>b-b-but s-stalin killed m-more than hitler!
Stalin literally killed the third reich, why are natsocs still so butthurt about him? Get over it dumb pollacks. Stalin was a chad who got to fuck every russian cutie he met, while Hitler was a virgin cuck and LITERAL vegetarian soyboy who let some jews fuck his Eva while he watched and masturbated. He couldn't fuck anyone with his 2inch dick anyway. Sup Forums BTFO
B-b-but s-stalin killed m-more than hitler!
Other urls found in this thread:
Your boy is a hipster who was bought and paid for by Jewish bankers in America.
My man was in prison in this picture because he started a revolution in a bar fight. Suck a dick hipster you will never be this CHAD
Hitler's kill count would have been as bad as Stalin's if Hitler didn't lose. He wanted living space and to remove everyone that wasn't Germanic or any honorary Aryan.
>Stalin was a chad
He was literally a 5'4" paranoid manlet.
Lmao its funny because its the literal opposite
I'm 5'5" you stupid fuck
I mean what
Destroying Hitler's Third Reich:
>Took a coalition of the entire planet fighting the most deadly war in the history of man kind
Destroying the U.S.S.R.:
>Took nothing, it was retarded and fell apart on its own
>angry manlet
>deformed hand
we prefer people kind
kek saved
>Lmao its funny because its the literal opposite
pic related
Lebensraum would have been primarily Russian. He would have ended up killing the same people Stalin killed assuming he didn't just mass deport them to Siberia/east Russia.
>Stalin was a chad
back to /r/communism you go.
And Poland and other Slavic countries.
>showing Mussolini in her prime and Stalins granddaughter after she went retarded
yeah okay kiddo,heres her in the 90s
the majority killed by stallin were guilty anyway
Stalin killed and kicked out most of the good people. doesn't matter what his slave army of orcs did to third Reich. nobody gives a shit about peasants, life of a noble is equal to 10000 peasants
>can't work due to polio
>whole family gets exiled into siberian wilderness, basically a death sentence
yeah they were guilty
Love how this pic is the one they choose to circulate of him because he looks semi-white.
Pic related is what this Jewish Borat looking motherfucker actually looked like.
Thing I want to know is what turned Stalin on his Jewish masters
nice non-sequiter, but I don't have time to debate a dumbass.
>yeah okay kiddo,heres her in the 90s
lol, Stalin's grandaugher is a 50yr old hipster newmale degenerate.
>life of a noble is equal to 10000 peasants
the peasant said
>Lmao its funny because its the literal opposite
what did he mean by this?
That is how most g*orgians look though. SAD!
Hello daddy stalin
>Can't even invade Finland
>not just a picture of his granddaughter cropped out
Even Stalin didn't ask for that. Motherfucker deserves it, but he sure didn't think that was gonna be the outcome
Is that a toy or is she a hyuuuge bitch?
who is interested in invading this shit
No, seems normal sized. So, what kind of dinky little rifle is that?
>not interested
>try it anyway
Is it your speech about traps, user ?
Nope, I'm a count
Hitler drank milk, he wasn't a soyboy.
Well he tried, so probably him.
both photos are shitty, this is what he actually looked like
Be great if you had some evidence for your lies. Shame you don't.
>being this new
>leftism is not a mind disease
>the virgin hitlet
>the chad stalinator
The goal of the war was to ensure the security of Leningrad, pushing the border
This was done lol
Generalplan Ost. While the actual document was never found, several figures from it are alluded to in memos between nazis. Some 80% of poles were to be liquidated or moved to siberia
>posting fake, propaganda photos of young Stalin
>the actual document was never found
Because it didn't exist. Generalplan Ost is allied propaganda that took some real policies and mixed them in with lots of made up nonsense.
>The German made himself detested everywhere in the world, because wherever he showed himself he began to play the teacher. It's not a good method of conquest. Every people has its customs, to which it clings, and nobody wants lessons from us. The sense of duty, as we understand it, is not known amongst the Russians. Why should we try to inculcate this notion into them?
>The German colonist ought to live on beautiful, spacious farms. The German services will be lodged in marvellous buildings, the governors in palaces. Beneath the shelter of the administrative services, we shall gradually organise all that is indispensable to the maintenance of a certain standard of living. Around the city, to a depth of thirty to forty kilometres, we shall have a belt of handsome villages connected by the best roads. What exists beyond that will be another world, in which we mean to let the Russians live as they wish. It is merely necessary that we should rule them. In the event of a revolution, we shall only have to drop a few bombs on their cities, and the affair will be liquidated. Once a year we shall lead a troop of Kirghizes through the capital of the Reich, in order to strike their imaginations with the size of our monuments. What India was for England, the eastern territories will be for us.
None of this makes any sense, brainlet.
>Anglos caring about killing innocent people
Why not? You just don't know the history of World War 2.
True. But World War 2 was 100% Germany's fault and it wasn't justified.
'Generalplan Ost' was never an official policy, just a proposal by one man who worked in the Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt. The original document doesn't even exist anymore, only hearsay nonsense and forgeries from the Nurember showtrials.
Why were there so many Slavs fighting on the side of the Reich if the Nazis had really been perpetrating a genocide of 30 million Slavs at that time? Wouldn't Hitler have stopped his repatriation operation of all ethnic Germans living outside the Reich's borders (the "Heim Ins Reich" -Home in the Reich- operation) if he had been planning to populate those areas with Germans after victory?
Nice le 56% counter-argument.
this is fuckin good
Everything about the picture was wrong and, more importantly, it had nothing to do with what either of us previously wrote. You should get your head checked, perhaps you have a tumor or something.
>Everything about the picture was wrong
It really wasn't. Germany was the only one militarizing and the only one invading and breaking agreements and treaties and the only one giving half of Poland to the USSR.
>True. But World War 2 was 100% Germany's fault and it wasn't justified.
it wasn't tho. Without Anglos and French sperging out it would have been just a local war like Polish-Soviet war(+ Japs fighting Soviets in China). Allies caused it to spill over to the rest of Europe and Pacific
Yes, there is definitely something severely wrong with your head. Get help.
No counter argument; just "ur dumb"
>just let Germany break every agreement and treaty and let him invade and genocide Poland and let him give half of Poland to the USSR, after he just occupied multiple countries when he said he would stop
I refuted the one genuine claim you made, that Hitler wanted to remove Eastern Europeans from the occupied areas in the east. Everything else you posted are hypocrisies, misrepresentations and outright lies.
>Baltic-Soviet War (1918-20)
>Polish-Soviet War (1919–21)
>Japan-Soviet War (1939)
>Finland-Soviet War (1939-40)
I fully agree. All of these were local wars, most of them on European soil, but UK decided to intervene like spastics and start a fucking World War.
The photo is real btw.
> Everything else you posted are hypocrisies, misrepresentations and outright lies.
Htiler didn't militarize and occupy and invade
Just shut up, retard.
same person, different times
whiter than stalin muhammed
'Sentiment' isn't important. We were talking about actions.
People don't have to be killed for being Untermenschen.
Dumb meme plan made by some low level bureaucrat and then exaggerated by enemy propaganda.
>shifting the goalposts
[citation needed]
Stalin buried Germans with the dead bodies of Russian people.
He is the first & foremost reason so many people died in the war.
Stop exploiting my country's tragedy for you infantilist delusions and go clean your room.
Go put some flowers on his tomb ASAP. This man saved your country from total genocide you fool.
Why do all Russians have dark hair and shifty brown eyes nowadays?
>'Sentiment' isn't important. We were talking about actions.
Okay, it's a good thing he did genocide Slavs, then.
>People don't have to be killed for being Untermenschen.
But they were. Millions of people died because Hitler wanted living space and to kill and genocide people he didn't deem worthy.
>Dumb meme plan made by some low level bureaucrat and then exaggerated by enemy propaganda.
Citation needed
>shifting the goalposts
>showing he didn't like Slavs is shifting the goalposts
There's citations on Wikipedia. Where's your sources that he liked Slavs? It's a consensus that he didn't, so feel free to prove it wrong.
Kek, nice one
>having to use proto-photoshop on your pics because you're so butt ugly
"This man thinks in centuries" - Adolf Hitler talking about Stalin.
Get out of my country disgusting muslim
>Willy posters are Walloons.
Why am I not surprised?
I bet you're a flemish stormcuck loser.
Still butthurt that daddy Hitler didn't kill every wallon in this joke of a country?
>percentages of ethnic groups to be destroyed
complete nonsense, Hitlers own statements, private and public contradict this.
>Okay, it's a good thing he did genocide Slavs, then.
Einsatzgruppen were not there to genocide slavs.
>But they were. Millions of people died because Hitler wanted living space and to kill and genocide people he didn't deem worthy.
Wrong, as the quote I posted proves: He wanted people he didn't deem worthy to be left alone as long as they didn't rebel.
>Dumb meme plan made by some low level bureaucrat and then exaggerated by enemy propaganda.
>Citation needed
It's directly contradicted by Hitlers own statements about his plans.
>showing he didn't like Slavs is shifting the goalposts
Your claim wasn't that he didn't like slavs. Your claim was that he wanted to genocide them or remove them from Europe: "He wanted living space and to remove everyone that wasn't Germanic or any honorary Aryan." So yes, it is shifting the goalposts.
>complete nonsense, Hitlers own statements, private and public contradict this.
Hitler saying things means millions didn't die even though the populations decreased very severely?
>Einsatzgruppen were not there to genocide slavs.
"About 6 million Polish citizens—nearly 21.4% of Poland's population—died between 1939 and 1945 as a result of the occupation"
It also aligns with his Anti-Slavic sentiment that is described here:
>Wrong, as the quote I posted proves: He wanted people he didn't deem worthy to be left alone as long as they didn't rebel.
Yeah, just let Germany invade and genocide and make room for Germans instead and there will be no problems. Gas yourself.
>It's directly contradicted by Hitlers own statements about his plans.
And how ironic that millions of Slavs unrelated to the USSR died because of Germany. . . .
>Your claim wasn't that he didn't like slavs. Your claim was that he wanted to genocide them or remove them from Europe: "He wanted living space and to remove everyone that wasn't Germanic or any honorary Aryan." So yes, it is shifting the goalposts.
Find me a copy of Generalplan Ost
You can't
You never will
Because it doesn't exist
Find me a copy of jewish plans on genociding the white people.
>died in his tighty whiteys soaked in his own piss
What the fuck are you talking about?
Did you just lose an argument so hard you pulled an argument out of your ass to try and pin on me to say GOTCHA. Because holy shit, the crevasse in your asshole must be stretched wide to fit such a massive strawman in that loose thing. Stupid fucking faggot.
Anyone got that image of Stalin doing work while his daughter sit on the lap of some Jew and he flicks her hair?
>Hitler saying things means millions didn't die even though the populations decreased very severely?
Millions died because there was a world war. Maybe the soviets shouldn't have burned the food supplies during retreat if they didn't want people in those areas to die.
>"About 6 million Polish citizens—nearly 21.4% of Poland's population—died between 1939 and 1945 as a result of the occupation"
Germans killing hostile parts of the population in the west, Soviets killing hostile parts of the population in the east, Germans killing hostile parts of the population in the east, Soviets killing hostile parts of the population in the east again, Soviets killing hostile parts of the population in the west
Also, stupid things done by the population, like the warsaw uprising. How did they think that one was going to end?
>Yeah, just let Germany invade and genocide and make room for Germans instead and there will be no problems.
Invade who? The attack on poland was entirely justified and everything else was a reaction to allied attacks against Geramny. Besides, Germany didn't plan on genociding anyone, other than arguably the jews.
Hitler never even used the term Untermensch as something inherent about a race
German settlement doesn't mean the native population would be genocided. That's why the less populated and underdeveloped east was chosen as the site for Lebensraum.
See above.
He probably was raped in prison and was a vegan cuck literal soyboy
Germany isn't America. People here aren't all secretly gay.
Millions died because there was a world war.
Gee, I wonder why there was a world war. Did it have something to do with Hitler's views of making living space for Germans by removing untermensch?
>Maybe the soviets shouldn't have burned the food supplies during retreat if they didn't want people in those areas to die
Citation needed.
>Germans killing hostile parts of the population in the west
Gee I wonder why they were hostile, you autist.
>Invade who? The attack on poland was entirely justified and everything else was a reaction to allied attacks against Geramny.
How was it justified? Keep in my mind that the "Danzig Massacre" was after Germany invaded Poland. What allied attacks? You mean ones that occurred after Germany was invading everywhere and kill citizens?
>Hitler never even used the term Untermensch as something inherent about a race
"The Untermensch concept included Jews, Roma and Sinti (Gypsies), and Slavic peoples such as Poles, Serbs and Russians.[7] The Slavs were regarded as Untermenschen, barely fit for exploitation as slaves.[22][23] Hitler and Goebbels compared them to the "rabbit family" or to "stolid animals" that were "idle" and "disorganized" and spread like a "wave of filth".[24] However, some among the Slavs who happened to have Nordic racial features were deemed to have distant Germanic descent which meant partially "Aryan" origin, and if under 10 years old, they were to be Germanized (see: kidnapping of children by Nazi Germany)."
>German settlement doesn't mean the native population would be genocided
But they were.
>Did it have something to do with Hitler's views of making living space for Germans by removing untermensch?
Not really, Germany wasn't conquering anything they hadn't already owned before WW1. Pick up a history book you retarded nigger faggot.
>How was it justified?
Territorial casus belli, claim over that land.
How are US' wars justified? They aren't.
The hilarious thing is that US raped the shit out of France and it wasn't even at war with it. The French were treated well.