Italians aren't whi-
people are right, this guy is aesthetic
No, I never said they weren't
I like his wolfs hook tattoo
Only shills say Italy is not white.
Unironically this. I hope he's shown the memes at some point.
Is italy the only uncucked European country at this point?
>chad patriot removing nigger filth
>italians praise him in the streets
>italian elite mortified
>fashy salutes
>holocaust chants at soccer games
Is Italy going to save Europe?
he's a big guy
nobody is untouched by the libs
italy and spain > britain france and germany = scandinavian countries
balkan > italy and spain
russia > balkan
that's the pecking order
For you.
Based Špagetar
Italy seems like it's waking up lately though
Been seeing a lot of crazy shit over there
That guy made me throw up my black pill, there is yet hope for the west.
He is god we need.
So did he manage to kill anyone? All I remember was speculation this guy shot and injured some niggers that attacked his girlfriend or something. What happened?
delete that shit
Any stories on Italian support for this guy?
>nigger butchers a random junkie
>moonman hears about it on the news
>snaps, goes back to his house and grabs his gun
>goes on a shooting spree to root out niggers
>ends up with 0 kills but manages to wake up an entire country
daily stomer has em'
go check them out
get down with the race war
you muthafucka
come on get down with the race war
He garnered a lot of sympathy on our web;
his lawyer is concerned that "he's contacted by too many people wishing Luca well" and "asking me to do everything in my power to keep him out of jail";
Forza Nuova (a rightist party) has declared full support for him and will pay for his legal fees, and apparently other italians are pitching in as well;
there are other attacks on niggers happening.
Most importantly however, many people are "condemning his actions, but not his reasons". Even if this guy was a false flag, it clearly worked out in our favour.
I bet he will be worshiped as king in prison.
Italians confirmed whitest race in existence
Hitler officially a nigger
the goddamn state of Sup Forums.....
gimme some fucking sauce wtf
Prisons are full of niggers (physical and spiritual), pretty boy like that will be bum-drilled in no time.
>African refugees chop up Italian girl into little pieces and use her body for a voodoo ritual
>based Italian chad gets in his car and starts literally moonmanning every nigger he sees
>gets arrested
>instead of condemnation, Italians start praising him
>Italian politicians mortified
>mother of murdered daughter thanks him
>Italians start burning down refugee camps
Shits popping off in Italy, and based warhammer 40,000 man started it
>God of Racewar
>not a law abiding, Christian citizen
user i hope you see where your mistake is
>warhammer 40,000 man
What do you mean by that?
hanz opinions belong in achmeds asshole
>shuffling back into your cuckshed after Tyrone cuts your women into little pieces for a voodoo ritual
Germans have fallen
>following laws in oppressive society
Do you try to win when playing shell game? (((They))) write laws for good goyim.
It is not pummeled if he can walk. It's slapped.
not here, pretty much the only thing happening in our prisons are suicides
and shit libs lost their shit when you said 1000s of Nigerians being boated in to Naples was a bad idea. This is all their fault. Getting tired of being right.
>Some nigger ape raped, killed, chopped up and eated the organs of an Italian young woman. Pic related.
>The dude went crazy and shooted as many dindus as possible.
he couldn't walk, he was rattled
Quick rundown on this Kratos ?
>went crazy
he's not crazy they are
>hanging yourself with the bedsheets
Nebelwerfer battery during Warsaw uprising, colorized.
>conditions severe enough to consider suicide when you are fucking catholic
That's what I mean.
they're not really severe, just depressing
also I'm pretty sure there's a part in the Bible saying to not commit crimes and overall act like a nigger
> christian
Yeah, how's that been workin for ya?
State of moralfags
Pepe is a frog of peace.
>also I'm pretty sure there's a part in the Bible saying to not commit crimes and overall act like a nigger
Suicide condemns the soul to abaddon. Not heaven or hell. Most sins can be forgiven, but suicide is one that condemns the soul to eternal ambiguity. A failure to live a good life and a refusal to accept God's gift of salvation. Not all sins are equal in the eyes of God.
and I'm saying that here hardly anyone is a practicing christian anymore, so there's not much of a point to talk about people killing themselves
But of course