There has been shilling constantly in these line of threads as well as several media sites posting articles warning of "Right Wing Fake News" that came out soon after Weiner's Directory was Leaked.
Original thread: Second Thread: Side Thread: Third Thread: Last Thread: 8ch Thread: Sup Forumsres/11236642.html
Cameron Campbell
Stop fucking averting attention...
James Thompson
God fucking damn it this dude Saged and averted attention to his bullshit slide thread.
Brayden Young
quit sliding. You need a permaban.
Henry Gray
A smart jew would of hidden in the attic with the diary stupid jew kek
Angel Bell
you fuckers are trying just a little too fucking hard. I smell a rat.
Jaxon Gonzalez
What is the significance of this directory? Did the NYPD leak this?
Levi Hall
It has a shit load of info of the some of the most powerful people in the country. From Bill Clinton, Al Gore, David Brock, Lynn Rothschild and so on. It also started the investigation into the Anthony Weiner's connection to a few areas near a children's charity home. See A quick glance at the Original thread as well as Side thread will give you a pretty good idea
Connor Perez
ON TODAY'S SHOW Memo saga wrapup, Carter Page evade Lord Rothschild once again
Democratic coup news and train crashes with ANOTHER TODAY
The fake AI and bot controlled Stock market!
High treason in America rewarded with getting to keep your job
Federal Reserve news and the new Goy Head of it
And much much more!!!! Special guest Alex jones memes!!!
You guys make it so obvious to who you truly are. You don't speak of any of the information given, rather you simply try to avert attention or the poison the well.
Leo Rivera
How TF did this shit get leaked? Was it the NYPD carrying out its threat against the FBI? Black hat hacker? White hat?
Jaxson Hughes
supposed "pdanon" infographic
Juan Sanders
Asher Hernandez
it's either NYPD going vigilante or sanctioned by benevolent IC
there is no way this can end good for any of them. that is a massive fucking list. 600+ names. that shit can be cross referenced and using basic web scraper tools etc you can connect some large fucking dots.
i don't really see this coming from anywhere but trump sanctioned information missiles.
this is a legitimate fucking bomb right here. the chans have never had this much fucking powerful info on major players ever before. this is the war - we're in the fucking thick of it now boys.
Brody Cooper
there are 4+ slide threads on Elon Musk alone about how he is the savior of mankind
Evan Thompson
Jonathan Hughes
I looked at the Goolag map. . . Something struck me. Something frightening. What if #37 is one of the two trailers near the school? Look at the structure of the yard in that children's house. It is in a perfect position for there to be a secret gate between the children's home and one of those trailers, a way children could be transferred from that house without anyone seeing.
It's also a perfect little horn to keep away prying eyes. Lots of bushes and trees to keep it hidden from view from anyone visiting.
I think someone should go to that trailer park or the house and look for it.
Luis King
David Long
I think there might be a secret gate between that children's house and that trailer. It's perfectly placed. If I was a creep who wanted to sell sex from kids, I'd probably set things up like this. I'd have a boarding school or orphanage with a secret passage to a place where those looking to kiddie fiddle can do so relatively safely. This set up would be PERFECT and inoccuous looking enough that no one would even consider it.
Daniel Russell
lets start ordering people pizzas. Any intl friends wanna dial in to Lynns closest Dominos?
Zachary Davis
Saved for future verification
Ethan Sanders
What's up with all the fake CGI trees?
Caleb Ortiz
Saved. Also Q predicted this.
James Gray
thats google 3D maps tech. Also Bump cuz fuck another Musk thread
Aiden Clark
If these people hear there's pizzas on the way they might get excited thinking it's something else.
Nolan Phillips
I was wondering the same thing.
Michael Carter
Didn’t they remove it? If they did I archived it
Ian Foster
you'll probably get real used to the smell of rats in whatever dungeon you get locked in for the rest of your short and miserable life p.s. I hope it's mine
Idk a Ruskie called Schiff today telling him Trump had CP on his CPU
Samuel Murphy
one thing is guaranteed now
at the very least the BULK of the names released in this infodrop were released a year ago unless someone fucking hacked and is trying to rewrite history but that's reaching pretty far
check the date in the archive. we may be being played.
Ryder Davis
is there a recording?
Kayden Stewart
Well idk about added names, but since when does the NYT run out of an apartment???
>NY Times 15 Gramercy Park South Apt. 12B NY NY 10003
Bentley Peterson
No another user in a different thread earlier Alex Jones was reporting on it. They were going to be taking the lost down. I archived at midnight last night
Nicholas Parker
one guess, it's a off-site office?
Matthew Miller
Leo Price
video of alex reporting on it?
Tyler Jenkins
gotta admit, that's pretty fucking priceless. but we're trying to figure some shit out here.
the dox list apparently has been posted before, a year ago. there may be new names in the recent release
Andrew Mitchell
so tired right now amirite?
Chase Rogers
Sebastian Gomez
bump so people can see this shit.
Daniel Hughes
Post it on Voat's pizzagate thing. Sup Forums is shit for this kind of thing.