White “people” will be executed and enslaved. This is the Chinese century for we are descendant of Dragon. We Han Chinese will exterminate all spic nigger and curry. White boy will be executed and enslaved. White women will be made our sex slave. This is your future white boy.
White “people” will be executed and enslaved. This is the Chinese century for we are descendant of Dragon...
BBC in tight slant pussy
Watch her knees shake,
And her brain get mushy.
BBC in her little rice tushy,
He faps to tentacle hentai,
Waits for delivery sushi.
Are you going to try and do this before or after you ask the white man to teach you how?
No one cares about you commie soyboy faggots
Remember that communism will never be successful
That's pretty racist of you for saying that.
Nigger are animal to be executed and enslaved. Go eat grass monkey
White “people” are extincting. You are a dying “race” like the polar bear
Chinese empire was most powerful until 1700 ad. You retarded
You mad chinaboy?
Chink soyboy who eat dog. Robotic in nature and a society that doesn't have manners. A rough language that sounds like a barking dog (Catonese).
It had zero power projection.
you are not Chinese
you are a shill
West was desert you stupid
niggers can't grow grass
>Chinese empire was most powerful until 1700 ad.
No you weren't. Also, it's not the 1700's.
>You retarded
You'll never be White.
Why do you got to make other Asians look bad. Faggot. Chinks are dirty and can't compare to the power the Japan and Korea.
I am descendant of Dragon fuck you
They are evolving, it just takes a while
WTF dragons like are you stupid.
>I am descendant of Dragon
So your ancestor fuck a lizard? Makes sense.
Nah, we’ll just nuke the planet as a final “fuck you” and end it all first.
Such an amazing game
Jap and Gook are eternal vassal. You are a faggot lovers of dick
kek. you're not wrong.
>americuck calling anyone soyboy
Kek, the anomaly originates from your 3rd world country actually, mutt.
this picture reminds me of dominoes
Rather be a lover of dicks than a Chink.
Faggot will be collected and executed.
show your flag shill
>executed & enslaved
yeah, that sounds about right for a chinese plan
kill all the sparrows!
fuck! where'd all these locusts come from?
short-sighted impulsive idjits
>show your flag shill
Actually though
100% chance his flag is New Zealand.
World first rail gun you scare white boy??
>it's a jew
He's probably a butt hurt ABC that got his girlfriend stolen from him by a White dude.
sinoleaf 100%
>don't think so gook...your women love white cock too much.
>flag is still a meme flag
>flag is downwards
Could you next time at least show some respect for a flag before you start larping. I'm reporting you to CCP and place you on travel ban.
Fuck you you dont know nothing. My dick has devirginated multiple white women
>>my dick
basically this.
You stupid white savage. You dont know nothing. China is the longest country in the world. 5000 year. My writing is older than white civilization. You are babies
Doubt it.
No we won't. Chinese get along fine with white people. Nice try
Fuck off commie.
And the Japanese of Amaterasu and the sun, the Koreans of the fenix. AKA they are superior to you.
See you in 40 years!
Traitor scum. All Traitor will be collected and executed.
And the Japanese of Amaterasu and the sun, the Koreans of the fenix. AKA they are superior to you
Traitor to who
Not even white faggot. All those years and you still can't be relevant. The world thinks of your country as dirty, scummy, cheating people.
I'm Chinese and I know for sure chinks are inept cowards with no souls, no compassion, no imagination.
I wished Japanese colonized china. We at least would have been more civilized.
Fuck chinks.
Chinese and White will create a new global Empire
To China. You already on list man........ I feel sorry for your mother......
And then the Qing dynasty raped you in the was for 300 years
Only Chinese.... white will be collected and executed....
No it won't happen. It will be dual empire
Dont beg for mercy when european coalition will siege peking again
You are wrong. Bye
YAY! "Rice Dicks" for Everyone!
I don`t think so . Proposal : read janes.com and come back if you are convinced to be the guy with the big stick .
let`s check your social reality :
1,4 bln chinese
400 mio. belong to the middle class.
result : you eat far more meat than you can produce ; therefor : claims in Africa and Brasil ( soy -production )
China is not able to feed it`s population . therefor they have investments in Africa and Brasil.
no problem ? ok . let` s check the distance between Brasil and mainharbour Shanghai ( look on the map ...hmmmok ) and ? exactly : nato & us submarines - wherever you go with your chinese cargo ship .
Russia : the Russians won`t accept any further land grabbing at their borders.
you want to sell mobile phones and IT equipment .
no. Germany says : no . you will fukk off with your overproduction . you are unhappy ? you want to argue . I make a proposal china män : you shut the fukk up and Dr. Autobahn will forget about your statement on Sup Forums - otherwise I will have to destroy your water supply - in 40 towns - it takes approx. hmmm 72 h . understood ?
No one who has gotten laid says that
>Hear that in the other room?
Your gf is choking on my white dragon
you work for niggers admit it already
true story
was in china a few years back
watched in real time a white dude steal a chink's gf from him right in front of him
all he did was look at the ground as the gf ran off with the white dude
my sides
We had one of those on one of our ships 4 years earlier
the next star is India
No. Don't worry it will be a good Empire
Had chinese won any war ever?
Please do it now China. We need you.
Wait you will exterminate all spic nigger and curry, and then enslave us? This might work actually.
How can we get executed and enslaved at the same time?
>World first rail gun.
>No country has ever had a weapon they didn't parade around for the world to see.
Nobody knew about nukes until they vaporized 2 Japanese cities.
"railgun" is a maglev , maglev is TRANSRAPID , TRANSRAPID is german . re china/ us : you invent NOTHING - you simply steal blueprints
Just burn this shit again. I have been there once and there is nothing of value. It is worse that Chelyabinsk.
we need a starvation program for these chingchongniggers
It is easy as fuck. You need to bomb the three dams and peking, then watch in morbid fascination the yet another collapse of china in a bunch of warlords and horde of peasants, trying to eat each other.
I have never met an intimidating chinese
Is it winning when you ethnically cleanse other chinese sub-species?
You need to get off the soy first, Chang.
Really? The chinese mob is very scary, here they tax other chinks with protection money, if a nigger robs a chink minimart they execute him to send the message
Ching chang chong! Chang chang chong!
how the fuck did chinese mobs get into argentina
Yo I'm calling bullshit here fake china man. Yesterday there was a big thread about how there's no Chinese on here. Now there are 5-10 threads by Chinese. Try harder with the bait daaawggg.
history repeats it self gook
Who is this semen demon
We all know China's economy and stability relies completely on the west. Do you think anyone in China buys yeezies?
They continually devalue their own currency just to put up a facade of (((power)))
Lol sage , shill