Therefore reinforcing the fact that whites are an evolved superior species. Unevolved darkies BTFO.
Apparently white skin came with farming due to the change in food with high amounts of vitamin d to bread that has low amounts of vitamin d. Light skin is required in Europe because there's less sun and white skin is 3x better than black skin at making victim d.
Tldr white skin is a result of the combination of farming and living in a low sunlight region.
(((Yoan Diekmann)))
They can change the skin color all they want, it wont make brits any less R1b.
Keep trying to meme niggers like they were part of european history though, I enjoy the comedy.
trusting evolutionary bs
theyre just churning tax payer money into anything
This is more likely just evidence of divergent evolution, they've found older white people near the caucuses, and there where "white" people in Egypt at the same time as breton kangz
They did this for a Channel 4 documentary, by the way. The whole thing is the generate buzz.
DNA shows early lifeforms were comprised of a single cell
>Brits are niggers
they always have been the niggers of white race
no surprise there, bucko!
>bongs are niggers
Not surprising at all
No it's kikes trying to erase white history. A recent study from Australia showed that humans adapt and evolve biologically and in morphology in just tens of thousands of years.
Europeans and neanderthals share 99.5% of their DNA. So in the last few hundred thousand years it's most likely that neanderthals evolved into cro magnon which in turn is basically a modern European.
Out Of Africa is a myth the kikes are trying to perpetuate.
d-d-d-do black lives matter, now I am one, Sup Forums ?
man oh man, they're angry about that. i wonder why?
>no news notifications all week on phone
>Telegraph thinks it's important to send one out saying "The first Britons were black, Natural History Museum DNA study reveals"
>BBC will probably do the same soon
Ah yes of course.
we were made from potato chips I understand the meaning of life now
What we? this has been known for decades.
c-c-c-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER!
Can dna show skin tone?
That doesn't seem right.
btw that nose is pure speculation. the guy looks Caucasoid.
Blue eyes?
Whiter than you Muhammad!
Sargon's Great Great Grandfather, everyone.
yes, there are genes for skin color
But are all blacks the same?
That guy doesn't look like a nigger to me
>science is wrong if I don't like it
I wonder who could be behind this study? Every. Fucking. Time.
mmfff bahahahaha
Makes sense to me. We start out as black as tar and, depending on the geography we adapt to, we change colour. Look at the newest born black Americans, they're no where near as dark as the slaves. Give it a thousand years and they'll all be white.
>one guy defines all ancient britons
THIS is what a black baby born in the USA looks like today. Imagine how much darker that shit was 200 hundred years ago.
>United Kangdom
I wouldn't be surprised if the process of turning white over a long time raises IQ. Mainly through the process of the black human adapting to the white humans environment.
How's Nepal this time of year?
Does anyone know if adapting to a colder climate with less sunshine creates an evolutionary pressure that leads to higher intelligence and cooperation skills? You need to be extremely tolerant to survive winter in 1000 B.C with 40 other humans and fuck all to do.
Fuck off moishe
How do you explain the Arabs who live in the desert since at least five thousand years without adapting to black skin?
you do realise that these humans didn't just appear suddenly in Britain, they had gradually spread across Europe getting to countries like Austria, Germany and France long before Britain. They had already been northern Europeans for thousands of years before they entered Britain. White skin isn't the result of natural selection, it's the result of a mutation which found it's way into stable european populations and survived, the same with blue eyes and ginger hair and possibly neanderthal or pre-neanderthal genes. In Africa if the white mutation occurred it would not survive in the populations which were less stable and mixed.
Whites are superior to blacks in both intelligence and cooperation skills. How does saying that make me Jewish? Observing nature isn't an endorsement of anything you silly cunt.
The eternal Anglo is finally unmasked!
>Dr Tom Booth, a scientist from the museum said that the findings that there was a 76 per cent chance that Cheddar Man was ‘dark to black’ – was ‘extraordinary’.
>He said in the documentary: ‘If a human with that colour skin wandered around now, we’d call him black, and a lot darker than we’d expect for Europe as well.
>He added: ‘It really shows up that these imaginary racial categories that we have are really very modern constructions, or very recent constructions that are really not applicable to the past at all.’
>Dr Rick Schulting, an archaeology professor at Oxford University said: ‘It may be that we may have to rethink some of our notions of what it is to be British, what we expect a Briton to look like at this time.’
Is it possible that the Arabs were humans that travelled up through Europe and then down to the middle east over tens of thousands of years? Turning whiter but not fully white.
One of the kikes responsible for this study. Not a drop of jew in her, goys. We wuz british n shieeeeet
Rick Schulting is american by the way
Exploration of Europe only occurred relatively recently. Humans had to wait until the ice had melted and temperatures raised. That happened relatively rapidly and all of Europe became inhabited around a similar time frame.
His descendants still live in the same area and they are white.
Science explain this without skin naturally changes colour over 10,000 years voodoo bullshit.
You see a white man. I see a dark skinned man reunited with his golly grandad
well depends which humans you are talking about, Boxgrove man is a heidelbergensis from 800-600 thousand years BP which is early by any reckoning. Aurignacians got into Southern France by 120-140 thousand years BP. Ice Ages fluctuate, so at times humans penetrated further north or were pushed further south. Europe wasn't populated in a similar time frame though, it's a fairly complex system of waves of migration and temporary camps are found before settlements proper. Nomadism means we can't say with confidence where humans inhabited, and later reindeer hunters in the Solutrean went as far north as Denmark and the Baltic, no reason to suggest there weren't earlier peoples doing the same.
How is it voodoo bullshit? Small changes over 10,000 years all result in big change. Lighter and lighter skin over time and features adapting to drastically different needs makes sense. Whites are better at being white than niggers are. Why do you think that is?
Worshipping a meteorite.
"Hello Dere Granpappy.!"
The guy is a moron. Mal'ta Biret has already shown us that ancient hunter-gatherers were still rather dark skinned in Europe while already carrying the blue eyes mutation in HERC2. This guy has no fucking clue about paleogenetics if he thinks this is 'extraordinary'. What a fool...
came here to post this
Jesus...the jews really REALLY have it in for europeans.
But modern science explains us that at least since 200.000 years humans were in europe?
So they say britains were black and suddenly became white, because of the last ice age?
Ice ages which is said to happen every once and a while, but suddenly we became white at the last one?
Crivens, this is all over the fucking media. I just got back from the offie and it's on all the newspaper's front pages, apart from The Sun, Mail and Daily Sport. So, 10,000 years ago there was a proto-human with dark skin? So we'd better rejoin the EU and accept mass-immigration and Islam? And no doubt he had a white wife...
>that last name
Makes sense. Changeing history to suit kike needs again.
That doesn't sound right. skin colour has no effect on anything else, its only 'skin deep' as the saying goes. how can a social construct effect your DNA?
>Sureting added: "What's interesting is that we discovered that Stonehenge was actually a navigational beacon, a 'Henge of Liberty' if you will, that guided refugees from conflict centred around the Fertile Crescent to the highly diverse societies occupying what we now call the UK. Trepanning would have been provided free at point of use to all new arrivals, who would have been encouraged to participate in fertility rituals. In some ways, you might even say that they were more advanced than we are today."
Proof of this happening anywhere?
welcome to the KANGZ club
>if adapting to a colder climate with less sunshine creates an evolutionary pressure that leads to higher intelligence and cooperation skills
Of course.
By 10k BC-- the end of the last ice age-- the more intense part of that was done. Also White skin is relatively new-- like 6k BC or something, and is probably a mix of factors like sunlight exposure; milk consumption and sexual selection.
Europe became whiter first due to Neolithic admixture of Near Eastern (Sumeran like) farmers and later through Indoaryan invasion from Pontic Caspian steppe (Yamna culture, kurgan hypothesis). Blue eyes however were already there in ancient hunters, lacked in farmers and more came with Indoaryans. Learn paleogenetics. It is not that complicated.
If the British are black, does tgis mean you can recolonize and not be racist.
Nooooo... this is a joke, right?!
This video answers your question to some degree. Watch what happens when the ice melts.
Nigger, the most famous example is from the UK-- during the industrial revolution there was so much smoke and soot that the light-colored moths got eaten and the moths became black, because the dark ones were camoflauged.
Posting whitewash version... shame on you.
>BBC utterly obsessed with skin colour
What is wrong with these idiots ? why fixate on his (made up) skin colour ? why focus on that specifically ?
What exactly does """dark""" mean and how did they measure it? I am asking because I am slightly suspicious due to the nature of one of the researchers:
You just made that up, right? That's a joke, right?
Does that mean the EU are oppressing us?
They didnt "become black" you faggot. There were always both colorations, just at that time the white ones got eaten easier while the darker moths natural camo let then spread. I
Low vitamin D diets. They needed to be lighter to produce vitamin D from sunlight, but not light enough that they'd burn all the time.
Nothing changed though, the genetics for both colour moths were already in the species.
Chance was that one type was eaten and one wasn't, if we had not had an industrial revolution the dark ones would have been eaten in the agrarian world.
the bbc are white apologist cunts.
>Greg Dyke, the director-general of the BBC, has condemned the corporation as 'hideously white' and said its race relations are as bad as those in some police forces.
Look at the geography from North Africa through to Japan and you'll realise why Asians have the features they do. You're going to be squinting a lot if you have to live in constant sandstorms for tens of thousands of years at the same time as the Toba catastrophe.
This retarded obssession with skin colour is getting silly
btw I thought you couldn't tell the skin of someone via its DNA?
I call BS. This is like when they told us that female viking warrior story that got debunked. In Sweden they're openly attacking our history through archaeology and you've got this and tearing down confederate landmarks etc. It's an organized attack on our history.
They don't hire whites anymore. Filled with race obsessed niggers that want to beat on whitey every chance they get.
>Public sex seances makes them more advanced
That sounds like Satanist posting. You're not a dirty little enemy of life, are you?
>Channel 4
So you're saying the rightful inheritors of this country are African & we should let in 50 million of them ?
Just stop.
You can when it's convenient
every goddamn time.
I stand alone(probably).
In the majority of what 'science' tells me is truth, in cases like this I read and then reject.
Because six months later they have changed their collective minds again.
>Europeans and neanderthals share 99.5% of their DNA.
no we don't, it's only 1 or 2%.
I'll just leave this here...