Explain to me exactly how lame-ass, boring white women are superior to melanized women in any way whatsoever.
Explain to me exactly how lame-ass, boring white women are superior to melanized women in any way whatsoever
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Thats Christina Nunez, based alt-righ trap.
they are the only women capable of producing white babies
You're an Arab you idiot
shitskins too many in the world shitskin overpopulation is real
They're more sexually attractive.
Looking at their babies mixed women are also able to produce white babies. I know you don’t like it but it’s true. Not that pol cares about the truth.
You masturbate over our women daily you spic slave
>portuguese man identifies a transexual trump supporter on the internet
what a time to be alive
They are not black?
That's no woman with those shoulders
coming from a nazi flag.
typical "im a true natsoc, i prefer asian women"
Medicalfag here. First a nurse, later a DO working in family practice. Working/studying in healthcare for almost 20 years now, I can unequivocally tell you that white women, on average, are hygienically superior to women of other races, and especially when compared to black women and indian women.
In general, they have less pungent/better controlled body odor and are far less likely to be diseased. Fun fact -- about one half of black women I have as patients have genital herpes.
eurospics aren't white
they aren't
Who's the linebacker?
Would smash all six.
Ever notice how if you sort a web page with 75,234 pages of naked women based on most views or rank, the black women don't show up until page 75,230?
Butterface/10 * 6
your absolutely right Ahmed white women are trash so will you fuck off back to the middle east/africa now so we can be left alone with our trash women
ahh... it's another cherry picked photo thread
never gets old.
fuck * you're
Lower risk of sexually transmitted diseases and infections
What you can't see in that photo is the smell
They come in varying hair and eye colors other than shit brown.
>thinks you can see smell
you're embarrassing us
Isn't a word you clown.
god I can't wait to propagate white genocdide by fucking a nigress and birthing a halfbreed
Beastlity is ugly
That's the point nigger lover, these things smell and a photo which is purely visual can't demonstrate that. I know cause I fucked one
White females provide you with white children. They literally help create civilized society.
Others give you mongrels who destroy society.
you can't see smell.....
The sheboon smell is quite real, and uncanny.
That was the point, abo.
I know that feel. The smell of pure blackness is disgusting and leaves you feeling shitty. Avoid.
he needs to grasp basic english sentence structure and prose. He embarrasses our nation.
>nigger lover,
>I know cause I fucked one
Lord. Where do I get one?
We've all made mistakes, Tyrone
You have them in your country and I have none near me, I'll swap you some chinks for some sheboons.
Yea no. Black women don't look this good in this shithole. See any random thread for proofs
Perhaps. At the same time you keep posting sheboons with chemically treated hair. Bigly treated. You do know how much that adds to the smell, and grease profile? They can't wash it like humans can. Not to mention these last two resemble pic related, trap edition.
Much better right?
>how lame-ass, boring white women are superior to melanized women in any way whatsoever.
The rape stats speak for themselves! [pic related]
im literally not attracted to any of these, and its not even a political thing. Ive just always been repulsed by black women.
same. They are just ugly.
bretty good
If you can't understand that not being able to see smell was exactly my point then you're as retarded as the sheboons you're posting
White women have the widest hips - by a large margin = bigger brained children.
If we weren't under a jewish system trying to crush us, and had a Humbold Educational Model, we'd be leaders in IQ. Japan has >5 IQ points average over European countries, while we are being subverted and they aren't. Imagine the difference if we weren't.
Melanin isn't the real issue - though having less MAO-A genes that dark people have benefits light skinned people in delaying gratification. The issue is brain size and skull structure. We have superior brain power to dirtskins.
you phrased it terribly originally, implying that you can see smell.... the absolute state of our schools right now.
how is this remotely attractive? all she has is an ass, and it's black when you take off the pants and that ruins it. everything other than the clothed ass is hideous.
shut up westley
cunt, the one you just posted smells so bad that I'm starting to believe smell really can be seen
How gay are you? Stick to traps faggot.
What is the female version of KARA BOGA?
black women look like men in drag lol. I'll stick with my white gf who actually looks like a woman.
As a /fit man in the 30's, am I doing the right thing by applying for PA school rather than med (DO) school so I can get a legit career faster. Plan is to get a MPH and eventually MBA down the line for whatever reason
interesting, I guess that's why nigger women have the best genital hygeine and white women have the worst?
Their cunts are nicer, it really is as simple as that
Which zoo was that photo taken at?
also tighter and stronger whereas when compared with white women who tend to have wider and looser vaginas indicating that they whore around more and take a variety of cock which is my hypothesis.
As have women of all colors been repulsed by you.
Posting in a slide thread
Six gorillion keks
Why do black women have ugly feet?
Black women smell like motor oil.
Shes that pretty because of makeup. without eyeliner shes just an albino descended monkey like the rest of us.
White features
uh oh look who's back
are you sated bro?
I never learned how racist I was until I got on tinder.
Black = automatic swipe left
Absolutely disgusting. That whole heap of shit is being suspended by space-age fibers. As soon as the pants come off that floppy shit colored pizza dough is tumbling down. Then you will smell her horse pussy and wonder if she needs a band aid.