>AfD at 15% according to latest polls
How long until Machtergreifung, Sup Forums?
AfD at 15% according to latest polls
Idk wtf that means but soon
take over/seizing of power
>85% of germans still want illegal unlimited third world immigration
Too little too late Hans. Since Merkel basically lost last election, shea going to ramp up your replacement before you can vote it away. I wish I had a time machine so I could assassinate Winston Churchill. Sorry Saxon cousin.
As long as the new AfD government pays denbts it's okay
wrekt lol
I can't wait till AfD becomes 2nd most popular party in Germany and BTFO SPD surely by next election.
That haircut should be enough of a red flag
I've been out of the loop on the German elections for a while, what is happening? The AfD is making a comeback?
Too late. Youre outbred and no matter what you do, you cant force anti-muslim policies through the muslim-leftist voting block. Your only chance would be immediate armed uprising but because of your past it would be put down incredibly quickly and harshly.
Youre just fucked no matter what you try to do. Maybe its time to be a diasporafag and attempt to save atleast some of your culture
Hungarians aren't white
What a weak shitpost/diversion attempt.
Not a comeback. They've been growing steadily and got 12,6 percent in the last election. Now they reach 15% in polls while the social democrats are bleeding percentage points
I think I am beginning to see why the Amerimutt memes were necessary
>let me tell you who is and isn't white
Turks have every right to be in Germany.
Nah. That mutt shit is just another forced meme just to foster endless shitposting and disrupt threads. (((They))) want Sup Forums to be a place of constant and pointless shitflinging instead of your daily dose of redpill and a birthplace of devious psyops.
It's always good to hear of progress from the good side. I wish you the best of luck and high percentages.
I have the right to be inside (you)
the trips of truth then.
Kek although I'd be funnier if she gets immigration to Poland denied.
>here let me contribute to the downfall ofca whole nation
>woopsie my bad teehee
>its ok ill just leave and the evil white male will save me
Pls tell me poland wont let her in.
I don't know how long or if germans ever wake up.. But if this is now again Germany driving Europe down a cliff for the third time. I am for genociding all germans, don't even care anymore.
And yes I know how ironic this is from an Austrian flag.
not started by Germany
the rise of the nazis was made possible by the abhorrent conditions Germany was put in after WWI
literally 70 years of indoctrination to deprive the german people of their national pride
Yeah, it sure is always Germany's fault
They probably won't get higher than SPD, but we'll have a situation where a "centrist" CDU is the only dominant party. I expect CSU would then split and go it alone as the the traditional Christian Democrat conservative party. Then Linke, Greens and SPD can circle jerk each other and the FDP can offer its boipussi to whoever needs it.
>poor germany dindu nuffin!
Yeah right. Somehow we managed to pull through even harder indoctrination, a failed revolution and losing two thirds of our country while you got turned into this.
Yes, its your fault. You had the population, the money, the freedom to resist and you all lapped it up. I bet you worthless cucks still think the EU is somehow your imperium instead of a tool to destroy your culture and heritage. You expect us to fight for your culture too when youre too depressed and weak while youre also trying to exploit us for your economic gain AND importing millions of africans?
Get fucking real hansi, you've really done it this time.
Every strong country needs slaves. The mistake was treating them as equals.
You silly billy, everyone knows Hungolians contribute nothing one way or the other.
Unlike the millions of nu-germans you have invited and trying to force on europe? Heard they are contributing really well, especially to rape statistics.
Its also pretty funny to see desperate self-hatred bloom into westcuck smugness, trying to ignore reality because its too hurtful and try to shit talk me because I've reminded you to it.
15% votes without armed militias means nothing. this is not 90's anymore. we live in a world where only firepower matters.
LOL, NATO is here to protect USA interests. We could easily build our own military but we aren't allowed to. So Mumpf can wipe his ass with his paper.
dude this machine is scary as fuck: it gets rid of 30 human bodies in one hour
That's a normal name with no hidden meaning to it you fucking retard.
my sides
" Like the other seasonal names, this was also one of the group of names that were bestowed on Jews more or less at random by government officials in 18th- and 19th-century central Europe. "
>kys dumbass
> only 15%
Krauts are cucks.
How long until anschluss more importantly
Not so. A government without people to govern is nothing
I know many people with the name Sommer and none of them seen even remotely (((suspicious))).
Its sad when 15% is considered a success. I guess Rome wasn't built in a day but with each passing day there's more and more foreigners that get citizenship and likely won't vote for AfD.
Some commie cunt said the same thing to me once.
Fucking scum need to be exterminated, please Poland do not let these nation wreckers in, they are worse than niggers
But you still have Linke, FDP and Greens
pahahaha fucking madman
I have every right to protect my homeland from invaders and traitors also
As a westerner: don’t accept her.
Or, accept her and ship her to Africa
Women have no concept of consequences for their actions
Not necessarily. The media constantly shilling against AfD is basically vote suppression, I would expect a sizeable amount of the 85% to be actually against immigration, but also not yet mentally uncucked enough to go out and vote the party everyone is telling them is bad. Another chunk of the 85% are the people who just feel disillusioned with voting and politics in general.
The other day I booked an escort, and during after-sex cuddles she suddenly started ranting about how she liked the city but that there were too many refugees, and that she barely sees any German families anymore. I told her that I was surprised to hear a woman say that, because I thought women were more left-leaning in general, but she didn't know what "left" meant. These are the people that should be voting for the AfD, but who are also highly susceptible to vote suppression.
>Too late. Youre outbred and no matter what you do, you cant force anti-muslim policies through the muslim-leftist voting block
>my prostitute and I were complaining about the lack of German families
Maybe you should lead your lives differently
She already has kids, and I am only 25 and still have plenty of time.
>implying anything near anti-democratic could happen in germany
Quit larping.
>implying Germany has robust democratic traditions
Mehmet is using his time better than you are.
>implying Germany has robust democratic traditions
Yes they are. Quit living in meme reality. The war ended over 70 years ago. Three generations have been thoroughly brainwashed. In the moment some larpistani shits even attempt something antidemocratic they and their entire movement gets jailed, demonized and destroyed and their cause set back for decades. In fact, if anything the leftists will do this to bait in guillible idiots.
In between finishing university and applying for jobs is hardly a good time to start a family, knowing that I will have to move cities within the next year. You are saying that popping out lots of children on well-fare at a young age is a better use of time than seeking out education and a good job. You are basically advocating to switch from a K-type strategy to an r-type strategy to compete. How very huwhite of you.
>we aren't allowed to
You werent alowed to in the 30s cuckboy. Now build them missles.
So utterly inconsequential for whats actually happening in this country.
Implying what? That you aren't invading european homelands? Go back where you belong roach or fight to the death
>More memes
Eat shit
As a third-worlder that is currently staying in Deutschland I say, let them.
Go to the current Kraut/pol/ you halb-becker
The gibs will run out for you too. Hopefully someone shoots you when you're fleeing.
I am not here on/for gibs though. I just like watching everything burn first-hand and what better opportunity to witness such a spectacle than staying right in the heart of it :^)
In that case, carry on my Nubian friend
>being generally supportive of Germany's membership in the European Union but critical of further European integration
Not even "far right" by any stretch, but i guess people need to start from somewhere.
How can I shill for AfD anin
Based bong took the winston churchpill
I'd assassinate cromwell desu
You know what isn't a meme? That I would fight and die for my homeland.
Would you fight to the death to stay?
Depends on who wants me out. Shitheads like you with meme ideologies who will kill millions of innocents?
Yes I would fight.
Dont forget we're in weimar republic 2.0
> Even more memes
Eat shit
shoo shoo roach
I'm a nazi now eh? kek
I believe in my right to exist and my right to protect my people and homeland. Your a little entitled faggot that thinks his country isnot good enough for him and he wants to live in one someone else built and still calls himself a turk.
>Invokes right to exist
>Advocates genocide and ethnic cleansing
>Forgets the innumerable previous human migration events that landed him on his country.
Your mind is fractured.
No, he's just advocating for putting you on a plane to Turkey and wishing you good luck with Erdogan.
I don't need your help in understanding his meaning. I imagined him to burn me alive in a cage as he posted a gif that reflected his intent. Perhaps you should shut the fuck up about his intents?
No I didn't.
Literally a different flag you moron.
I said I would fight to the death to remove any non-ethnic english my our home to protect our culture and people from being destroyed, you have an ethnostate to go back to.
>muh migrations
Meme. Eat shit. But in all seriousness that was before we built our nation and were living as farmers and peasants. The ethnic groups here are the ones that created industry and made the most significant contribution to mankind of any country in history, and the britons did not just let them stay for fun.
It's kinda wired how 100 Years later from 1920's/1930's we could be in the same situation. Just a wired coincidence i guess.
Serious question. How much % of votes does a party need for full control? 70%?
Well, now you just made me want to help him. Where do you think you are faggot?
Didn’t they already purge everyone in the military who is right wing?
I cant see it. The Youff of Germany are cucked
And reply to this post with: “Deutschland erwache“ for good luck
More like 85% of the country is anti-white TRAITORS.
I wish I had a time machine so I could save JFK and prevent all this.
Does noone care about us anymore?
The number is probably higher, because some people won't admit they will vote for AfD. But I don't expect anything groundbreaking.