Why do you like (((Sargon of Akkad)))?
Why do you like (((Sargon of Akkad)))?
I don't like any of these e-celebs not a single one I'll stick with Jared Taylor.
>Why do you like (((Sargon of Akkad)))?
He opposes SJW, feminism and the far left.
He's the enemy of my enemy
good meme
work on it
He speaks against Islam, liberal insanity, and the usual bullshit.
The people annoyed with him often seem upset that he pokes the tiniest of holes in their arguments like questioning how non white people are spiritually white.
>spritually white.
worshipping semetic desert blood gods really destroyed white people
>speaks against islam
fuck off yank
He exposed the altright as the wewuzing niggers they are.
>speaks against Islam
He does talk about Muslim rape gangs and how no one is willing to name them.
He also talks about how implementing the sharia is a bad idea.
I have followed Sargon of Akkad since 2011, you have to understand that while some of his views are not ideal he was unafraid to be the voice of reason in the battle of reasonable people vs radical SJW's and Feminism.
So many normies were red-pilled and a movement was created, for the first time in a long time the foundations of injustice started to shake and we had someone to rally behind. I believe that this in-turn created a youtube revolution spawning some of the most notable free speech figures we see today.
He's gone off the rails a bit but I view him as a necessary balance now that he has branched out. What did you cunts ever do to better western society?
What did any of you cunts do realistically?
>non white people are spiritually white
Isn't this something that Evola argues though? It's more "non-whites can be spiritually white" but I think you get my question.
Why the fuck do you not like him?
I started watching his videos because of the anti SJW position. I watched part of three or four after I stopped following. He talks a lot in the videos, each of the ones I saw had more than 30 minutes, but I didn't hear any really original and clever idea. In my view, the Sargonn is pretentious and doesn't have an exact awareness of one's limitations. However, he gets his monthly 8k from normies who find that opposing SJW is a sign of bravery and intelligence (when at most it is a sign that the person has not been completely devoid of common sense through brainwashing). Good for him. But I do not know why they talk so much about him here. He has nothing to add.
"not aware of its own limitations"
We was an ally of convenience during the whole GG thing, but he is really misguided on the impact of race and how that influences one's politics. Liberalism, as he defines it as the pursuit of individual liberty, was born out of a mono-ethnic society. Now that we live in multi-ethnic societies and have given the right to vote to groups that vote almost exclusively along racial lines liberalism doesn't mean a damn thing. It will mean even less when a country becomes less than 50% white because the groups of people who are fighting for individual liberties won't have the votes to matter. Democracy dies in multi-ethnic societies when a group that voted purely along racial lines becomes the majority.
>Speaks against Islam
Motherfucker banned anti Muslim comments from his Youtube videos.
>you what?
In pic related is the only e-celeb worth paying attention to
>Comments gets deleted
I like Styx and Metokur all the rest can get killed
He doesn't name them.
He will occasionally mention ONE of the dozens of towns/cities where they operate, while claiming le SJW's are the biggest threat to the west.
>Self hating Jew good?
>Self hating whites bad?
He's OK for controlling the reddit masses/useful idiots, but nothing else
you think yer slick but you didn't think that one could support both because both are in their own interest