
Please tell me how I can save my city Sup Forums

I refuse to abandon it.

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There's no going back from 50% chink population.

Then I guess I had better learn Mandarin.

At this point I just want to get some techniques to assimilate them.

All those buildings are built in the style of Hong Kong style buildings. That shit is wild.

Wait seriously? I thought those were just normal buildings and everything else in NA was just outdated?

I love this architectural style, best part about the city.

You should be lucky to live there. It's like the Canada version of Austin, but with a lot of chinks.

You know the more I think about the city it's not that bad. I just with the mainland chinese would be more polite.

We need to screen immigrants based on politeness I think.

It's scary to see a whole city built over here that's in the style of chinese cities.

Wow it really looks like it needs saving. Just don't be a poorfag you fucking retard.

I was actually hoping to move there myself but the only thing stopping me is the ridiculous housing prices, which is the fault of the yellow jews.

>Houses going up the hills like fucking favelas

Nuke and start over



Start with sacrificing cucks to kek and the way will be revealed.

I hate to say this but the Chinese are one of the BEST things about the city
The whites are mostly shit.
Useless hipsters, soyboys, roasties, extreme left lgbt activists, hobos, addicts, crazies

Last time I was there, I have a very clear memory of seeing a normal-looking white woman with baby, because she was the only normal-looking white person I'd seen all day
Disgusting city, trash people

what's wrong with it?
It was rather nice last time I visited

>what's wrong with it?

Obviously they just banned cooking dogs on the street using gutter oil. The OP is a disgruntled and confused resident.

These ads displayed very prominently in bus stops, posters for "all gender open strip night" events, dispensary after dispensary, etc

Seriously if you think the fucking Chinese are the biggest problem vancouver has I don't even know what to say to you

I just realized something as I make this thread.

The things I dislike about the city aren't the chinese, it's the shit the whites are doing. I just realized the chinese are moderating it. There were anti-gay protests by the chinese here a few months back.

What the fuck does that make me then?

uhh normal?
I'd rather live in a clean, orderly, pleasant, safe city with a 100% Chinese population than a shitty degenerate hellhole with a 100% white population.
Race is important but it's not the be all and end all

Fix your life first, virgo

My life is fine, I was just annoyed by the chinese, but now I don't think I am.

What the fuck.

God bless Quebec.
We need to quarantine the anglo plague

I have never seen these in Vancouver, are you sure they are up anywhere but the heart of the 3 block gay district?

First of all, tell the architects to kill themselves for ruining what's supposed to be one of the most scenic settings in the world

fuck off kike/chink.

fuck off civ nat cuck, chinks are a fucking problem, over here in ontario, they are JUST now reported the majority population in markham, York region should just be renamed to Xiao region, fucking disgraceful chinks.

Mate do you think getting angry about it will change anything? What solution do you propose?

Get a tiki torch and protest like a giant faggot.


mate this thread reeks of kike psyops defeatism,
"My life is fine, I was just annoyed by the chinese, but now I don't think I am." If you're really a Canadian and you don't see Chinese as the biggest threat to our country and national identity, then you've got your head in the sand.

OP is a faggot kike feminist ally. Chinks are productive high IQ species with extremely low crime rate and zero interest in controlling western media.

Fuck off OP, pls.

what is Canadian national identity anyways?

hockey, syrup, gay pride, and being "nice" ?

The Quebecois are the only ones with any sense of national identity. They are the true Canada

Our national identity was being British in North America

Then suddenly everyone stopped being british, so our national identity is just being Americans but not in America.

Nuke China. The answer is always always NUKE CHINA

yea exactly

Canada's identity is basically "not America"
here in China alot of people think Canada is an American province

It's funny, most of the children of the chinese who live here HATE china. Isn't china worried it's sending so many expats overseas who will ultimately end up coming home and overthrowing the government? That has happened to so many other regimes who did similar things.

>where are you from?

>where's that?
>its a country in North America

>oh so you're American?
>no no, we're in North America but we're a separate country

>confused look

every time...

lol China isn't going to be overthrown any time soon

but democratic reforms a few decades down the line is a possibility

>Where's that

No one has ever said this. Even the dumbest child in Africa knows where Canada is

Dont worry OP, I'll move to vancouver in 2 years

Bring your sisters.

everywhere outside of the GTA there is a distinct Canadian culture, obviously a chink like yourself has never been outside markham/richamondhill so I don't hold it against you for being so ignorant.

who are you talking to?

The more educated younger people are aware, but the older folks aren't. It's getting better nowadays, especially with Trudeau being in Chinese news recently, but a few years ago during the Harper days almost nobody I talked to knew about Canada.


>a chink like yourself
kek, actual chinks don't pay $20 for a Sup Forums pass to post here, they just use a proxy

There could be worse populations

You may not be a chink, but you for sure are a GTA cuck.

Why are you in china anyhow? I kind of want to see the world and work outside of Canada a bit. I assume I would need to work on my manadarin first?

R A R E Vancouver flag

git gud



You don't need perfect mandarin, just learn some basics and people will like you enough for you to get your foot in the door. A lot of people here speak English, and all street signs and such have English on them.

thw worst feat of canada is trudeau, not the chinks.

>He wants to save the lower mainland

What do you mean user? Save from what? The homeless and poor millennials who cant afford housing?

Yeah sure kick them out and send them to alberta, You obviously don't own property and or dont have a high paying job

I for one welcome all these Chinese "investors" my home has gone up $100,000 since july thanks to this new re evaluation of strata propert

wtf i love dim sum now

Ah, I'll work on my language skills a bit and poke around.

I own property (inherited) actually, I'm just trying to find a decent job. Getting started as an engineer in this city isn't that great, but I'm not leaving. Going to try to start a business.

I've heard terrible things about Ottawa but I've never experienced it first hand besides from a trip in grade 8. I'm sure it's in the mutlicultural shitter just as much as the GTA is though. I'm thankful my family is from up north and I have a Canadian identity.

>that aesthetic Drumpf tower standing tall among the chink spires

winning even in Canada

Ottawa has a muslim problem, not a chink problem.

If you're really that worried about Canadian identity then learn from the Chinese. They don't care about race, only their family.

Focus on your own family. Make money, improve yourself, and establish your place in the world. Pass your wealth and culture and traditions on to the next generation, create a dynasty. If EVERY white family did this (like we used to), the white race would not be in danger.

There's no stopping the lil yellow fuckers!

Don't worry, they'll destroy everything then die out.

Awwwww, Vancouver. The Canadian city where even a couple of high paid neurosurgeons can't afford to actually buy a house on the island, and can barely afford a shack.

yes goy, don't worry about the 300k+ permanent, what like 1 million temporary workers? fuck off, the chinese are making it impossible for whites to settle down and start a family because minimum house price anywhere near the gta is like 400k. You're obviously a chink though so kys.

Then don't buy a house in the GTA?

Toronto's prices are pretty normal for a top tier city. Do you have any idea how expensive it is to buy a house in Shanghai? It has nothing to do with foreigners, and everything to do with it being the financial center of the country.

Wow, first time I have seen rareflag been so active; how did you get past the captcha anyway?

I bought a Sup Forums pass


>We need to screen immigrants based on politeness I think.

God, one would think that at least on Sup Forums you'd not embody le'canadian meme

you need to introduce a racially exploitative strain of some super virus. You'd never have enough ammunition to solve your problems, same goes to South Africa, if any of you beautiful people are here

Stay white?

its over

I think Melbourne will be the next Vancouver. As non-Chinese Asian, I'd rather live next to a white family than a Chinese family.

Looks better than anything I have seen in the USA.

save what? just be glad you're not getting 70 iq blacks/muslims. atleast chinese are high iq, don't commit nasty crimes, and contribute to the economy

you have people being murdered / gangraped / bombed by muslim shits all over europe... blacks being blacks in USA. what is there to complain about chinese? yeah sometimes they talk loud, rude/dont speaky english, but what else

They literally can't look you in the eye when you interact with them, don't make an effort to learn basic english, take over cities like hongcouver and markham where all the businesses are in chinese signs, no english. Only a complete fucking KEK would be ok with this, and if this were happening in reverse in ANY other country, muh EBIL WHITEY would be headlining the news and you fucking know it. Now fuck off to your land of bug men.


>hey literally can't look you in the eye when you interact with them, don't make an effort to learn basic english

those arent real problems today

>take over cities like hongcouver and markham where all the businesses are in chinese signs

thats somewhat a problem

they smell funny. cereally. i think its all the linseed oil in the stir fry.



get out of Hongcouver as fast as possible

retreat to the hills, save up until the property bubble takes everyone out then you and friends can move back in and run the place

thank you leaf user you are my hero

Yeah, those are not problems for bug people with robotic like interaction with each other. Before multiculturalism every one would talk to each other everywhere out in public and connected with each other on a deeper level, you know phillia, now everyone keeps quiet and to themselves, it's fucking shameful what's happened to this country because of multiculturalism. Now fuck off you entitled piece of shit.

Find the way

Learn chinese