>look at her hair
>look at her hair
Wtf I'm sure I saw that article with a different title just minutes ago.
Poland should reject white refugees who were pro immigration. Let them live in the mess they helped create.
>ruins her country
>instead of trying to fix things she moves to another country
>will undoubtedly try to ruin it too
>t.commifornians in Oregon
Women confirmed for niggers.
>Poland should reject white refugees who were pro immigration.
Poland should halt all German immigration until the WW2 reparations are paid.
And then still not allow any krauts in.
That's women for you. In fact, I am surprised she didn't spread her legs to Jamal and started wearing burka, so she is -at least- one step ahead of the average woman.
And you just know faggot white knight will line up to help her. Fuck this gay earth.
Just ignore the shit squatters from the middle east then idc ....
this is what's gonna happen. all us spiteful virgins are jerking off to the idea of these roasties being held accountable for their actions, but when have women EVER been held accountable for their actions? Might as well face the music now; sink or swim, we'll have to carry these sluts' dead weight.
Say Hitler was right already
Natural born nation wreckers.
>Emigrates to Poland
>Poland needs zhe mehr diversity
This. Same thing for Californians in America.
actually she should be deported to the areas where she insisted that they import refugees from. Living in Somalia would be good for her enrichment.
Angela Merkel is a communist terrorist and needs her cunt kicking in
>guys we need these immigrants they are great people
>proceeds to fuck up own country
>these people need to stay in their own country and fix their problems
>I need to emigrate and get way from the problems I created
>"At that time, I wanted to help every person and I really believed that all these people were fleeing a hell and were in utter distress"
>The sexual assault in Cologne marked the beginning of the awakening of volunteers. The awareness of this typical representative of well-entrenched rights-of-the-rights activists on the left dates from New Year's Eve 2015 in Cologne. She must have recognized at this time, as she admits bluntly to the Polish anti-Islamist website euroislam.pl, that the behavior of the North African and Middle Eastern aggressors in Cologne was completely in the Muslim culture of the newcomers she had met up to now: "This is the moment when I thought," Rebecca, now you have to put a stop to it, if only activist for women's rights. "
>Previously, says Rebecca Sommer, "I thought that [their] medieval vision would change over time [...] but after seeing these situations repeat themselves and observe what was happening around me, a volunteer, I had to recognize that in the case of Muslim refugees, they have grown up with totally different values, they have been brainwashed since childhood and are indoctrinated by Islam and have absolutely no intention of embracing our values . Worse still, they look at us, the infidels, with disdain and arrogance. "
>She also speaks of her great disappointment when she realized how a group of "refugees" she had personally helped and believed to be her friends practiced taqqiya with her. "I suddenly realized that these people I had helped, who ate, drank, danced and laughed with me, who did not pray, who did not go to the mosque, who did not respect Ramadan, who made fun of of religion and deeply religious people, did not call me anything other than "the stupid German whore" when they ate my food and rested in my garden.
>"Everyone who lives in Berlin and cares for immigrants sees this problem. The only exception is those who simply do not want to see it because they are ideological and blind and deaf to reality."
Stupid fucking bitch. Poland should tell her to fuck off. She made the mess, now it is her responsibility to help clean it up or die trying.
Who's the retard that ignored ample historical evidence of this and bowed to every demand (((women))) made?
Western men ultimately are to blame for allowing it to happen.
Oh no you don't.
Fritz, one of you needs to grapple her and make sure she goes down with the ship. The rest of us are counting on you to make up for voting Merkel in again by proving to the rest of Europe exactly what happens when you let this shit happen.
No survivors, no escaping your responsibility, red pill the world by going down in flames.
>wanting to lose your shoe to her hungry hole
So she helps fuck up Germany, and now wants to go and fuck up Poland with her SJW ideas?
You see this shit play out again and again. Here in the states liberals demand more taxes for services, after a decade property taxes are so high they move out because "It's just too expensive." Then find a cheap toun to live and do it all over again. People like this are a blight on humanity.
someone shoot her before she crosses the border.
Escape the rape epidemic, no cunt is safe!!!
The only way this retarded slut can redeem her soul is to stay in Germany and advocate for the removal of all nonwhites.
A race between Germany and Sweden to see who falls first? My money is on Sweden.
Fuck that pussy shit.
The only way is to die attempting physical removal herself.
Is she jewish ?
user, you need to get your Jewdar adjusted. And Poland needs to keep out this subversive kike kunt. Aside from the migrants, she has her nose hooked into all sorts of other (((NGOs))).
Note how she says "muslims". She will most probably still promote the influx of non-white 3rd worlders if they aren't mudshits.
Women should have never got voting rights
i am going to need a much better source than euroislam.pl if i'm going to be spreading this around
I don't know. I think Sweden'll keep it together through sheer autism enough to become a horrific, Typhoid Mary-esq abomination, infecting all it comes into contact with. Their men are cucked enough that no amount of horrors will bring them to rise up.
Germans meanwhile like everything NEAT UNT TIDY and their particular brand of special needs is going to result in them fighting back because things aren't exactly as they like them.
So they'll get a civil war and implode.
Hopefully when it does happen Merkel will end up first against the wall.
Well, she woke up and realized she's considered a whore by immigrants and a whore by German men. The next step is to realize that the leftists who worked with her are also calling her whore because she became a "Nazi-fascist." Will her female ego handle such a blow?
We should ban (((NGOs))) the soonest possible. I'm libertarian leaning in many cases but those things are just kike subversion machines, the amount of anti-white and anti-polish shit that comes out of those is astounding.
Ofc almost every run and funded by kikes (including the overkike Soros)
>imagine being this tarded
Man, the leftard brain is a scary place. I wonder if they are eligible for tard gibs or something.
Heading to Poland to start spreading poison again.
You can fucking count on it.
the worst part is cali-cucks are completely dumbfounded when they figure out the residents of their new host states utterly despise them them when they attempt to introduce the same failed politics that destroyed california and made it uninhabitable.... they just can't draw the connection and keep pretending it's everyone else that is retarded
Europe needs to burn again for the third time in 100 years. A new and improved europe will rise from the ashes.
It's fake news sorry folks
Yes, the NGOs here take names like "Lutheran Social Services" and "Catholic Charities" but they're religious and charity in name only. They're really just jewish schemes to take the white people's tax money and use it to move as many niggers from Somalia into the small towns as possible. Or to fund illegal immigrant relocation (((advocates))) so they can keep their cheap labor to work for the big agricultural businesses. I hate them so much for what they've done to the US and the world.
>Ruin a country
>Move to another country
yup, parasite mentality
Just says she doesn't intend to move to Poland. Doesn't say she never said the other shit about the migrant situation.
Well look at commies, it's always "it wasn't real communism" or "next time it'll work".
Until they comprehend on a deeper level how flawed their thinking is they won't learn no matter how much examples presented.
Well I think Russia and Hungary banned them altogether and I think that's a good move. Allowing them is like allowing foreign country propaganda and subversion run free cause of "muh free speech". And (((they))) will use any means necessary to subvert and destroy any white nation, we need to take away as much weapons they have as we can
Tantamount to treason