What do you carry to Wreak your dominance on the world Sup Forums
>Pipe & Tobbaco
>Steel Batoon and Authentic zippo lighter
>Fisherman's thread for my lady and Swedish Snus for the day
>German knife and Bible for divine protection
What do you carry to Wreak your dominance on the world Sup Forums
>Pipe & Tobbaco
>Steel Batoon and Authentic zippo lighter
>Fisherman's thread for my lady and Swedish Snus for the day
>German knife and Bible for divine protection
Other urls found in this thread:
autism accessories
Parang in me van
Smoke sage faggot
Can you fit it all in your man-purse?
brah if you are smoking a pipe ditch the zippo and its kerosene flavor. buy a legit refillable BUTANE pipe lighter.
IMCO's are affordable, you dont need a Old Boy.
i call it
portrait of soy
Good goy.
hasnt reached his final form,
no mustache wax.
worst shit to taste when inhaling a first puff of tobacco is gas
> carrying items, not carrying yourself
> buying items for what those items say about self
> carrying illegal batttoooon
wow bait harder shill. shill.
There is nothing wrong with tobacco, so keep pushing the agenda schlomo
also ditch the expensive tinned potpourri tobacco. buy Peter Stokkebye in 1.5 lb boxes. Bullseye or Navy Flake. You save a ton. and its top tier stuff.
hipsters are dying out, faggot.
It's fucking pathetic to see swedish Sup Forumstards trying to impress other degerenates. I see a baton, a knife, snus, a shitty pipe that has not even been smoked in so it taste like shit and wood and an bible. Only thing missing is the wooden shoes and you have a swedish white trash but you probably have them to somewhere along with youre wolf t-shirts. You eat fishermans friend because your breath is shit. You can't wear the knife outside also since it's against the law unless you are working in constructions. Smoking pipes outside would lead the cops to think you smoke hash and steal your pee so you probably don't walk around with that also. You do no wreak domincance on the world, you cry yourself to sleep because you are an insecure faggot that craves the attention from nobodys.
>indulging in general over siberia
You're trying this hard and you didn't even add a copy of Mein Kampf. I can't even cringe.
I love these edc breads - they're so cringy.
can't be fugged posting a pic - so car keys, wallet and phone. Like most non-virtue signalling fuckwits.