Dobson has a point

Dobson has a point.

Wrong. Whites aren't allowed to see this movie. Didn't you get the memo? Captain Eyebrows sure didn't.

Sure a white boy can identify with a black man, but if he does then he's racist.

Literally nobody ever says this except SJWs when white men are the lead.

Glad Dobson is realising how dumb the argument is though, I'm sure he'll never use it when there's an all-white movie or videogame.

Nice try.

Dobson works at a cinema now?

No he don't, he just being retarded like u

Why do they assume that's the problem? As a spic I have no problem with identifying with a character of a different skin color than me. It really is just that these people only see skin color isn't it? To them the skin color is what makes the person.

>Dobson has a point
That he uses to pop bitches

sho i aint never seen no movie with no nigger in it befo

>muh identification

Another retarded lefty strawman. In decades of watching Bond films I never once think "GEE, I LIKE THIS MOVIE BECAUSE SOMEHOW I IDENTIFY WITH BOND".

HELL YEAH this is our time lil dick white boys, your women already bouncing on this dick

>white people HAVE to see it
No I don't. I'm going stay home and jerk it to 2D.

yeah you already know all the bitches belong to the niggas, you can't compete you lil dick white boy but when u jerking it to your toon shit, go hard in the paint you weird sheep bitch.

>Dobson ever being right

What movie is he going to go see?

>I can't enjoy a movie if its not full of white men

Is this how the far left thinks people are, that fucking nerds are especially? Who thinks like this?

I'd rather identify myself as a pony than a zebra.

Wh*te women are all yours nigbro.

Wait. I thought black people were marginalised by movies because they were unable to identify with white characters ?

I'm white but haven't seen a marvel flick since Tobey Maguires Spiderman

>needing to identify with the protagonist to enjoy the movie

brainlets killing movies

His whole point implodes in on itself. If I can relate with magical bullcrap that bears no resemblance to humanity, let alone a white person, why in the fuck would they think I'm incapable of empathizing with a black person?


Completely created by white men

Naw bro I want the actual women, you can keep the 4 chan
gay ass trap shit your faggoty ass cuckoldry porn you fucking freak

haha oh man dobson looks so miserable in the comic

all of that criticism must be getting to him

Blade is 1000x times cooler than black pander, wasnt a problem then. This is niggers trying to make the movie some race issue because they are shit people


Yeah I really don't get it... Isn't having the movie be praised for how good it is after it's release the better way to go about it and have black actors be recognized for their roles in it for just being good actors in a blockbuster? I mean for fucks sakes, it's a neat idea for a movie to have a hero come from some hidden hyper-city in africa with a crazy material in order to fight some shit, the politics around it just gnaw away at what could have been a chill movie. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a large amount of black people that are pissed about being fuckin spoken for so damn often. Noone speaks for all whites and we find it fuckin stupid to consider any one as doing so, and I mean literally speaking for all whites and not "speaking in a way that benefits whites", yet most cultural groups tend to allow individuals of other cultures to speak for their entirety... It's all so damned interesting and this hurt feelings politicizing bullshit isn't helping anyone understand who we all are as groups and individuals. At least there's Sup Forums to vent about shit ahahaha

Whites will watch it and have no problem "identifying" with the character, thats made up bullshit invented to push for more "diversity".

not going to watch, nor going to read his shitty webcomic

sage in options field

No because the flying rainbow pony has more humanity in it than a nigger.

So they're admitting that black people aren't like us?