Being a non-degenerate

>quit smoking weed
>quit smoking cigarettes
>quit drinking
>quit videogames
>quit watching anime
>haven't fapped in a week or even looked at porn

Is it just me or does quitting all this shit make you rage like a motherfucker? I feel a lot angrier and on edge now, like something has to be done about something but I don't know what. Is it just the testosterone surging up?

>quit video games
That's where I draw the line.

And yea the bump in test will make you a little more mad, but also give you way more energy.

Humans are made to breed, you're supposed to catch a pray and hump her, but you don't. So you build up frustration.

yep that's exactly it. that is referred to as 'drive'. anger is always misdirected passion and since you haven harnessed it in a long time, you just feel angry. you have to use it to do things like workout or something else productive. otherwise the rage will just build up and you will relapse.

You're a man my son.

yeah you're giving up the only things that make you happy of course you're gonna be upset

You don't need to quit the things you like just use moderation.
I work full time, go for a run and gym 4 times a week, practice guitar every night, drink usually one day on the weekend (heavy drinking mind you), keep tabs on my diet, live with my gf and watch porn and whack off like once a month and some nights I'll bust out the snes and play some games or play my pc

we need white men to be angrier user, these vices are why we let things get this bad

And maybe once a month buy a pack of ciggies if I have a long drive or trip for work or holiday so I can smoke and drive 3+ hours

>quit smoking cigarettes

It's pertty normal to genocidal a few days after cutting cigarettes...

>quit watching anime

Why do something so pointless?

Harness your anger
Channel your fury
Become the man you were meant to be

My apologies you became an idiot like Jeff Sessions and the counter social evolution he is.

everyone who i've ever known who smoked pot regularly had low functioning autism tier anger issues

because anime is the gayest shit in the world that only immature little boys like. grow up

that's the spirit of the alpha invading your mind, tearing it up, prowling around like a tiger.
become the alpha

>anime is the gayest shit in the world
you are not doing it justice when you say it is the gayest shit in the world. it is too gay for conversation.

>quit a bunch of things that bring you joy without replacing them with anything
jesus christ, you are a sad creature.

>Is it just me or does quitting all this shit make you rage like a motherfucker?
Probably because you let yourself get that degenerate in the first place, and quit it all at once.

I just wanted to point out that there is nothing wrong with a little gaming, but then I realized that I haven't gamed for 2 weeks and the only thing im guilty of in that list is jerking off daily

It’s because you haven’t been doing anything you enjoyed for the past week. Try find a new hobby to do

>quit videogames
I wish I could do the same, but I need to escape from reality once a day in order to maintain my sanity. Music isn't enough and Movies/TV don't cut it anymore.

Anger is a gift

not when it's alcohol induced...


part of the detox. the mental equivalent to dope sickness.

its normal to feel frustrated when quitting smoking and when not jacking off for a week, keep quitting smoking since it's retarded and just jack off to your imagination if you want to keep quitting porn since nofap is a broscience meme

>giving up shit you enjoy to fit in on an imageboard
>I feel a lot angrier and on edge now

>quit smoking weed get pass a promotion at work, and because my gf is preggers and has to quit. Work is screwing me around, now I'm just glad I can pass a test if I can find a better job.
>Quit smoking cigarettes
...almost, and only to appease my preggers gf. Helps with bills too.
>Quit drinking
..was never really into it anyways.
>Quit video games
...because life is taking priority. Sometimes the girl and I get down on Hearthstone.
>Quit watching anime
...because I can't find anything decent anymore. We were into ginga densetsu weed for a bit.
>Haven't fapped in week or looked at porn
LUL NO sometimes the gf and I share our porn interests it's AWESOME.

The fuck you think Jihadis blow themselves up for?

fuck the fuck off


cause they're muslim nigger animals
glad I could clear that up for you. surprised we still have some oblivious dumbfucks walkin around, but now you're up to speed.

refer to /sig/ on Sup Forums it just came back. you need help. id say slow down. maybe play a video game for like an hr to mellow out, before you completly relapse
t.ex heroin addict

niggers are the problem
not you

Or because they can't do anything greentexted in OP's post, which makes them angry mother fuckers with a religion that has a "meh" stance on murder.

Not sure if shitpost or ignorant fuckstain; but do you.

no it's because they're nigger animals. kill yourself, you loser cuck.

You quit all that and became a tryhard faggot. Congrats, you just got meme'd on son.

>I don't leave my house the post
Arabs are arabs, niggers are niggers, juden is juden.

Don't mix them up, other pillow bitters like you will get confuzzled.

they're all stupid nigger blooded monkeys. niggers don't even have religion, they pretend for status. like you.

Everything is OK except
>quit drinking
I'm a vodka-nigger. I can only stop for a while but not quit.

Great blog faggot.


you're a good man, and your stance on alcohol is respectable.

This. I feel like this when I don't fap

They are pointless time sinks though, I have no time for them in my new job because I have a focus now which is my career and my portfolio

Why would I give a shit that I earned some useless trinket on a video game? Or beat some loser eceleb on SF? That shit is for people with no lives and a pathetic excuse for a job. Even the best players are utter losers

i wish this werent true.
anyone right wing and into video games needs to start making them pronto.
meme text adventures
just do something because it's fucking terrible. everything is terrible.

The only right wing game series still being made is EDF which consequently was the only game series I played in the last few years

Time enjoyed is never wasted

Is hentai manga also jewporn?

Good on you to make healthy white babies, how old are you and woman?

Sounds like withdrawal symptoms to me.

spectacularly jewish sentiment, you slave nigger retard. Were it up to me I'd see to it you were killed. swiftly.

yes. keeping the commandments is the most important thing you could do.
porn of any kind violates 2 if you are in a relationship, 1 by default.

thou shalt not commit adultery: your heart is led by the imagery presented in the hentai.
thou shalt not covet: again your are training your heart to covet.

2d doesn't save you. everyone knows it's the idea that's tempting- which is why you must seek out gradually more grotesque fetishes to satiate your lust.

that's why you need to add a woman in the mix or you will probably rape someone

Oh man, I really love jerking of to the stories, does jerking to imagination also count as jew porn?

>go to the doctor
>get prescribed cholesterol medicine

obviously. the jew is merely a willing incarnation of satan. they deliberately play the game and chose that role to act out.

Man is two natures in one body. You ignore the evil temptations or you obey.

This. Moderation is the true redpill.

I had the same a while ago. You are quitting too much all at once. Doing this you will cause yourself literal pain and make you have negative feelings overall for wanting to make changes (bad psychological programming). If you want permanent changes to happen you need to do things gradually. You got into this rut gradually, you'll get out of it gradually.

I would considering going back and doing one of those things you quit so you don't go insane and loose all your friends and have SOME reason to live. When you feel better, drop that too.

I take it you are lifting weights twice a week and running at least 2 - 4 times a week (30 min runs min)?

>hurr durr games are pointless time sinks
So is life, faggot.

I second this, changing yourself 180 degrees like that overnight is inhuman, you'd have better results doing/ not doing one thing at a time

Nihilism is not welcome on this board, we here do things and appreciate the meaning they give to our lives