I'm Jewish. But not like the pic. it wasn't my choice to be a Jew. But tell me what you think of me. am I evil?
I'm Jewish. But not like the pic. it wasn't my choice to be a Jew. But tell me what you think of me. am I evil?
Other urls found in this thread:
>it wasn't my choice to be a jew
every day you don't tie a bag around your head, is a day that you chose to be a jew.
How so?
Go live the rest of your life out as a goy and don't be a jew and no one will care or notice.
Ethnic, religious, or synthetic?
AYO Schlomo, gimme a job mane help a nigga out.
You are not a human
I am an American first. and a Jew last. I guess Synthetic. My parents and their parents are Jews. But i dont celebrate any of the holidays unless my grandparents want to do something. If it was upto me, id be celebrating Xmas
I am hiring actually
Depends, do you hate my people? Do you want to see them destroyed? Do you take with one hand and stab them in the back with the other?
If you do none of these things, your Judaism is not an issue.
What a surprise, how come literally all Jews have some good business or something of that kind going on? Do you think that's like a personal thing or like an ancestral/genetic thing to do, like, I'm Mexican and I get the feeling of going to the field to pick some tomatoes off and shit, you know what I'm saying? So y'all Jews get the same feeling to start businesses?
>I'm Jewish.
You identify as a parasite, you get treated as a parasite.
Synthetic; Christian because Jesus..etc. Also, do you believe and accept Jesus Christ as your own personal savior? Iv'e only met one jew or two who has done that pact.
I dont hate anyone. i want everyone to be successful
Noam Chomsky explains:
I work 2 jobs too. I know may jews who are lazy fat and dumb. but yes, some are entrepreneurs
You seem like a good guy, I for one believe that there's good Jews and bad Jews, stay strong bro
ill be watching this TY
Look at ma nigga Schlomo ova there grinding, working 2 jobs and y'all muthafuckas in the thread talkin shit while he prolly pays more taxes than all you mofos put together. You good ma man, stay grindin, don't listen to these antisemit fucks who blame the Jews for everything when in reality they're the real cause for their own miserable lives.
my brother. i like you.
Anti-Semites are worse than niggers. Why do you try to argue with them like with normal people.
You see, that's what says an animal living off the taxes from Google and Facebook.
Jewish isn't a race, therefore you can choose to distance yourself from jewish culture which is sneaky and isolationist.
i like the pic :(
>it wasn't my choice to be a Jew
Jew isn't a race.
You can stop being part of the Jew culture.
It is both a race and a religion.
speak out against the rothschilds or shut the fuck up
>Jew isn't a race
>Can literally detect Ashkenazi Jewish genes in people
Probably, look up @MattsOurSemite on Twitter for ideas on a possible redemption arc, you can just man the ovens instead.
>2 jobs
That's a lofty claim for a j*w. What jobs are they? And are they for other j*ws?
How are Jews not a race?
We share no genetics in common.
They were seperated via an ocean, moubtains and deserts and spoke conpletely unrelated languages.
They are part of semitic race with the language family relations.
Europeans are part of indo european race.
As far as I'm concerned, there are at least 3 types of Jews:
1. The globalist, satanist, conspiratory Jews. I think that you refer to them as 'Erev Rav'.
2. The nationalist, (semi-)orthodox Jews. Essentially just Jews who want Israel for them, but have no globalist aspirations. The Lehi group, or Stern Gang, would be the perfect example of this. Netanyahu also probably falls into this category.
3. The average Joe/Jew on the street, who tries to be a comedian in NY or some shit. These are mostly irrelevant (just like the masses of people anywhere are irrelevant).
Living peacfully with the 1st group is impossible. With the 2nd and 3rd group it is possible, but only in seperated states, because it is too easy for the 1st or 2nd group to manipulate the 3rd and cause massive problems for their respective nation of residence.
Speak out about the holohoax, don't create mischlings, and you're fine.
yes kys
>lazy fat and dumb
Karl Marx, fits this description well.
And he was an ex jew.
Because of him, there is a generation of dumb millenials who are pro communist.
Jewish silence is Jewish violence, David.
This. If you really cared you would end your miserable existence you filth, you demon spawn.
lol no