The first ever British man was BLACK!
"We may have to rethink some of our notions on what it is to be British" Say Dr Rick, Professor at Oxford.
The first ever British man was BLACK!
how did they know he was black though?
Black refers to niggers, that's not a nigger
Shows that Britain shouldnt be white. Guess you lot will be leaving then
meds are the only legit europeans
anglos were niggers. A few incestuous couples gave birth to deformed albinos, and the deformities continued fucking each other until eventually the albinos outbred the niggers to extinction, leaving us with the familiar, sickly looking modern cumskins
Thats just plain stupid. Educate yourself about evolution, because what you said just doesn't work that way.
>10.000 years ago everyone was either black or brown
we had a common ancestor with black africans, just like we had a common ancestor to chimpanzees, doesn't mean we came from them.
>white people have evolved more than africans
That's the message I'm getting from this.
crazy how technology and science discovers new details all the time.
Wow what a convenient discovery
>"We may have to rethink some of our notions on what it is to be British"
>Ah yes, that culture that existed 10000 years ago is what defines the British empire, come on chaps let's flood these whiteys with a hoard of darkies
BritBongs eternally BTFO. How will they ever recover??? TAE WUZ LITRRLEE KANGZ N SHEIT
Notice how he looks remarkably like the Burmese refugees?
They wouldn't want to overrun Europe with this people now, would they?
Skin isn't race.
Not just black but also a tranny!
Right on the tail of the new groundbreaking evidence for multi-regional theory too.
HOw Convenient
A fossil much older than the one in Africa was found in the Balkans last year which suggests that life first originated in Europe which at the time was Savannah grasslands. The migration went the opposite way than what is being taught.
There are MULTIPLE cradles of civilisation. Lifes origins have been found in Morocco,Ethiopia,Georgia and quite possibly the Balkans now. Cradles of civilization that are universally accepted began in these places:
>the Fertile Crescent(Middle East)
>the Indus River (Northern India with the border to China)
>the Yellow River (China)
>Central Andes (South America)
>Mesoamerica (Central America)
>South east Europe(Greece and part of the Balkans)
I'm calling bullshit.
By "coincidence" a little over 1 in 10 people(6 in 10 in some places like Londonistan) in the UK today are non white. Hmmmmm. Also posted just a few months before Prince Harry marries a half nig. Hmmmmmm makes me think.
Posted just days after the Egyptian forensic face of Tut's mother which triggered the Africans to chimp out levels when it turned out she looked middle eastern(they claimed white lmao) and not sub african. Hmmm I wonder (((who))) is behind this.
Those are the Neanderthals which Europeans have in their DNA in quite high amounts and probably explains why Europeans are the most distinct looking of the human sub races. It's also the reason nigs call us "Cave niggers" because they have literally 0% unless mixed with near east Asiatic peoples or Europeans.
Sub saharan Africans literally haven't evolved in 300,000 years. They look the exact same as the ancestor fossil forensic recreations show.
>new groundbreaking evidence in support of multi region theory
Ding ding ding.
Such a (((coincidence))).
Surely it wasn't posted to distract from the evidences suggesting OoA is wrong and should have stopped being taught as fact decades ago.
whatever you say mr deformity
>By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups….
All part of the plan.
>10,000-year-ol Cheddar Man
WTF? open the borders
>directly related to one in ten people in the UK today
>mfw other nine are muslim immigrants
Science relating to populations is retarded, yeah there were beasts of the field because adam was created 4004 B.C
They didn't. The professor just assumed. The state of science today.
>A man 10 000 years ago had dark skin but is obviously an early Caucasian
>this means the UK had sub-sahran Africans living there through its history
So they just evolved into whites. I guess I could live with that.
Actually, we were dinosaurs.
>Brits say they import Poles to clean their toilets
>In reality, they want Poles so they can bleach themselves
The absolute state of Bongs
So the ice man lived an estimated 5300 years ago in Austria. Other evidence indicates Caucasians have been around for 8000 years.
When did the east asian genes develop to lighten skin?
Neanderthal became extinct about 40,000 years ago, but the guess for their emergence is 700,000 years +.
Then we have discoveries like this