
if you're a real refugee, do you want to go Japan?
there's a reason that Japan barely accepts ''''''''''''refugees ''''''''''''' despite Japan donates a ton of money to refugees
Why are you giving money?
Just don't give a fuck and close borders.
>says european
Nipanons, dox this shill spammer OP and if it's not just a proxyfag give him Junko Furuta treatment
You can do it, we have a much different political situation here.
Yes you need to accept more Korean refugees :^)