Why would anyone have children in the 21st century? With all the thirdworlders fucking up the west, the economy going to shit and everything.
Why would someone intentionally ruin their own life like this?
Why would anyone have children in the 21st century? With all the thirdworlders fucking up the west...
> Cant get laid
> Hehehe i just dont want kids
i am too young to realistically have kids
Yes yes. Cede the future to the enemy. Give up at the first sign of hardship, recoil from struggle and return to the cocoon of comfort.
Not to mention
> Europe
> Finding a loyal woman with traditional values
>Why would anyone contribute to the survival of humanity ammirite?
>Why would someone intentionally ruin their own life like this?
People are stupid.
>i am too young to realistically have kids
No, but i am only 19. A bit early to have kids don't you think?
OP yout pic reminds me of this dumb pedo faggot.
It's not kids that ruin your life. What ruins your life is being dysfunctional/stupid and fucking dysfunctional/stupid women and having dysfunctional/stupid kids.
That being said, I don't feel like the need to have kids is hard-wired into my brain. I'm 25 and still feel no desire to reproduce, although I do have paternal instincts for younger guys.
There are other ways you can contribute to society and the "culture war" other than having kids as puppets for the white race.
No. Would have kids right now if i had a gf
life is supposed to be a struggle
the whole "muh kid won't have an ideal life living in the lap of luxury therefore I won't have kids at all" is the most cucked shit possible and is the primary reason why white people will disappear in another generation
for every kid you wont have Pajeet and Mutumbo will have four and think absolutely nothing of it
no you fucking cuck 19 is not too young it is too old normal people have kids at 15...fucking pathetic swede cuck
no dumbass having kids if you are white is a necessity and no there is no better way to contribute then to have kids making stupid ass memes isn't going to do shit...
finally someone normal posts...exactly...whites should be having 25 kids minimum to catch up
if you are not having children there is literally no point to life and no point to all the lives of the ancestors that came before you that made you who you are. i hope you understand this before it is too late for you, yes it will be hard to bring them up it always has been, but i know you will succeed, i know this because people have been having children for a long time now.
swede got shrekett
Because they stand in the way of your pursuit of knowledge. Kids cost a lot of time and money which you could've spent on reading, writing and building your library and private collection.
Feels good being a genetic dead end.
All that work of my ancestors erased by me alone
>the thirdworlders fucking up the west
Who are these third-worlders you speak of?
>What with all the thirdworlders fucking up the west
You just don't get it do you cuck
>25 kids minimum
my goal is 6, legit, but I'll boost it to 25 and see where I'm at in 20 years. who knows...
People have children because it's a part of the biological program.
Your logic follows only once you become alienated from reality and/or begin to rationalize your own situation to the point of neurosis.
What do you mean? It's correct, tons of thirdworlders are shitting up the west
Don't be a retard like I was as throw away a chance at a long term wife that hasn't had many cocks in her because muh freedom.
The earlier you marry a girl that you actually have a connection with the lower the chance of divorce.
They're shitting up the west because we've been brainwashed with depopulation propaganda and degeneracy for decades and (((economists))) use that to justify replacement migration, by not having kids while they have 5 each your contributing to them destroying the west even more in the next generation and eventually the genocide of european peoples
Because if you want to be happy you need to reach your full potential as a person and that involves passing on your genes, it also supports Sup Forumss cause, your nihilism is not welcome here, back to plebbit of you go
absolutely. the folly of individualism is every unique facet of it we were allowed to imagine over decades of liberal thought hegemony turned out to be shit. and the best thing you could possibly experience in the entire universe is having kids.
You can invest into your future by getting a long term relationship started, at your age it is still very posibble to find a pure untouched 17-18 girl, most of them are longing for a romantic, safe relationship, if you get the relationship started in this age of emotional developement for them you will basically maximise your chances of this kind of girl staying loyal and happy for the rest of her life with you, just dont rush sex, I was dating and getting mine emotionally invested for 10 months until i deflowered her, and it happened naturally, it's all possible, and dont fall for the pol memes, most women are loyal, statisticly men are more likely to cheat than women, you just have to keep your head clear and enjoy the right kind of life
Who are you talking to?
I know Liths have no internet culture, but it feels like your first day on Sup Forums, learn to reply
Well, first i need to get my masters done, then i should probably work up a bit of money and have a house at least
Maybe in 5-10 years
>Le ebolutionary biology
Denying your gene's desire to reproduce is as simple as not picking up a donut because it's it filled with calories from sugar and fat because you know it's bad for you. We don't operate on the same animalistic level as chimps regardless of how "red-pilled" you all think you are about human sexuality. There are other reasons to live because the human brains are massively more complex than of those lower species.
Your genes supposedly also want you to fuck as many women as possible you can pop out a bunch of illegitimate kids. You should visit a trailer park or ghetto and see how well that works out for society.
Noone is telling you to make children right now, I'm saying you should get a gf, dont you want a gf?
You can make kids in 5 years once your done settling down, but you'll feel much safer when you know you've been with the mother of your children for 5 years prior
Dont you want to have a girlfriend?
Women are under pressure from media and their environment to be discontent in their relationship. Just because you've autistically mapped relationship stability based on emotional development, virginity, and bonding does not mean the relationship is guaranteed to last. ESPECIALLY if she's at all attractive. Over time the pressure of feeling like they missed out on dating and single life will only increase. Also, a girl "longing for a safe, romantic relationship" will have to learn the hard way that real life relationships are not like romantic movies. There's a pretty big temptation to leave the relationship when the first romance of the relationship fades.
Because I don't live in third world country so life is pretty comfy.
Thats why we have shame, its the basic defense mechanism from doing shit that will make you feel good temporarily and hurt in the future
Most stories in the bible teach the best ways to act in certain situations that benefit us the most in the long run, happyness and evolution wise
>le edgy atheist think we are humans and we can do whatever we want with no consiquences
>le bojack horseman
>le rick and morty
This is very stupid reasoning.
>You say you don't want to be fat? Must be because you can't afford food and are rationalizing hahaha !!!
You can not do something because you intellectually know it's not in your best long term interest, shame doesn't have to play a role.
Unless you are willing to live like Varg, forget about breedcucking in the West. It is literally selfish child abuse
Yeah, and your couple of white children will not turn the tide, and they may end up having miserable lives. Not worth it unless you are rich or self-sufficient.
You ever heard the story of the champagne fountain mate? Your one of the cunts that poured water in.
Yes they will turn the tide because with every generation they shift further to the right wing, if we keep our population growing and stable then in a few generation they will be enough to reverse this shit, with the added benefit of continuing my family name and lineage.
I plan to have a lot more than two also
it's more than liberal propaganda
it's the associated costs. Raising a child costs 100s of thousands of dollars in USA, now. Some of that amount is paid by the state via education, etc, but it's still very expensive to do, and maybe 56% of whites will want to do things the right way and not be a welfare leech,and it's rather damaging to the household , especially when the parents' relationships will probably be problematic to say the least
When was a better time to have children
When the black death killed millions?
When you had to sell children into slavery to survive?
When your wife and child were likely to die in childbirth?
When most people, along with their children, were completely subservient to a lord?
When the common cold could kill your entire family?
When most children didn't survive to adulthood?
Now is definently not the better time is it?
My friend, women will generally conform to your views if you are confident.
Now is the best time in human history to have children.
What do you think happens if we stopped having children? One or two generations and we are almost gone from the planet, consumed by the black and brown mass.
Hope that works out for you then
Okay, you have no rational objections, other than your fear of the future and your feelings.
What do you mean i ''fear the future''?
i'll never have children, because i don't even know whats the point of my own life, therefore, i could never explain to my children why they are alive and have to suffer
You have imagined a future and this imagined future scares you.
I'm saying it maximizes success, of course sometimes shit doesnt work out, i just wanted to be on the best track, in case it doesnt work out at least I'll have experience by the time all women my age are used
Not really, my future seems kind of boring but it doesn't scare me per se
To find the point start by cleaning your room
>Raising a child costs 100s of thousands of dollars in USA
Only if you send them to university.
It's the meaning of life, retard
Read the Holy Bible and Greek philosophy. Everything about living was said thousands of years ago. Modern commentary is either an affirmation or a desperate attempt at negation.
>id rather spend my hundreds of thousands of dollars on soybeans and nintendo switches
Also you might want to pick up a homosexual test kit down at the walmart.
The world is 7 billions, we are full
I'm perfectly straight, i just find the concept of having children so foreign.
With all the "self improvement" and bettering tour situation, by reading, working out etc and then all of the sudden you're just going to flush all that hard work and dedication down the drain?
Sooner the better bro, war's a brewing, govt. wont be there for you
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wua Lua Du Du," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it.
yeah, i could listen to jordan, give myself a bunch of tasks and convince myself that it's my duty to do them, i kind of do that already, but deep down i still know that life has no meaning
yes yes, have children. have children so that they can:
>experience world suffering
>be a major risk with little benefits
>propagating humanity and (((life)))
take the nihilism pill and decay, theres nothing more to it. life is ugly and this universe is a prison.
>With all the "self improvement" and bettering tour situation, by reading, working out etc and then all of the sudden you're just going to flush all that hard work and dedication down the drain?
How are you reaching this conclusion?
Children will only give you greater motivation for self-improvement, it won't take it away. Your self-improvement will be for the betterment of your family, not for where your selfish desires begin and end.
Holy shit, the shilling is strong on Sup Forums today. Half of threads are kikes trying to convince people to be faggots or don't have kids
Life is beautiful. As is this universe, created by the Almighty God. Suffering is a valid experience of being, just as joy, love, or anything else. Without suffering, opposite experiences have no meaning.
j*rdan memeson is a great conman strategist. the fact that pol cannot see it does not surpise me when you consider most of pol also were/are:
-ex liberals
-still kissing up to authority
-replacing one religious figure with another
no proud, free man is doing either of these. I, for example, was never liberal even in my "bluepilled" days. i was never truly bluepilled, just unaware of fact however
maybe those things are wrong, and the right thing is to stop having children, mankind dies out, and we ascend to a higher dimension?
fuck off
And what exactly is your reasoning and evidence for that?
the almighty god you are talking about eh? if that almighty god really wanted to make it beautiful he would supply us with infinite energy and we would never experience suffering and decay, instead we are trapped in a closed system modelled perfectly for life suffering. your god is a lie and this universe is a prison. you will know that when you are down on your knees and out of your dopamine high
what is your reasoning for christianity?
So is it morally wrong to never have a family?
Most people who have lots of kids are miserable automated bots, you people in first world lost that notion because you are from a generation of few kids family, don't fall for the muh kids meme
their only reasoning is literally their cope strategy built inside their head. just consider that if 99.99999% of humans were atheists, religion would be considered a symptom of mental illness. its literally bordering schizophrenia. i have never, not once in my entire life met 1 single devoted religious person that was sane. Not 1
Life isn't ugly, you are, nigger
Yes goyim, don't have kids the muslims can take care of your countries after you all gone
the simple truth -> Stop whatever you are doing and decay. this is the real test. Giving into your needs furthers your stay in this consciousness prison. You will never know freedom unless you and all of us die. with no survivors lfet behind
We are not trapped, the Kingdom of God is open to all follow the path of Christ.
Your world would result in no morality, defeating the purpose of living and life as created by God.
Your fantasy of a world that's akin to giant bouncy castle that protects you from every fall would disappoint you more than this one. It would have even less meaning because your experience will be only bliss, which is temporary in the real world. Boredom will soon take over and you'll be craving another sensation.
That is right show us your intellectual level. I am probably whiter than you and purer than you the moment we speak but that matters to me none, instead it serves to show you how trivial this bullshit is when it does not matter to the only fact there is; death. mind you, this is a FACT, not an ideology, not a religion , not your aunts schizophrenia.
Morality is a set of rules created by the top ladders of society in order to constrain and control the masses. Mind you, control in this sense isnt used in the negative light that most people use the word, instead its a natural human sequence of events. However you and i can break it. your religion has infected your mind, you may have found yourself in a troubled time but religion is not the way out, it's stagnation. i wont even argue about christ etc etc, because it would be like argueing over santa, pointless and idiotic
You're only 19, so it makes sense you can't plan more than 5 minutes into the future. You literally do not have the brain for it.
You will want kids within 10-15 years. Use the time until then to find a worthy partner.
Alternative is to turn 30 and impregnate the first desperate roastie that puts her claws into you. Doomed to fail, with mentally scarred kids as a bonus.
Yes, make a lot of kids, then cry in your later life because you didn't make what you want due to the children
Better yet, created*
see how we are not in need of morals anymore? the way humanity evolves, we are all heading down toward simplistic automation, no emotions, just controlled, regulated behavior. this will be your new "morality" and its prophet will be the chip inside your brain
This demographic disaster is just another genetic bottleneck.
Not to reward society. It's to reward yourself. Every parent loses that faggy edgy bullshit when they look upon their flesh and blood. then the overwhelming desire to protect such a fragile and innocent life becomes the paramount objective. I do not expect you to understand this perspective
honestly, i look at my parents and feel very bad for them. i ended up a massive failure. things got out of my control and i feel handicapped. i unintentionally kill my parents inside daily and dont know what to do about it. imagine if i wasnt created, they would know no sadness. I weep for them often because i love them and my existence tortures them. i am a good case argument as of why nihilism is the only true path
>haha world is shit
>better not make more people actually capable of taking care of it and let those who cant multiply uninhibited
creating another being with thoughts an emotions just to comfort yourself is sick and evil. i would rather kill a man.
A better question is why someone would intentionally ruin their child's life.
Thats all there is to it however. If the emotional aspect of the brain that controls this behavior got out of the equation, people would immediatelly lose the need to have children. Humanity would die out if it was left up to the cold, apathetic side of the brain. it's such a trap, only a sick evil mind could have designed this world. that of course it my perspective and may very likely be wrong
There are hundreds of reasons and arguments, so many that I do not know them all. I can only give you my own reasoning and motivations, which will not be the same as the reasoning and motivations of other people. My situation is different to most Christians, as I was a hardcore atheist, even an antitheist, and a nihilist prior to my acceptance of Catholicism.
My acceptance of the Christian doctrine rests on three pillars: science, history, and faith/philosophy.
(1) Science. The laws of the universe necessitate a God. The greatest minds that have ever existed reached the same conclusion. It's no coincidence that 65% of Nobel prize winners in the sciences are self-professed Christians. You can google the philosophical arguments for the existence of God yourself, I won't repeat them here.
(2) The life of Christ and his teachings, one of the most documented events in human history.
(3) Accepting the Christian doctrine necessitates a world full of meaning, purpose, and justice. A world without God is a whirlwind of chaos with no meaning at all, no justice, no morality, nothing. Which is why the political left wants to remove God. They want a meaningless world, then they can become the greatest authority on earth.
Which world do you want? You have to choose or it will be chosen for you. I know which world I would prefer, and accordingly, I took the Blaise Pascal's wager and the leap of faith taken by Soren Kierkagaard.
You sound luje a faggot that can't even make "his" point clear, because guess what it's not even your opinion you saw some other faggot posting that. Grow up manchild
>Morality is a set of rules created by the top ladders of society in order to constrain and control the masses.
Morality can be created by man, and it has in the modern world, but that 'morality' is simply an inversion or negation of the morality created by God.
You are one of the cringy atheists that keep thinking religion is about believing in a god, no wonder everyhing you say sounds so pretentious
How many fedoras do you own, and when was the last time you shaved?
Don't feel bad for them, it was a risk they took
Thats why making 8 kids is even scarier, if you have only 1 autistic kid, as an example, then your life turns 10x harder