

Aside from the whole mailbombs thing, was the Unabomber right?

Other urls found in this thread: Anti-Tech Revolution Why and How.pdf


what's this tiger meme I'm seeing?

In the end he will be.

oh, it's unrelated to the poland cock tiger meme, but it's hilarious how people now immediately think of it whenever they see a tiger

remove Anarcho and we have a deal

People actually follow this? Anarcho-Primitivism is a meme ideology created by that schizophrenic Unabomber


Yeah righto Pol Pot.

apart from the mailbombs he was right
there's the alternate option of post-humanism where we force an evolutionary leap with technology and look back at humans like we look back at the retarded primordial squirrels
transhumanism, making "better humans" will just make existing issues worse

the real question is: what did uncle ted do wrong

the answer is nothing

Edward Abbey is a great writer, who would be considered this. 'The Monkey Wrench Gang' which was written in '75 was a story about some eco-terrorists who sabotaged roads, bridges, construction equipment and dams to preserve the area around the Grand Canyon. I wonder if the Ted Kaczynski was inspired by the book?

but that quote is an argument for authoritarian governments where the few capable hold all the power

No trust me its not. Abbey is not a fan of governments. Even in Authoritarian governments there is hierarchy. So realistically you have many rulers if you are at the bottom, and many of them are nto fit to rule. A good example are some cops, military members, politicians. Those people do not go away in an authoritarian government.

I'm going to post some Edward abbeys just for fun


it doesn't matter what he says his opinion is but if he considers the average person incompetent enough to rule theirselves then they should logically be ruled over by the competent


Man will always reject their rule sooner or later, when the opportunity arises. Power corrupts even what you consider your ubermensch.
Anyway, Abbey was an Anarchist, he rejected all forms of government. I don't think he gave a damn about those who can't rule themselves. Fuck them. In a practical sense I'm sure he believed in taking care of ones own though.


>not driving a truck into the ground

never named the jew though.


>all that's left are unsolvable problems
>solved problems and on to entirely different problems since then

no. sage

Why don't you go argue about who's white on the million other threads you dumb faggot?

Ted is a visionary and a leader we all need.
99.9% of problems discussed on Sup Forums are explained in his latest book.

He has a latest book?

"Anti-tech Revolution: Why and how"
Published in 2016
Written around 12-13, i think.
It's a great read. There is pdf online.

Any links? I don't want to download some honeypot pdf. Anti-Tech Revolution Why and How.pdf

I used it, its safe

> Anti-Tech Revolution Why and How.pdf
THanks cia

No problem goy.