Why doesn't Sup Forums realize there could be fascist Jews?
Why doesn't Sup Forums realize there could be fascist Jews?
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What use is jew outside oven?!?
because jewish fascism works against the interests of Sup Forums
Because pol is full of retarded nazi larping brainlets that don't realize that this type of fascism would help them to get the jews out of their countries
What use is American outside diabetes clinic?
Many Jewish fascists want to go back "home" (read: Israel) so we'd leave countries. You can have your ethnostate we have ours. Simple
renounce cultural marxism and the project for a Greater Israel and you might escape the gas chambers.
> Not a cultural Marxist, not by a long shot
> I'm against the expansion of Israel, not against its existence.
When I was studying the structure of Israel, I realized it actually does have mild fascist elements disguised as mild theocracy. I think it makes non-Israeli far-right more jealous than anything; we want a country like Israel.
ok but only if we get to nuke you into oblivion afterwards so that even the entire land if pissrael is uninhabitable.
You presume we cannot be allies? Foolish
We're essentially an ethnostate.
you have earned your right for existence and Israeli meddling in the internal affairs of its neighbours has drawn in two nuclear powers which could escalate into a nuclear confrontation, as for the cultural marxists, you need to curb your diaspora.
Why are there so many Jews today? I'm not one hundred percent gas the kikes on this idea but I think it's safe to say you understand why goyim would have a certain level of doubt that such a thing exists.
Jews are fascists, yet they use their religious background to mask their dirty deeds
>fascist Jews
Aren't Zionists exactly that?
A question.
The other day I read that the Arab Jews are the majority in Israel and that it seems that they do not like Azquenazis very much and many of these want to leave the country.
Is this true?
This, explain Moshe.
>You presume we cannot be allies?
you see shlomo its the matter off this aryan blood youve spilled, you owe us a great debt. one that will be collected upon, with interest (since you are so fond of that). unfortunately for you there can be only one victor here, between us. you already made your choice long ago, you dont get to take it back now. we dont all that we could do for you, now we will give you the gift of obliteration, and it is a mercy.
>We're essentially an ethnostate.
Exactly, that's why so many hate Israel: jealousy. Notice that the European countries that most support you have racially homogenous populations with strong borders, so have nothing to be jealous of.
They cant tell the difference between the Zionists and the Globalists... But the intelligent ones can, they are just too pussy or wont take any chances with a race that has a higher iq etc...
Hello Jordan.
An ethnostate needs more than just a homogenous religion.
Or an Ethiopian Jew is the same as an Azquenazi?
Why are you larping so hard? You're just a dumb faggot that likely rarely leaves his parent's house, and your ilk's inclinations are nowhere close to becoming a reality. Gas yourself.
You don't get to play that game. You always, always, always, fucking cheat, and steal, and murder little kids to get their blood. We all know. As soon as we convince everyone that it's safe to talk about in public, I'll be first on the lecture circuit, and then whatever your ambitions, wherever you hide, we'll finally be rid of you.
Jews other than Ashkenazim and Sephardim essentially don't exist. Furthermore, the racialism of Israel is formalized in that the Chief Rabbinate consists of two Jews: one Ashkenazi and one Sephardi. Why should this matter to them? They're proud racists who disguise it with religion.
I, for one, am extremely jealous.
Fascist jews will only treat us with the same comtempt as the rest of you.
ha ha ha. its already over for you shlomo.
You stole yours with deception, conspiracy, and venom. Your military literally wears diapers because they pee pee when the enemy comes around. You will never honorably claim land by conquest. It's only a matter of time.
Not necessarily. They're separatists but the division is on where they return to. So yes but no
No, most of us are Ashkenazim or Sephardic. If by "Arabs" you mean yemenite Jews than no. They're a substantial minority and a vast majority or Ashkenazim or Sephardim
See above
Actually stealing and all the stuff Sup Forums things Jews do is prohibited in most rabbinical texts and Jewish law.
Thank you for pointing this out.
No, we won't. We want to be separate and be an ethnostate. Just like you want, no?
too bad that the jews had a similar idea. Its more or less a triangle of hate.
> Military literally wears diapers.
Citation needed because I served in the military and lol no.
>It's only a matter of time. Lol, okay
Fuck off. Until good Jews stand against bad Jews, there are no good Jews. Fucking wolf in sheep's clothing schlomo-tier evil fucks. Remember that: Until good Jews stand against bad Jews, there are no good Jews.
Look at this topic. Do you think this is a united ethnostate?
We actually are. Most people you call (((them))) are people many people I know in Israel hate.
i find it extremly funny how philosophy faculties in Israel dont teach Carl Schmitt ideology while living in a state that build 100% around it
Look at this topic. Do you think this is a united ethnostate?
It's really not. Don't worry; you'll be able to larp for the rest of your life.
kikes are retarded. sadistic base creatures incapable of higher understanding on any level, they were never a match for us. theyve been enabled for a reason, the example we shall make of them will help the spiritual development of the lesser races.
> Only one source.
One of two or you lie or do Jews of this subject lie.
No you're not. None of you are. You live in Israel, for fuck's sake. Just wait, schlomo. In your lifetime, we'll see the crimes of your people on full public display.
Fucking Jews, man.
Because zog is after me and they are complete cucks
>Why doesn't Sup Forums realize there could be fascist Jews?
I think just about everyone here is familiar with the Bosheviks...
This guy gets it.
Yeah, fuck Germans. Why did Germany have to finance the Bolshevik revolution?
Kek. But you know, Israel has de facto laws against miscegenation. Because the State recognizes only marriages performed by religious bodies such as synagogues, interfaith marriages don't exist in Israel, which amounts to Israel not recognizing marriages between Jews and non-Jews.
They have everything we want—ethnostate, miscegenation laws, etc—legally disguised with their pseudo-religion.
I guess you read something about it, right?
Jews wishing death among themselves because they are not Mizrají, another wishing that war breaks out to claim refugee status, another preparing suitcases towards Norway because he says the country is bad. Do you really think this is the perfect state?
Adolf Hitler Rothschild was very much jewish, Yes we are Aware of Zionists.
how about you stop being a terrible liar and let me show you the way to take charge, Also Give me shekels now.
Goys, we just need to rapidly develope space programs. Jews will go to some galaxy, whites will go to another direction. Or we stay or they stay, whatever.
JQ will be solved by space travel
>In Israel, Sephardic Jews, who descend from communities in the Middle East and North Africa, account for just over half (52%) of the Jewish population. There is also a small population
Israel isn’t an ethnostate you superstitious shithead.
When a person occupie the word goy immediately avoid thinking is Jewish
Certainly not; they have major problems. I have only been remarking on how they successfully disguise ethnonationalism, miscegenation laws, fascistic elements, and intra-Jewish racialism under the guise of "religion."
The irony, it seems, from that thread, is that their pseudo-religious racialism is so fissiparous that it is dividing them against each other, sometimes into very small factions.
It reminds me, to an extent, of the inevitable end of intersectionality. Not only does it become pure identity politics, but identity politics of the most fractious, chaotic, fissiparous kind.
It's like that verse from the Hebrew Bible:
>The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden.
De facto it is. Educate yourself. I recommend reading the Hebrew Wikipedia and using Google translate; the English wikipedia sugarcoats and conspicuously omits aspects.
All jews are fascist.
Antisemitism is the most pure form of antifascism.
It is a religious state.
But when you have 5 different ethnic groups, the only thing they share is religion very pure ethnostate is not precisely
The only reason they care at all is how insanely racist they are. The different ethnic groups are like English vs Pole. They're all white! (Or White/Semitic, whatever-- call it Jew-White.) And so long as Israel exists, they'll have their Jew-White ethnostate with their analogues of Poles and Britons but who cares, they're all Jew-White. They don't realize how lucky they are.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums realize there could be fascist Jews?
We do?
It's a perpetual battle between the internationalist/globalist jews who are more secular and less pureblooded, and the "real tribes" of jews who are also more religious and have a homeland based on blood heritage.
That's also known as an ethnostate.
If you can band together your fascist kin to fight the pseudojews who want to destroy global stability, you've got a friend in me.
really read it
>trusting a Jew
Yeah, I thought it would be possible once upon a time.
All the other Israelis said that he's blowing it way out of proportion. I believe though.
>my entire belief system is rooted in the belief that my race was hand-picked by Satan as a "master race" and all others are less than human and must be subservient to our cause
>"some Jews"
Lehi has been defunct for like 60 years moron.
In any case, it's funny how when they do not have someone to subjugate they begin to fight among themselves
No one gives a shit about you.
More like human nature. The reverse is happening in the Western World with the pan-nationalistic alt-right.
Then call Uncle Maury at the paper and tell him to knock it off.
>>fascist jew
Yea kill all the jew .....oh whait a sec ....fuck
Im still dealing with the plot twist that elite Jews are the architects of modern china.
This as two brothers ally to discuss with their father lose the discussion and immediately fight between them.
I thought the Jews would be different but as you say nobody escapes from their own humanity.
honestly, i would gang up with the jew to kill the sandnigger, then we see how to deal with them
I always knew, pol is just full of immigrant rapefugees and commies these days.
Incidentally for white people Jews will be their saviours.. again....