
>first modern Briton
or oldest bones they could find, these are two very different things altogether

I thought cheddar was cheese?

Hol up
*smacks lips*
So like...uhhh lemme get this straight
You be uhhh sayin
*robs Tesco*
That we like wuz uh like
*breathes in*

It's a region that makes cheese. It qualifies as a regional identifier, so in order to be called cheddar the cheese has to be from Cheddar

it is cheese, it comes from a place called 'cheddar', same as these bones

Lmao fucking niggers

why does he have blue eyes

because his DNA said so

He looks just like me

I thought it was a woman although it says man now that i look

This melanated version would have died of rickets before his 15th birthday.

>Media literally attempting to erase Whites from history
So how long are you going to take this, White man?

So wait, they are saying niggers are 10,000 years behind us?

i can't believe they made a black guy out of cheese

I'm not "huwhite" ,not by Sup Forums's standards.

What the fuck are you then?

You're an idiot, white skin only evolved 8k years ago. So in all likelihood the earliest people in Europe were black.

Post your ancestrydna results

This post is so dumb, it have had to be made by a leaf.

they don't know dat.


>the earliest migrants from africa retained their dark skin for a while
I'm shocked, shocked!
but man this is going to be memed into oblivion

>giving DNA to (((companies)))
In seriousness I know from my grandparents that I'm roughly 10% Màori and 3% Gypsy, but one drop rule means I'm a gypo.

Sometimes you Brits give us Leafs a run for our money.

he wasn't straight outta Africa tho, he'd already evolved in Europe for god knows how many tens of thousands of years, also, the skin colour genes are inconclusive, so obviously they decided to paint him black as they could.

This is how I looked at birth but my skin naturally lightened as I got older. Now I'm white