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trump btfo
A round of 7.62x51mm cost about $0.60
So then we don't need more wall, right?
Oh there will be a wall alright.
A wall of lead.
I'll take that as a yes, we do not need more brick and steel wall.
Well, Sup Forums?
What are outward pointing spikes? What is legs breaking heights? This is a stupid question.
I just realized liberals are retards who think the wall is going to resemble some sort of Sesame Street red brick wall with a flat top and medium height.
crocodile lasers n shiet. electrification and rubber n sheit. sentry guns from perfect dark n sheit. the death penalty and "natural barriers" for dropping a chicken wing near it
THE WALL will work SO GOOD
that is why you are soooo scared it will get built (cuz you know it will work great).
deal with it.
They have no idea lol. Special ops couldn't scale the one that was picked out.
How do outward pointing spikes stop a ladder? I'm sure it makes it more difficult but how does that stop it? Wouldn't those be easy to lasso anyway? You theoretically stopped the ladder but now ropes are easier.
Legs breaking heights? Wut
And this is serious business right now. Shit is hitting the fan in case you didn't know. It's do or die time.
Try carrying a 36' ladder 20 miles through the desert.
The Chinese built their great wall approximately 500 years ago. To this day there are no Mexicans in China.
I think Trump should testify in front of Mueller. Televise it, think if the ratings. Anyone playing 56th level chess should be fine.
Then get more people. Apparently that's not a problem.
Dnag that was tough to find.
Can't we make a trench filled with toxic waste and radioactive material or something?
>two migrants among the 999999 carry a ladder together and leave it there for everyone else to climb
You don't get it, the wall is not to keep people out side, it's to keep people in, i.e. When the Mexicans jump, and leave the ladder behind, as soon as the land they get shot in the head or fed to dogs, whatever is available
What is wrong with you? Not a rhetorical question. Not once did that video even remotely attempt to explain how the wall prevented ladders.
Are you pretending to be stupid for the sake of continuing the argument? Do you think outward grates work like a flagpole? Do you not understand how the admission fee for entering the country illegally being two broken legs dissuades illegal immigration?
How would you get yourself down from the 9m height? What if you have your family and cargo with you?
You would know about girly boys.
trump wall require at least 100+ ladder
I replied to outward pointing spikes. I asked a simple fucking question and have yet to get a clear answer. But ok moving on to grating. How does that stop a ladder?
You never described how you would get over a wall prototype with a ladder.
You pull that ladder over with you.
You got him.
You put that ladder against the wall or whatever is sticking out from the wall.
You didn't think this through did you.
So you put your 30 foot ladder against it and climb up to the top rung. Now what do you do?
36 US Dollar equals
671.99 Mexican Peso
What are you going to do at the top of a 30 foot wall with an outward jutting top?
So you are saying illegal immigrants are acting criminally by intentionally crossing the border illegally and intact they are not innocent victims.
Well... sounds likes a problem a less than $0.25 cent bullet can solve.
Build the wall and when the illegals pop a ladder up to jump the wall we can pop a cap in their asses.
You'll need to be superman in order to do that. Everyone and their mothers would know that you're doing it and border agents are already on their way to pick you up.
No I didn't imply that all. I clearly said that shit is hitting the fucking fan over this question right now.
Cant they just overstay a tourist visa
But you're probably sitting on razor wire and how much would the ladder way. It might throw you off balance.
I’d rather have my taxes go twords buying bullets, the only solution that will actually deter people, then have my taxes go twords some over priced ineffective wall that people can climb over.
You are standing on the top rung, how do you lift a 70 pound ladder when it's the only thing holding you up to the edge of the wall?
That's not a complete answer.
Ok then you tie a fucking rope to the ladder.
Okay, you are standing on the top rung of a ladder, and tie a rope to it. Now what?
That requires that the ladder is heavier than you, which makes it nearly impossible to carry across a desert.
Scale down.
now compare the amount of illegals able to go over the wall on the ladder and the time it takes vs how many can walk through an open field
also it's gonna be pretty high..
high enough that the fall from the other side could break your legs
so it'll be a lot harder than just getting a ladder
Bullshit. Wall Works.
That's not a realistic option the entire world would be pissing their panties about it.
No it doesn't require that. How would it?
Right because they didn't think about ladders with the prototypes? Jesus FUCKING CHRIST the left cant meme!!
If you weigh more than the 70 pound ladder, once you go over the edge of the wall holding on to the rope you will fall 30 feet and possibly have a ladder land on you. If you break a leg and nobody knows you are there, you will dehydrate to death without aid. You died. Try again?
>a shitty ladder in the hands of an average spic, particularly a woman or child spic will be enough to deal with the wall.
>not knowing US special forces have difficulty scaling it
How the hell are they supposed to bring a ladder in a hundreds of miles walk through the dessert? Beaners don't even have enough space in their backpacks to carry a sufficent amount of water for the trip.
what 10m ladder weighs 70 pounds?
You could carry it with a helicopter.
>70 lbs
I thought you had to be superman.
If it's too heavy to pull over then you can use it for an anchor.
>w..walls don't work
>s..stop talking about Israel wall
>..stop talking about mexicos own borders
>.....stop talking about Canadian immigration policy
>s..stop please I am just a dump cunt no need to expose me pleaaase stop
What 10m laddar weighs more than an average male? Anyway, this one:
Jesus Christ you're a fucking retard. How were you the fastest sperm?
As usual. If you had this many brown illegals coming over in the 40s youd have texans and californians with rifles on the hunt
so they're going to have to repeat the entire process for each person right? because they only have one ladder, top kek it's impossible.
I never said anything about superman. Try again?
unlock your cars and let prisoners out of jail, trump has been btfo on the internet!!!!
>We'll climb over
>We'll dig tunnels
>We'll break through
If only Mexicans put as much effort into fixing their own shithole country as they did trying to illegally invade other countries.
So far this is the best we've got. Can it be proven? You all understand this needs to be proven literally right now right?
Based Merchant speaks the truth. The beaners aren't anymore advanced than the sandniggers so it should work
that's 300 pounds so it should be fine to scale down from right?
That is what barbed wire is for you dingus.
By losers
That is the weight limit it supports, not the weight of the ladder. Good effort and try though.
Judging by just about every one of your posts, OP, I have a sneaking suspicion that ...
you have to go back.
A 35-55 foot ladder . . . do you fucking realize that is the height of a three to five story building? That's splat height, fool.
Weak bait nigger
I didn’t say it was realistic, just that I would prefer it. If you ask me as long as I don’t have to pay I don’t care what trump does. But no now my tax dollars have to go twords a 12 billion dollar wall. I was pissed when my state raised taxes for well fare and I’ll be pissed when taxes get raised to paw for trumps wall.
how feasible is it for an average Mexican to find this, afford it, and then carry it across the desert
im sure where theres a will theres a way but damn
Tie a fucking rope to the top of the ladder you will be climbing on one side, once you are on top of the wall simply throw the rope over and climb the fuck down you fucking dumbass retarded brain dead emu sucking faggot
>Dehydrate to death
And that's what rubber mats are for genius.
Mayors, senators, etc all over the country right now are calling for us to walk into their office tomorrow and blow them the fuck out on this one simple question.
>No I didn't imply that all.
Bullshit. Your pic related implies that illegals are willing to continue to break the law by using a ladder to climb the wall to enter the country illegally. Shoot them as they come over.
trips of truth
user is /kill/
>implying an illegal alien can afford a $36 dollar ladder
If it's a spike, you can lasso it to either climb it or break it. Either or you will get over that wall
Rubber mats are actually really heavy.
That requires that the ladder is heavier than you, which makes this a near impossible task to carry it across a hot desert.
I'm giving them the ladder for free, and will even allow it to be airdropped on their side of the wall where they are attempting to breach.
Even giving them the ladder and any other basic supplies they want like rope, I'm claiming they cannot easily get over the wall without risking death.
For people claiming the wall won't work, they certainly have a difficult time coming up with a plan to cross it.
So....3-5 mexicants bring a 30ft ladder to climb the wall with. 1st spic gets up to the top, looks down the other side and? Did they bring a second ladder, or is he just gonna jump down?
You're right it's 70 pounds. This one is 66 pounds: baileyladders.com.au
Yeah but the problem is that the ladder alone won't support a persons weight.
Yet the Mongolians still found a way in