The pastor he shot 6 times recovered in like a day
What is the deal with Kyle Odom?
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Oh yeah the Trump train and meme war was too fast paced for me to figure this one out.
Strange shit, he said Obama was letting alien frogs fuck his ass or something right?
at least post the manifesto
>pepe is rapey
is anybody surprised?
The MU episode on him was interesting
Full manifesto
Bumping for interest
Self bump
oh man, now THAT is pure schizophrenia. none of that homeless nutso argument shit. THIS IS GOOD.
His writing is nothing like a schizophrenic's. Sounds more like mania.
I read his whole manifesto, AMA
he sits in a plane imagining that they guy sitting next to him is thinking about crashing the plane. any normal person might have those thoughts. only a schizophrenic truly believes them. shit, the guy merely grazes kyles leg with his hand and he thinks it is some sort of signal.
Mania often involves delusions as well. His writing seems too coherent and internally consistent to be schizophrenic.
Here's his list of E.T.
Can you do one of these for Ted Cruz lol
fukin niggey wat
yea they exist but kyle assumes (like any good autist would) that they are telling him the truth about how powerful they are and how they manifest. He should have observed that they can just make a man destroy himself. At any rate though they have as much knowledge of the human body as any kung fu master or yogi so their possessed bodies will have super strength and toughness if need be, especially since those bloodlines can use chi/kundalini too (we can too especially since most are mixed bloodline). Think meth strength or desperation strength and speed like when a mother lifts a car off a baby or something and probably ruptures all of her muscles bones and ligaments in the process
yeah, a personality disorder of some kind. he is clearly sexually frustrated.