meanwhile in sweden
Meanwhile in sweden
Other urls found in this thread:
>a corpse
He looks like an alien, how could any woman find him attractive?
Can you imagine what a cuck this girl's father is?
Wish I was black
This picture has been approved by the feminist sjw board of Sweden. (You can contact them in Poland)
What does the text say?
the outline of her butthole...
this picture is hot af
What does the sorcerous runic alien shit say?
Who cares. She isn't even white.
mainstream media brainwashing
blacker than you muhammed
>this picture is hot af
What is wrong with Americans? This pic is AWFUL and it makes me puke.
>knocked Sven out cuz he bitch
>took his hoe
>rate my loot, senpai
Translation please
What's up emsi
Hahaha somebody's having fun tonight
Looks like tan to me
Also shitskins have bigger asses, that looks like a white ass
Whats up Emsi? Ugly ass emojis
Someone is going to have fun tonight
Interracial cuckoldery is a genuine issue, I fear that our memeing about it has only grown the monster.
And from what you can tell, who is the one typing this? The nog or the white girl?
>meanwhile in sweden
There is no indication that it is one or the other, but you would assume it's the male. She's also not white, looks arab as her tone is a bit dark too.
I think some serious shit is about to go down in sweden.
You can feel it in the air, like the calm before the storm.
>meanwhile in..
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Race war when???
dear God what's happening to the West
kill these niggers
Mainstream media brainwashing
Why? Would you never have sex with a nigger woman who had sex with a nigger man?
Sup Forums is a pussy, condemning perversions and savagery.
This one is powerful too.
Do the other 18% have foreign born parents?
meanwhile in latvia
I had a night long dream that I was a black man last night and white women were tripping over themselves to fuck me.
It was a shame I have to wake up early...
For the 100th time, this is fake...
>a woman of 43 years
Say hello to autism, lady.
This too.
Stop posting fake shit retards.
>be sweden
>spend years of rape and pillaging the coasts of europe and spreading blonde genes in the past
>hundreds of years later get replaced by niggers
I don't want AIDS
She's not even white, so I don't care.
probably the rapists are russian
The weak castouts of society are doing desperate attempts to get back at the ones who ignored them. It is the only way. The strong wedterners, both female and male are out there and doing fine.
A brighter future is in the making.