He who needs God's word to make him follow rules like not to lie and steal has no morality.
He who needs God's word to make him follow rules like not to lie and steal has no morality
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Love thy neighbor. This is the only commandment.
It's not about the rules. It's about admitting there CAN be rules.
>Love thy neighbor's wife.
You clearly didn't grow up in a religious environment, heretic Englishman.
Why would a jew use the word "heretic"?
>gas all deviant satanic talmudic kikes
works for me tbqhfam
Humans arent going to do it naturally. You need rules. You need an enforcer. God, psychologically, is a great enforcer. They are good rules, those 10 commandments. I also like the Delphic maxims from ancient Greece.
>jew can't obey 10 rules
history summed up for you
Plenty of humans have no morality, that why the rules are given to us
>He who needs God's word to make him follow rules like not to lie and steal has no morality.
Yet atheists, pagans, agnostics - all who strand away from God's path, are well known to be some of the most amoral and degenerate people out there. What's the percent of atheists in the LGBT community.
>sees flag
And you're literally attendant of the synagogue of Satan. Get out of my comfy Christian board with your low-quality shilling, Shlomo.
Jews are constantly trying to outjew god
The biggest christian killer were christians.
I have an idea for a new trick:
1. Span an eruv around all of Israel
2. Declare the inside of the fenced-off area to be the outside and vice versa
3. Problem solved!
But seriously, Rabies wouldn't do something this obvious, they'll always make the law in a gray area, and they have to cheat their herd, it's not like D-g almighty will strike them with lightning for cheating him.
There is no morality without God, atheicuck. What you’re describing is just a moral zeitgeist, that will shift as popular opinion does. The reason God commanded them to be written in stone was because stone is unchanging.
>Quran, Chapter 62:
>62:5. The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah, but then failed to uphold it, is like the donkey carrying works of literature. Miserable is the example of the people who denounce God’s revelations. God does not guide the wrongdoing people.
>62:6. Say, “O you who follow Judaism; if you claim to be the chosen of God, to the exclusion of the rest of mankind, then wish for death if you are sincere.”
>62:7. But they will not wish for it, ever, due to what their hands have advanced. God knows well the wrongdoers.
>62:8. Say, “The death from which you flee will catch up with you; then you will be returned to the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will inform you of what you used to do.”
Dude you're here 24/7?
I always find it ironic that athiest cling to Christians version of morality and act self rightous about it ontop. If there is no god who are you to decide that I should not break both your legs and arms and then fuck your wife in front of you. Why? Because it would make you sad? Why should I care about your feefees? If there is no god, then we are just animals, which means might makes right
>writing down your morals means you have no morals
Guess who else is here 24/7
i present this to atheist/leftist types all the time and they always seem to try and make out MY point as a strawman, the nerve!
your mom?
>If there is no god, then we are just animals
You're an idiot.
your Gott ist tot
>the kike can't help it.
'Do unto others.......' covers all of them. Also it tells you to do something rather than don't do something. This is closer to truth.