You know this means MI6 was involved in the fakery to get the FISA warrants issued. They were stumping for Hillary. Fucking with our elections.
Uh-oh Britain
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eat shit and die, Americunt. Nobody has caused more damage to the world than your nation and its misbegotten people
Lay waste to it.
Israel is fucked too.
Uh,,,Britain has. You dumbshit myoptic scone eater. Britain did exist before you were born.
I like that building
we always have threads of horrible modern buildings but this is a nice blend of old castle and the new glass crap
>LGBT flag on the building
i'm crying lads...
>Ignores Trumps' campaign members having contact with a long-standing enemy in Russia
>because the investigation only started off the back of the Fusion GPS investigation paid for by competing Republicans in the primaries
>which was continued by Democrat-aligned backers in the presidential election
Funny really, I thought you guys were patriots but if anything you're much more bothered about "your team" winning.
This is really making me ponder.....
both sides had contact with russians
it's a wash
search and seizure laws would classify anything after the dossier as fruit from the tainted tree anyway
Wow you really fucked that up. Pick up a newspaper. Learn to read it first.
Yeah and another British Hacker, Laurie Love hasnt been extradited either. Face it burgers its not the Russians. It's US!
Why all the crane-like things on the building?
France. lol no
Also, we tried to overthrow Iran along with...guess? You also helped with over a dozen of those on the list as well.
This said by a fucking briton?
Your nation fucked up the world beyond all belief and perceived limit. Europe is fucked by protestantism and It's your fault, Africa is fucked and It's your fault, the middle East is fucked and It's your fault, india is fucked and It's your fault; You sold fucking opium to china to destroy it and your autistic "there can't be a continental nation on our level in Europe" allready caused 2 world wars with perhaps a third in the near future.
I hope your next fucking queen converta to islam and makes you and your family all dhimmi.
Jesus Christ that building is ugly.
Hillary was a rhodes scholar..... think about it
London and the british royalty are a center of globalism, they are not gone by any means.
It's funny to watch your rationalisations devolve in tact with all the winning we are doing. Never gets tiring.
>Its all your fault! You are the reason the rest of the world is retarded and uncivilised!
You're just butthurt that your empire paled in comparison to ours. How's South America doing?
Why is there a rainbow flag flying from that whore-of-Babylon-tier-architecture spy palace?
Don't know. Ask Spain.
That's an exquisitely ugly building
What's with that spikey tower in the middle?
>LGBT flag
for fucks sake
Mccabe flipped.
They tried to fabricate a case so they could tell the American people that Trump was under investigation. But it royally backfired on them, when UK intelligence informed Trump, and other American patriots about the plot. Brits also revealed that hillary was involved with russian agents (AND MANY OTHERS) in a lot of criminal activities.
when you're running an Empire like America is, you tend to have contact with lots of people all over the world
>fag flag on the MI6 building
hahahahahah wtf
I wonder (((why)))
GCHQ is funded partially by the US intelligence agencies. The 5 eyes agencies always use each other to bypass laws to prevent spying on native citizens.
They will simply justify it by saying the memo gave them authorisation to collect the information.
This will never break into the mainstream in its entirety. Primarily because it is way over the heads of the average joe and above their understanding.
I blame the excessive tea drinking.
I believe it was GCHQ and an ex-MI6 agent, but what does it matter, your own intelligence services were also stumping for Hillary so you shouldn't be surprised when ours, who successive governments since WW2 have just turned into lapdogs for the FBI/CIA follow suit.
The New World Order flag
Probably genuine given what else has been revealed
>"estadunidenses were responsible for muh 1964 coup"
All US documents about this are declassified and there is nothing saying that.
Some of that is reasonable but at some point you're crossing the line into being a hater... also i kinda wanna ask if you're white...
That's a shit crossword, I've only found rap and Pedo.
tea increases testosterone, thats why british tanks have tea machines in them
I suspect GCHQ's entire capacity is mostly dependent on US infrastructure
That would make it a words earch and not a crossword brainlet.
The thing is even when/if it comes out you'll see mental gymnastic faggotry from my compatriots just like you see ITT trying to justify it.
What the fuck is wrong with British architecture.
All shitholes, before and after. Australia in particular.
Save us from MI6 President Trump, you're our only hope!!
STFU cuckold
Bomb MI5, ur miserable gloomy island will improve immediately
That's a blood refinery, lad.
At least 6 countries were actively spying on the campaign and funneling the info back to Obama. We are still only at the tip of the iceberg. Russia is the least of the problems in this election.
Oh I do beg your pardon, mr. Words earch. I certainly wouldn't like to look stupid on the internet by getting a word wrong.
>gay flag is larger than union jack
I always knew that the rainbow flag was UKucks true colors.
Fuck you Ahmed and stay away from my friends !
>Thu 1 Aug 2013
>Exclusive: NSA pays £100m in secret funding for GCHQ
>Secret payments revealed in leaks by Edward Snowden
>GCHQ expected to 'pull its weight' for Americans
>Weaker regulation of British spies 'a selling point' for NSA
>The US government has paid at least £100m to the UK spy agency GCHQ over the last three years to secure access to and influence over Britain's intelligence gathering programmes.
I doubt it's the end of it either.
The hilarious thing about this is that Brits genocided the everliving fuck out of Europeans for some kikes and then got betrayed hard. Cucked beyond belief. You guys are more of niggers than Russians. Stay cucked and mad, Paki faggots.
the queen has a taste for dark meat
>Europe is fucked by Protestantism and It's your fault
Blame the Germans
>Africa is fucked and It's your fault,
Rhodesia is on us but don't try and claim we didn't at least build upon our colonies unlike the French and Portuguese.
>the middle East is fucked and It's your fault, India is fucked and It's your fault
Can't really comment on these tbqhwy.
>You sold fucking opium to china to destroy it
Too Fucking right we did. Everyone was fucking with china though at that time with different parts of the Qing Dynasty/Republic of China having completely different spheres of influence depending on the region (The Japanese having influence in Manchuria, the Germans in the Shandong Peninsula, The French in the South from French Indochina now Vietnam, Britain in quite a few areas mainly Tibet, Shanghai, anywhere down the Yangtze River and Canton) and that was our foothold into it. Its their fault for not legalizing Opium anyway.
>autistic "there can't be a continental nation on our level in Europe"
Misunderstanding there we literally just don't want to be in your shitty union.
>already caused 2 world wars with perhaps a third in the near future.
As much as I think we fucked it by not surrendering to the Germans in 1940 the first isn't our fault and the second can unironically be blamed on German aggression against Poland. A third HAHAHAHAHA
>All I see is the Salt of a former empire that fell to a much worse fate than ours ever did
What filthy Anglo slut doesn't?
>How's South America doing?
A Lot better than 90% of you empire of empty land niggers and poos.
It's okay to meddle with foreign elections as long as you're not Russian
and the brits lose the cup by one digit
I thought Brazil was just a movie.
toomuch bong bong
the French built the first castle in America it was the only one for a long time
oy vey, the british are coming!!
at least the beastie boys and paul revere warned us of your socialist plots. God kill the Queen of England
It's a british movie. Further proof Britain is always meddling.
I know user, I'm just tired and pol gives me an excuse to rant and I'm making the most of it before my brain fully degenerates :/
>Pic is not related
This pic brings me back
>This said by a fucking briton?
Naw mate, he's a Russian with a VPN larping as a Brit.
American intel grants the Brit intel folks a pass; but by all means keep trying to cause a stir, it only makes you look more desperate...