Dear White People

You can't have our women. Stop saying stupid shit like "Creating a hybrid race of white and Asian to maximize IQ and strength, and minimize degeneracy". NO. Fuck off. Stick to your women. If we can't have your women you can't have our waifu's. No go and have 3 kids with stacy who'll cheat on you with Daquan.

-The Asian Race.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Stick to your women
Aren't technically, all women the Whites conquered, theirs?

wolves dont care for the opinions of sheep champ

>-The Asian Race.
that's a strange way to spell "reddit"

fuck off tendies dispenser

>If we can't have your women you can't have our waifu's

Nobody said you can't have our thots and roasties

Enjoy. That seems to be the only kind of white girls asian guys are interestet in anwyay

asian women will still pick a white man over you chink face, how does that make you feel?

Japan, China, Taiwan? AHAHAHA, stay in Burgerland mutt.

Irrelevant abo nigger.

>to be the only kind of white girls
I'm protecting our women. I'm not going to let those inbred whites try to bred with our women just so they have a small chance to survive. Let them die out, they're evil.

i'm going to racemix with an asian and no one is gonna stop me.

all women belong to the white man

>How dis make u feel chink boi?


>Japan hasn't gotten the hint since Iwo jima, nagasaki, and hiroshima
Do you need to be reminded?
>china has a 4:1 spread on men to women
>Taiwan, Shanghai, Beijing and Macau are Euro cocksleeves

Not only that, but the white man is a literal god in any asian territory he steps in, barring Best Korea

Then tell your women to stop throwing themselves at us.

>actually thinking Whites want non-white women
The only attractive Asians are some Japs and South Koreans. The people making these "mix with Asians" posts are trolls, /leftypol/ trying to D&C, and actual hapas.

going gook pussy slaying in japan soon, wish me luck.

>white man is a literal god in any asian territory he steps in
He's convinced himself white people are superior

>Then tell your women to stop throwing themselves at us.

Random slut? I don't care, she would've left him for another asian guy

>Burger thinks superior asians are looking for a fat, balding, 30 year old americuck

About as much convincing required as "fire is hot"

>About as much convincing required as "fire is hot"
Typical delusional, ignorant, arrogant american. I bet you think you have freedom don't do you.

But we Portuguese can, in fact, we have an entire city in China devoted to having them. Its basically Hapa-City or Macao in Mandarin.

>Just acquired qt thicc taiwanese gamur gurl gf whos a freelance graphic designer while she works on her masters in architecture

I tried to resist

pic not related

The thing is, nobody cares what anyone thinks. people are going to fuck whoever they want Yung So. These niggers go on against race mixing but most would race mix with a woman if she played mommy to them. I guess you should just kys bro

when you say asian do you mean it like people in the UK mean it and refer to people in india and pakistan?

-sincerely the asian race

sage this faggotry you morons

You're supposed to go for asians because they're qt feminine trads.

But you went and picked a workaholic instead. You dun goofed.

it doesn't matter. china has 1.4 billion people. it hurts whites more than asians. also fellow asians, fucking BREED

>running away from your own problems to shit up another culture

wow, so alpha

feel what? why would we want race traitors?

>be a figurative millionaire with unlimited asian poon at your average wagecuck prices
>or be literal who in Liberal Overrun city #53
Decisions decisions

based on what logic?

half German half Japaneses

>not being able to think beyond your dick

ok low-IQ chimp

Asians don't even know how to have sex. Fuck off.

that pic. just no.
You can keep the ones with the fake tits, oversized contacts, whitened skin, and eyelid surgery; naturals only, thanks.

I'm okay with that.
I highly recommend Asian men to breed with Japanese girls and acquire lots of high IQ children.

Asia for Asians.
But White country for white people. If your women comes to white country, expect them to be breeding with whites at some point.

sorry, me love you long time has loved me long time.....

Lol who said we were asking permission?

> be me
> gook faggot
> rejected by a white grill because tiny gook dick
> post shit tier thread on Sup Forums

Wow you've really shown us haven't you OP.

Sorry, The Asian Race.

Already married to a Korean qt.

(pic intentionally Japanese)


Not really much difference, honestly.


>They worship whiteness. How horrible.

Oh well, I guess you'll just go jack off to Britteny Venti then.


Stop coming to white countries. Stop appropriating white culture and technology.

to late for you faggot, fucking on daily basis korean cutie

Dude, most white guys can only get shitty Filipino, Thai and Vietnamese type women.

They are actually ruining their genetics usually by breeding with such women.

The amount of white men that can get east Asian women from good countries is very very low. Because most east Asian women and men are into each other and look down on white people in fact as strange looking and hairy and pink etc.

This is a fact that many juvenile users on here won't want to accept though, since they have various fantasies that they could go to somewhere like Japan and that women would grovel as their feet calling them gods or some nonsense. This is the belief they tell themselves to feel secure and distract from the fact that they are losers that live on the internet who could only get a Fili at best.

Even east Asian men are not into white women either, the Japanese did put some white women in their porn and it never sold well because Japanese and east Asian men in general prefer their own women and aren't into the man looking white women.

This is had for many users on here to fathom though, since they believe that their own personal taste has to be a universal fact and that no one could possibly have a different taste than them, most of the users on here have social disorders. Precisely why they are so out of touch with reality.

Most of the Asians that go to America are not the best or prettiest, nearly all according to immigration data are from southern Chinese provinces. That isn't where the best people come from, but white men in western countries date these women if they can get one.

Ultimately a bunch of rejects leave Asia and go to western countries, and western people interbreed with them.
These southern province Asians still may result in the half white and half Asian children in the US and Australia being more intelligent than the average white child though.

You can think of it as simply just more white people being bred out.

Live on the internet on a daily basis you mean. Poor kid.
You don't even have a GF and you and I both know that.

That one is good too lol.

The people claiming master race are failures, ever notice that? It's always some stupid white guy who ends up breeding with some rejected Asian women............they don't produce anything superior and tend to produce inferior children since they are both failures themselves.

We don't want your women. Stop
Coming to our countries we are tired
of you.

A white kid posts these threads. Outted himself the other morning.

The BLM flag threads aren't working so he's changing over to Asian shit now. Sage.

I see it all the time, I have seen here in Australia easily like 200 couples with white man and Asian woman.
And the Asian woman is never pretty, white guys always get the nasty rejects and commonly date women like Filipino's etc as well who aren't even really Asians.

nobody cares what you have to say you chink. Every single on of your men is fucking skinny ass pussy who is scared because their women prefer us. You faggots all look the same. Crooked teeth, degenerate squinty eyes. Bad breath. Who would want that? Also guess what. They thirst for big cock. And unlike you we can actually deliver.

That's the difference between the myth and the fact. Saying niggers have bigger cocks than whites is a myth. Saying every other race has a bigger one than squinty asians is a fact.

Eurasians have never contributed anything useful or innovative to the human race. They aren’t even creative. In reality any other mix is better than them. (Even if their parents are usually trash)

But pol doesn’t care about the truth. They are in their Asian female group think.

Keep coping

I am white myself and I admit this, here in Australia from memory I have only seen maybe like 30-40 hot Asian women and they either were alone or with some Asian man.

Every single white guy with an Asian woman is like a reject Asian woman, either she is a Filipino or she is a southern Chinese who looks quite nasty.

I know the insecure guys like to post stock photo's of couples, but they are not real couples and it's a stock photo for that purpose.

" to the human race"

Humans, homo sapiens are a species. There is no such thing as a human race.

At least become educated before you attempt to run your mouth about nonsensical rubbish. Of course then you wouldn't be doing it though.

Not that I actually think you're asian, but if you were, I'd think this was a perfectly normal and healthy attitude to have.

We are only mixing with you because of the Jews and the kalergi plan. If we were governed by traditional whites you would not be in our countries you would not know our language you would not be typing on the Internet and using any of OUR technology you would be stuck in a rice field where you rightfully should still be.

Asian women are made for white men. I may let you watch me fuck Your mother, g*ok boi


The strange upside down coping world of chinks who tell themselves they are superior in order to psychologically survive.

Fuck off you Meme flag kike. We'll be enslaving our own women.

great i will take them all they have to do is look good MY lifetime, i dont care about 100 years away.

Stop it

If you are a white guy and you breed with a south east Asian then you aren't going to create a master race...........sorry.

Also if you are going to breed with a failure from even eastern Asia who is like a reject then you still aren't going to create anything good.

In fact breeding an actual person from a place like Japan, Taiwan, North eastern China with an average white person will actually decrease the likelihood for intelligence as white people are less intelligent than east Asian people.

You don't improve the intelligent of a child by breeding with a less intelligent human, sorry.

The only true master race would be created if the most intelligent Jews bred with the most intelligent east Asians. Then you truly could get some special results as both are the most intelligent groups on the planet.

Get a divorce, she is trash


I've been dicking down asian women with my BWC for almost a decade. Eventually I want to take a tour through every Asian country and impregnate as many of your beautiful women as possible. They were to worship and copulate with white men.

You are a loser on the internet with a swastika as your flag. I dare say you are likely a troll, a pretty sad one at that. Have fun with your delusional internet life though. Keep telling yourself that you are worshipped, whatever makes you feel secure honey.

>our women
Sweetie, we're not 'your' women. We're liberated now okay? Do you know what that means? It means blablah blablahblablah blh blah blha blah blah nlah blah blah balh nlah blha blha blah blah blah destroy thousands of years of evolution blah blah blaj nlah blah blah blah nlah blah open borders blah blah nlah blah no logical capacity blah blah easily manipilable by mass media blah blah holes

Jews and Chinese are pencil knecks who cannot even park a push bike straight.

They don't breed with you sorry. East Asian women and people in general look down on Caucasian people as being primitive. Sorry about this, but keep believing you are going to marry some Japanese model.............what a sad delusional life you have.

No wonder you live on the internet.

According to your white supremacist crybaby internet losers Jews run your that would make you inferior. Sorry about that. You can't complain that someone runs your countries and then also claim that you are


finally someone who gets it

the only thing that matters is that they're attractive to us right NOW, I don't care what they looked like 5 years ago

But who was euler and gauss jews and east asians have nevrr produced someone like that


Sorry the intelligence of a child is determined by the individual intelligence,of the parents, their compatibility etc. The white person could be more intelligent. Which is probably usually the case in such mixes. What a load of hogwash.
I am so tired of people pretending East Asians are intelligent, every single one I met was retarded. They mostly failed at contributing anything original, innovative or useful to the human race. Even their classical music lacks creativity.

" east asians have nevrr"

You don't even have enough intelligence to be able to write something legible. Your beliefs are even more deluded.

We don't claim we're Superior but yes you're getting sent back to Israel kike.


You just used Caucasian technology to make that statement.

Fact is Asians are a very rigid and undynamic race, if Europe and USA were run by the same sort of nationalist govt China is run by there would be no contest

What a ghastly creature.

What a sad life, let's post pictures and videos of Korean women from the internet and make out they are our prospective a butthurt tirade that we are single virgin losers who are angry at white women.

Sorry that you can't get a GF, sorry that you live on the internet. Sorry that you are a loser.

Keep posting the videos you find of Korean women from the net though and claim they are your partners...........whatever makes you feel happy honey.

They wouldn't date you, sorry about that.

nice to see you again frend

I haven't read any of the books you have wrote in this thread so far. Don't be insulted if you feel like I'm ignoring you.

I'm typing on my phone, a careless mistake like that isen't out of the norm.

You are ignorant, sorry. You are ignorant of history, like most white supremacists you just sit around assuming everything instead of receiving an education.

A lot of things inside the modern computer and laptop actually were invented or designed by Japanese, Taiwanese and Singaporean people.

In fact China invented gunpowder, steel, land mines, cannons, guns, paper, printing, compass, mechanical clock, alcohol etc.

Caucasian people couldn't even make their own numeric system...........derp.

We know it's you kikes who promote race mixing. That's why most of this thread is Meme flags from Israel.

are you that triggered white roastie from the other thread threatening white men not to race mix? kek

why are you so jealous of asian women :^)


Derp............because that Japanese woman totally is married to a Caucasian man.....not.

Sorry about that, you guys are so sad. Posting picture of random idols and somehow in your twisted brains thinking posting them means they are your partners. I truly feel sorry for you kids.

I’ll trade you this white girl for one of those asian girls. Be aware though, those lips are always flapping.


see, what you're not considering is that when you marry someone who got their look via cosmetic surgery, your kids...
>...won't look like their mom.



But she treats me so well, makes such good food, and squirts basically whenever I touch her.

dumbass bitter fat lonely roastie detected!

you're like moths to a flame, you can't resist throwing a tantrum every time white men explain how thot roasties are undesirable and unwanted and that Asian women are the female master race.

Asian women are superior to white women in every conceivable way. White women simply cannot compete.

>its another yellow fever thread
i'll change that