can you guys gibs me sum of dat Sup Forums humer?
Sup Forums humur
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I mean this with no irony or sarcasm. Something is deeply wrong with Canadians. I play a lot of online games and for some fucking reason I always get put into servers with Canucks. It's been like this for years Idk why.
I've gotten to know a lot of Canadians and you're all weird and slightly off people. I say this being not the most normal guy either.
It's the cold. We're trapped indoors 6 months a year.
Is she just a crazy woman? Was it a drug overdose? What's the story with this one?
The Last Jedi sucked
Pretty sure this was during the hurricane that was heading towards Florida.
She was obviously panicked and was looking for someone to give her a lift (lol)
So wait, what exactly happened here. They are resetting the poll and then electricity hits them all and they do, but where did the electricity come from?
it hits a wire hanging above them i think
>hit powerlines
>Not KO'd her on the first punch
Weak soy boy.
Adolf hitler school for friendship and tolerance gets my vote
that dude is drunk as fuck
haha I know violence is not okay but nothing makes me laugh more than seeing a dumb woman hitting a man thinking he's not gonna fight back and then have her ass kicked. Seriously, the weak should fear the strong. She got what she deserved
They're your New Zealanders
post the original version
>Schoolie Mcschoolface
Godammit kek
>Dont abandon the mutts when you go on vacation
one of the worst movies I ever seen
No idea what it's from
lmfao I love this.
Notice the jew stealing the other jews hat as he tries to grab the money?
Babadook 2014, praise by critics despite the fact that it's absolute fucking garbage
holy shit lmao
It was very good.
/pol made the pissgate dossier
not scary
every character is annoying as fuck
Alpha as FUCK
Is this Meghan and the Prince???
Good one
ok i see the extension lead, but wtf was that idiot doing in a fuel dump with non-insulated power tools?
Pls post more mutt memes, I need them for my collection
I thought it was gonna say WE WUZ KANGZ
Can someone please do that
I think China
Yeah this is another case of Americans unable to handle bantz isn’t it
>it’s not them it’s me, I am the supreme gentleman online and Canadians are the weird ones
That is gold lol
nice filename
Dear god, that's the least effective way of swimming I've ever seen.
The fucked part is a lot of the migrants are from north africa, countries that BORDER the fucking ocean.
Chimp Out
How the alt right started.gif
lmfao that one that is pushing water up
nigs being eternally btfo'd how will they ever recover?!
wtf lol
Did they end up getting an explanation for the caged onion?
What does it mean when a ground of niggs get together and start chanting and clapping in unison?
and sometimes
>go shequandra, go shequandra
Nerve gas?
Strange thread. Most of it ant humorous. Its just tier rekt thread material
This needs to be a mobile game.
Instead of "floppy birds" you have "flappy tits" trying to catch a ride while dodging objects... while rambling and screaming profanities.
Jews are fucking weird
Get that meme crap outta here
>Ancrap. Not even once
>dont trust anyone not even yourself.
>every day, I argue with these people
almost two decades wasted here.