Sargoy chimps out and calls alt-right "white niggers"
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He isnt wrong. You guys act like clowns and you know it.
That's true though.
well he is not wrong, all altrighters are litteral wewuzing niggers
>you guys understand i'm a p-p-person right??
if they're niggers he's a literal woman. so cringy
Log off manchild.
he is right you guys are white niggers
stop pretending to dindu nuttin
aw yeah finally another hot take. I was getting bored with this drama less trudge through the week.
I don't even watch tehse videos man. I just live for the chaos.
you don't get things in life by bitching and begging. it's meaningless rant, he already defeated himself.
Have you seen the LARPing the alt right does?
They made a giant joke of themselves by going out looking like they were in school uniforms and tiki torches. And now they go online constantly to declare everything they disagree with cringe or autistic rather than form arguments to defend some of the stupidity their major figures like Richard Spencer put forth like how someone can be 'spiritually' white.
The irony is his Kekistani movement is full of actual niggers and kikes who act like the scum of the Earth.
I'm not upset I'm just upset
gtfo youre not worthy of bearing the name sargon. we wuz semites and shiet
goes after the alt right thinking he's going to pwn them with his big boy, principles makes a complete ass out of himself instead
>why aren't you going after the sjws, instead of me?
>i'm not going to debate you because people are mean to me and it's suddenly not worth my time, not because i lost to Spencer and can't engage with the alt right in any other way than "what doth white?"
>*strawmans the alt right*,you know? *chuckles nervously* can't they show me some respect?
hes a faggot but hes not wrong
>dem mufuggin jews keepin da white man down
he reminds me of
>loses the argument
>"you you you behave like niggers!"
He's right you know
jews were not the one to abolish white slavery while black slavery only ended becouse of white people. so it's retarded to say white people keep blacks down, becouse white people only gave them opportunities while jews first ask for refugee, than destroy currency, start revolutions to abolish previous order and after that tax people beyond imagination.
so he knows what a white nigger is but not a white person?
wow that's very racist of you Sargon
thanks for the update schlomo
he's right about something that's irrelevant and nobody cares about
pointing out that anonymous acts like children is not exactly what I'd call a lucid observation
So literally hurt fee fees because the internet isn't a hugbox?
He is still being a big fucking baby. Takes himself way too seriously.
"White Niggers" refers to the Irish (look it up).
So has this ignorant fuck just declared that the whole alt-right are no Irish?
you can be better
Is he actually retarded?
Wasn't it ALWAYS common knowledge that YouTube comments are ABSOLUTELY retarded and NO ONE should anything said there EVER seriously?
Why is he taking it seriously? That is just plain retarded.
Vee does the same shit, he even RESPONDS to youtube comments, as if ANYONE there has actually an IQ above 80, I remember some retard who spouted some absolute non sense about race and Vee on about how "that is what the alt right actually believes", although the guy was clearly retarded.
Look at *ANY* comment section under an alt right video, or at a chat about a livestream against the alt right, it will be JUST AS """Disrespectful""".
shut the fuck up jew
Because he's using it as an excuse to run.
If you are taking youtube comments in any way seriously you aren't right.
>calls alt-right "white niggers
but they are
Sargon acts like a parody of himself now.
Mission accomplished.
>I can´t be botherd
>It´s just not worth my time
>shut the fuck up jew
Nice memeflag there yank.
Yeah, that is probably a good guess.
It may also be a cheap shot at the alt right, "look at how retarded you people are, your youtube comments are cancer", while ignoring that there isn't a single intelligent youtube comment section.
The "alt-right" are acting like the controlled opposition niggers they are. Completely counter productive to saving the white race.
I haven't followed him much, but I can sympathize with him on this because a lot of people have acted like retards about him.
Like acting like it's insane for a group of people to be against collectivism or that it's sophistry to ask someone what they mean by "spiritually white".
He says that there is an article by Andrew Anglin in which he makes the same arguments as he does.
Can someone pls link me to that article?
Pretty sure you guys kept bullying him, now you're upset he's angry?
I'm not giving you any views you fat limey cunt.
How so? People like Sargon and Peterson directly pacify and convert the primary target audience of the alt right to a position antithetical to the alt right itself. Showing these cucks for the frauds they are is self preservation.
When Sargon talks I don´t know if he is aware how much of a parody of a arrogant, self-absobed anglo he is at this point?
He is PAINFULLY arrogant. Pure cringe.
HE IS THE CLOWN! If he does not want people to laugh about him he should stop the act of being a exaggerated version of a snotty anglo.
if you don't like being exposed don't spew such jewry around these parts again
same goes for kraut by the way who role-plays as a arrogant, snotty anglo.
>Pretty sure you guys kept bullying him
Do you actually expect you tube commenters to be people with an IQ above 80?
Don't take anyone there seriously...
I've told him this to his face on stream several times personally and he's totally oblivious
>convert the primary target audience of the alt right to a position antithetical to the alt right its
So they won't go out to march with Mike Enoch and get beaten up by hipsters while carrying on about being victims?
Antithetical? how so? Sargon is anti immigration and pro nationalism. It's closer to what we want than the mainstream, and the alt right are acting like divide and conquer puppets.
At the end of the day his rhetoric still leads to white minorities, and he does not care one iota about that fact.
reality check: sargon is a manchild with nothing to his credit but a failed kickstarter and a gamergate youtube channel who spends all his time criticizing other people
>pro nationalism
No he absolutely isn't.
He is pro CIVIC nationalism, which is the furthest away from actual nationalism you could possibly be.
>anti immigration
No he isn't, he is anti-mass migration and for the right of countries to secure their own borders and let in whoever they want to let in.
That is FUNDAMENTALLY different from anti immigration.
>It's closer to what we want than the mainstream,
No, """"we"""" don't want much of what sargon wants.
Nationalism was never inherently racial, but if you believe culture and race are intrinsically linked, then I don't see why civic nationalism is such a problem.
This was a calculated move on his part, that was inspired by Jordan Peterson.
>unironically uses the world nigga to get large amounts of attention
>publicly aligns himself against the Alt-Right
>radical lefties pick it up and make videos about it
>Sargon is racist we wuz kangs ect ect
>outrage dies down he is no longer associated with alt -right
>he can now slowly appeal to radical left elements w/o being called a nazi
truly /ourguy/
He calls people niggers and yet i see no one freaking out on any social media over this
This seems like something they would be dreaming for.
Well I'd say that it's the white supremacists that act most nigger like, but there are plenty of those in the alt-right, so you might as well go that far, but it's not the whole truth.
>Nationalism was never inherently racial
Of course it wasn't.
"Racial" nationalism is largely irrelevant outside of the US.
This is about NATIONALISM, a NATION is defined (among other factors) genetically, there is no nationalism without talking about ethnicity.
Civic nationalism is patriotism, the worthship of words on paper and some lines in the sand, instead of the blood in your veins.
>if you believe culture and race are intrinsically linked
They obviously are, but this isn't about race, it is about ancestry.
So he basically says the alt-right has the truth on their side, but they suck. What an ingenius move.
Why don't you understand this?
If you have a goal of building a 3 story 40 room house, someone offering to let you live in their tent is not a viable alternative (even if the other presented alternatives are no shelter at all), and if that person wanting to pitch that tent is actively sapping your ability to build that house, then they must be cast aside as much as the person who wants you to live without shelter, even if their option is 'superior' to other offered alternatives.
This whole shit starts because 'le principled skeptics' choose to bash right wing nationalism.
Reminder: This thread is being monitored by the LIberalist Internet Defence Force. Ignore all supporters of Sargon.
But they are niggers.
I do understand what you mean, but you have to use what's available. Right now, we don't have the capital to 1488, allying with people who are closer to your beliefs is a good way to shift public perception.
Da Jewish man keepin us down an sheeeit we wuz philosophers and scientists and shit
Seriously though stop blaming Jews for everything, I want a 100% white country and that'll never happen with fucks like you
Sure, we agree on the basis of nationalism here. I just believe the institutions of a nation are linked to it's cultural heritage, and that it is at least one step closer than the current internationalist mainstream.
LOL. Implosion coming?
Soygoy of Mossad
It's true and denying it is retarded.
Meme flag.
Does Sargon have a drinking problem? He honestly sounds drunk in this clip--and I've heard him "argue" with people before where he spills spaghetti everywhere, and he seemed drunk there too (slurring words, impulsive, gulping something).
Richard Spencer and Murdoch Murdoch broke him. He's finished.
>He is pro CIVIC nationalism, which is the furthest away from actual nationalism you could possibly be.
He essentially has the same position on nationalism as Richard Spencer. He just doesn't call a multi-ethnic society a mono-ethnic one.
How dare white people suggest that their countries shouldn't be overrun by foreign races, YOU ARE ALL NIGGERS
Also white people don't exist, but you're all white niggers who don't act white
What is the context here? He's talking to a youtube chat?
>I'm too above this shit to debate Spencer and Enoch again
>Look at these youtube comments that show how low the alt-right is
>I'm definitely not running the fuck away from Round 2 with Spence because I know I will get destroyed again
This guy's done.
looks indian to me
Should have said that alt right are gay niggers from outer space.
what a fucking pussy bitch that can't handy the bants so he needs a safe space now
He's going on with Anglin this Saturday on Baked's channel (I think). He assumes that debating a "radical Neo-Nazi" would be easier than Spencer.
>white niggers
>you white people are acting so fucking barbaric and childish its ALMOST like youre black people
we are barbaric warriors when push to the limit of our patience!
>pick a fight with Sup Forums
>surprised they are not "kind"
This just makes me think my initial summation of Sargon hiding his true power level was true. He knows what niggers are, and he's set himself up as a middling red pill.
I don't think most natsocs fully understand how redpilling works, how long it takes, or how necessary every small step along the way is.
I wish he'd just debate Jared, the shame of it would make him leave the internet.
The reason Sargon gets so much disrespect is because he argues in bad faith. He tries to play some atract bait and switcheroos instead of being sincere.
He's had Jared Taylor on his channel before.
He "Debated" Jared.
He just cowered down and nodded to a lot of what he said while just saying "I disagree" with no back up if he said anything to him.
Also kind of got called a cuck by jared but idk if he knew or not.
That's what you deserve for symphatizing with alt-righters in the first place. He's more retarded than all of them. Radical centrist scumbag
wew, this damage control. Sargonites are sweating
>Sup Forums BTFO
What a little bitch
should we crash the party with some home grown talent
He wants to set "debates" onto his channel in order to transform it into an interview when he realizes he's getting his ass kicked.
He can't do that in Warski's channel.
I mean, I'm sure hundreds of random people have sent him insults, maybe even threats, because apparently that's the stuff people do whenever someone gets BTFO in a debate. But what proof is there that those people partake in what he calls the Alt-Right ? Could be, you know, trolls...