Internet Blood Sports, Japan style.
Weebs Vs Nips
Yeah. it is live now
They are afraid to address the JQ
Shit taste
the live chat really needs some 'enrichment'
also how are we going to make it akward between nobita and the black guy
black guy is a bitch of the alt-right....
>not even 100 people
RenegadeOfFags EPIC BTFOd
We got to get them to name the JEW
oh fuck they're talking about jews now!
Nice have a bump
ty famalam
next time needs more blood
2/10 needs less black
also nobita needed a shower
I am a huge fucking weeaboo, but I don’t get this hate. Japan is Japan is Japan, they do what they fucking want and they have the goddamn right to. If they hate me because I’m a gaijin and they hate kikes, good for them. All the little offended faggots that want to change Japan can fuck right off.
thank you for your input kanadajin3
What the fuck is this thing?
my guess is fetal alcohol syndrome
My grandfather and great grandfather used to hunt passenger pigeons before they went extinct.